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Another explosion hits a regime target in Myanmar's capital, injuring five police officers

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Three explosions have occurred in Naypyitaw, Myanmar's capital and seat of the military rule, in the previous week, the most recent on Tuesday, involving a gruesome blast inside the Myanmar Police Force's Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

Five police officers, including a senior officer, were critically injured at the department on Tuesday afternoon after an explosive went off in the office, in the most serious incident thus far.

The explosion was confirmed by police sources.


Following a military coup in February, which saw the military seize control from the country's democratically elected government, guerrilla-style attacks against Myanmar's military authorities have occurred around the country.
While government targets have been attacked—sometimes fatally—in various regions of the country over the last eight months, the capital has been largely safe until last month.

The first attack on Naypyitaw, which was formerly regarded to be a safe haven for generals, occurred last Thursday when an explosion shook the office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Services (Army) in Pobbathiri Township.
There were no injuries.


The Naypyitaw People's Defense Force (PDF), a civilian resistance force opposed to the junta that operates under the Central Command of the parallel National Unity Government (NUGDefense )'s Ministry, claimed responsibility for the attack, claiming collaboration with another revolutionary group that refused to be named.

A shuttle bus from the regime's Immigration Department in the capital was targeted with a remotely detonated bomb on the same day, causing minimal damage to the vehicle.

No one has claimed blame for the explosion as of yet.

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