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COE + Work Permit + Duration of insurance

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Hello. Firstly apologies if wrong forum. Secondly, many thanks for any help with my query. I have searched here but can't find anything that relates to my matter.


I am UK national. I live and work in Thailand. I have a digital work permit (expires March 2022) with BOI company. I have a Thai social security card. I need to travel to UK to work in November. I will be in the UK for about 10 days. I am guessing I will need COE. I have health insurance already with Bangkok Insurance. But I don't know if this will help with COE.


My questions......

To apply for COE, must insurance be in English or OK if in Thai?

If I have yearly work permits (as I do) for how long should the COE insurance be for?


Many thanks for your help.



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Your work permits date of expiration means nothing for getting a COE. It would be the day when your extension of stay and re-entry permit expires. The insurance needs to be valid to the day your re-entry permit expires.

You need proof your insurance covers $100,000 (3.3 million baht). The proof can be in English or Thai to apply for the COE.

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