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Children in Cambodia now country’s most vaccinated with 100.54 percent innoculated against COVID-19

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Vaccination of boys and girls aged six to 12 has surpassed initial estimates of 1,897,382 to be vaccinated (based on 2019 census) with more than 1,907,695 having received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.


Since September 17, when the vaccination of this age group started to October 25, the percentage of children vaccinated has crossed the 100 percent mark and stands at 100.54 percent, an outstanding achievement given the short time frame of less than 40 days. Of this number, 1,687,120 have been fully vaccinated with just 96 of the almost two million children deemed ineligible to receive the vaccine.


Females accounted for 939,661 for the first dose while fully vaccinated is at 833,145. With schools for all grades due to open on November 1, the vaccination of this age group gives them as much protection as scientifically possible when they resume in person classroom learning. As for administering of the booster or third dose of the vaccine, the number rose slightly by 10,863 to 1,772,014 as of October 25.



read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/959088/children-in-cambodia-now-countrys-most-vaccinated-with-100-54-percent-innoculated-against-covid-19/


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ThaiVisa, c'est aussi en français

ThaiVisa, it's also in French

Just now, geovalin said:

the percentage of children vaccinated has crossed the 100 percent mark and stands at 100.54 percent, an outstanding achievement

Yes amazing  how do you get more than 100% ?

20 minutes ago, johng said:

Yes amazing  how do you get more than 100% ?

I assume they don't have an accurate record of their population, but it seems kind of weird to not acknowledge this in some way.

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