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Giving Way To Ambulances


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This morning I was going through a busy intersection and stopped at the green light as there was an ambulance with flashing lights coming from the side road. The 5 vehicles in front of me went through bumper to bumper so as not to let the ambulance get in.

Over the years I've seen this time and again. Especially in Bangkok - most people totally ignore the emergency vehicle. I've seen it with fire engines too. Police cars, they seem to get out the way for.

Maybe 1 day I'll come to know why??

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It is ugly, and it happens elsewhere in Asia as well, seemingly more often than in the West.

Don't know why. Maybe a tendency to be more family/circle of friends oriented and less community minded? Hard to see it's because of more individualist orientation (i.e. Mid's post) than Western countries.

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Because Southeast Asians know that ambulance drivers rampantly abuse the "siren privilege" to get around traffic, and always turn on the siren even when there's no emergency.

This is common knowledge here among many Thais, and it was also common knowledge when I was working in the Philippines.

Unfortunately, the victims are the "authentic" patients in the few real emergencies. :o

Edited by junkofdavid2
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Perhaps no one ever told the Thais they should give the right of way.

"wow look that van! many light and big sound 'wang wang!'... suway maak maak!"

Don't forget the word AMBULANCE written on the front in mirror writing (just like the West), and the point is????

Meanwhile it's probably quicker to go to the ER by bus (the crazy green ones are best), they seem to get right of way far more often than emergency vehicles :o

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A lack of ability to consider that maybe, just maybe, the guy in the ambulance might need to get somewhere in a hurry. Thais seem to have zero ability to consider that their actions affect other people.

Where as we would think "Shit! How can I get out of the way? I hope it's not going to my house".

Thais can only muster "Hmmm! It's not me! I can watch TV when I get home".

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Perhaps no one ever told the Thais they should give the right of way.

Huh? :o

"wow look that van! many light and big sound 'wang wang!'... suway maak maak!"

"Quick before they get in front of of us ", sh.#t I amost spilled my beer ...."

The Thai government should run short spots on TV to remind people about driving laws and respecting other drivers. It would be money well spent. In many countries it would be a huge traffic ticket if you don't get out of the way.

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It's not just the emergency services though and it's not just Thailand. As someone pointed out it is a predominantly Asian thing with the possible exception of Singapore. Thais would rather cause total gridlock than allow another person through ahead of them, same here in Malaysia.

As for ambulances they never stop to think that it could be a close friend or relative in that ambulance, or one day it could be themselves. It's partly lack of training in the art of driving and it's partly the insular attitude of the people that causes it.

Oh well, just another minor irritation to living in Thailand. If you're gonna suffer a medical emergency make sure you get the timing right, could make the difference between life and death.

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A lack of ability to consider that maybe, just maybe, the guy in the ambulance might need to get somewhere in a hurry. Thais seem to have zero ability to consider that their actions affect other people.

Where as we would think "Shit! How can I get out of the way? I hope it's not going to my house".

Thais can only muster "Hmmm! It's not me! I can watch TV when I get home".

:o:D:D:D hey can you imagine when they all get in-car tv fitted!!!!!!

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Oh well, just another minor irritation to living in Thailand. If you're gonna suffer a medical emergency make sure you get the timing right, could make the difference between life and death.

If you are inside the ambulance just promise the driver a 1000B tip. He'll get you there in record time, even driving up foot paths if necessary.


PS. Out of all the things that I think are sub-par in Thailand, the ambulance / rescue service (or lack there-of) is probably the worst in comparisson to most western countries. That said, my wife got hit by a taxi on Sukhumvit bout three years ago, the ambulance came within 10min, which is OK by Thai standards, however, they had absolutely no emergency life saving gear on board, and the drivers were far from trained medics.

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Once a Thai gets behind the wheel of a car their personality changes 100%.

They are in their own little bubble, safe behind their tinted windows to rule the earth and save 20 seconds in a 3 mile journey through the streets of Bangkok. When they arrive at their destination though they will waste an hour waiting to meet someone or chatting with a neighbor..but they DID SAVE that 20 seconds by not giving way to an emergency vehicle.

Nobody gives way to anybody..we all know that if you want to go against the traffic...ie hook a right, you have to force your way through.

When I first arrived in LOS someone told me that "Thais drive like they have just stolen the car they are in".....and don't even THINK about trying to get over a pedestrian crossing...way to dangerous

BK is a dangerous city to get sick in..remember this when you are choosing somewhere to live...try and make sure its near a decent hospital !!!

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I dont know, but the emergency service can be pretty bad as well, they call u back maybe 3 or 4 times asking for the addy again and again, and is pretty awful to be inside an ambulance with someone u love in risk and see the horrible traffic in Bkk, n no one moving away.. totally bad thing to experience, I did maybe 4 times..

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A lack of ability to consider that maybe, just maybe, the guy in the ambulance might need to get somewhere in a hurry. Thais seem to have zero ability to consider that their actions affect other people.

Where as we would think "Shit! How can I get out of the way? I hope it's not going to my house".

Thais can only muster "Hmmm! It's not me! I can watch TV when I get home".

:o:D:D:D hey can you imagine when they all get in-car tv fitted!!!!!!

Yet they are so good at making way for the big knob VIP!!!!!!!!!!!

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