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Man Shot Dead For Bad Karaoke

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Man shot dead for bad karaoke

A jobless man was shot dead by a security guard for singing out of tune in a Philippine karaoke bar, police said Thursday.

Romy Baligula, 29, was halfway through his song on Tuesday night in a bar in San Mateo town, east of Manila, when 43-year-old security guard Robilito Ortega yelled that he was out of tune.

As Baligula ignored his comments and continued singing, Ortega pulled out his revolver and shot him in the chest.

Senior Superintendent Felipe Rojas said Baligula died instantly.

The security guard was detained by an off-duty policeman shortly after the shooting.

Deaths and violence are not uncommon in Philippine karaoke bars.

The popular Frank Sinatra song "My Way" has been taken off many karaoke bars in Manila after it was found to be the cause of fights and even deaths when patrons sang out of tune.


P.S. From some of the 'singing' which takes place in Thailand karaeoke bars - which sounds like a cat being strangled, I am surprised this doesn't happen here.

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Man shot dead for bad karaoke

A jobless man was shot dead by a security guard for singing out of tune in a Philippine karaoke bar, police said Thursday.

Romy Baligula, 29, was halfway through his song on Tuesday night in a bar in San Mateo town, east of Manila, when 43-year-old security guard Robilito Ortega yelled that he was out of tune.

As Baligula ignored his comments and continued singing, Ortega pulled out his revolver and shot him in the chest.

Senior Superintendent Felipe Rojas said Baligula died instantly.

The security guard was detained by an off-duty policeman shortly after the shooting.

Deaths and violence are not uncommon in Philippine karaoke bars.

The popular Frank Sinatra song "My Way" has been taken off many karaoke bars in Manila after it was found to be the cause of fights and even deaths when patrons sang out of tune.


P.S. From some of the 'singing' which takes place in Thailand karaeoke bars - which sounds like a cat being strangled, I am surprised this doesn't happen here.

I find this story quite strange because in my experience Filipinos have always been great singers and musicians. I suppose there's always the exception.

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I can understand the actions of the security guard, about 5 minutes in a karaoke bar and I'm ready to kill something.

If Dubbya had really wanted to change the world for the better he should have declared a war on karaoke instead of terror. For me a karaoke bar instills more terror than all the Al Qaeda fighters put together.

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Actually I can assume that previous posters have never gone with a few girls to the karaoke and after they have all done their sweet thing been pressured to follow suite. The sound that comes out of those speakers is SO AWFUL and nothing like the sound in the shower. At that time one is so embarrassed that a bullet could come under the category of mercy killing. I owe my continued existence to the kindness and tolerance of Thai people. I shall avoid the Philippines.


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Man shot dead for bad karaoke

A jobless man was shot dead by a security guard for singing out of tune in a Philippine karaoke bar, police said Thursday.

Romy Baligula, 29, was halfway through his song on Tuesday night in a bar in San Mateo town, east of Manila, when 43-year-old security guard Robilito Ortega yelled that he was out of tune.

As Baligula ignored his comments and continued singing, Ortega pulled out his revolver and shot him in the chest.

Senior Superintendent Felipe Rojas said Baligula died instantly.

The security guard was detained by an off-duty policeman shortly after the shooting.

Deaths and violence are not uncommon in Philippine karaoke bars.

The popular Frank Sinatra song "My Way" has been taken off many karaoke bars in Manila after it was found to be the cause of fights and even deaths when patrons sang out of tune.


P.S. From some of the 'singing' which takes place in Thailand karaeoke bars - which sounds like a cat being strangled, I am surprised this doesn't happen here.

I find this story quite strange because in my experience Filipinos have always been great singers and musicians. I suppose there's always the exception.

No, ive heard him, he definatly deserved it ! :o
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Man shot dead for bad karaoke

A jobless man was shot dead by a security guard for singing out of tune in a Philippine karaoke bar, police said Thursday.

Romy Baligula, 29, was halfway through his song on Tuesday night in a bar in San Mateo town, east of Manila, when 43-year-old security guard Robilito Ortega yelled that he was out of tune.

As Baligula ignored his comments and continued singing, Ortega pulled out his revolver and shot him in the chest.

Senior Superintendent Felipe Rojas said Baligula died instantly.

The security guard was detained by an off-duty policeman shortly after the shooting.

Deaths and violence are not uncommon in Philippine karaoke bars.

The popular Frank Sinatra song "My Way" has been taken off many karaoke bars in Manila after it was found to be the cause of fights and even deaths when patrons sang out of tune.


P.S. From some of the 'singing' which takes place in Thailand karaeoke bars - which sounds like a cat being strangled, I am surprised this doesn't happen here.


I think the moral here is ......If you murder a good song, then expect the same fate :o


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