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Avoid Making Farang Friends


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What do you do when people who live near you want to introduce you to the new falang but you don't want to meet them? Let me back up a bit before I get flamed for being unfriendly. Last night a lady my wife knows had her new falang fiancé come for a visit. I met them because the lady is one of the good ones so aren’t planning on scamming the guy. However often in the last few years when I stayed in the village these less than honorable women would bring their new victims to meet me. I don’t want to be unfriendly and not come out of the house but I also want to scream to these guys “Run Forest Run!” Doing so could put my family in jeopardy however if the walking ATM runs. Retaliation for causing the Thai lady and her family to lose their meal/booze ticket could be harsh. However I enjoy having an English speaker to chat with and so do they but I feel guilty if I don’t tell them they are the “Black Widows” next meal.

Please don’t flame me for Thai bashing 99% of the people in my wife’s village are honest and hard working. Its only 2 ladies and their family’s I refer too scamming falang.

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Just meet them, have a good chat and enjoy a beer. The are all big boys and if they have got themselves into a relationship so deep that they are visiting the folks it is down to them.

You never know, one of them might break the black widows' chain.

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What do you do when people who live near you want to introduce you to the new falang but you don't want to meet them?

Why worry about their personal lives, <deleted>, worry about your own life and let others get on with theirs...

I will go easy on you as you are Canadian, and so is Bubbles. :o

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Two things I failed to mention in the first post is one lady has a Thai husband who moves back into the house once the farang goes and the other I suspect is HIV positive because my wife's cousin (huband gave to her HIV and has already died of AIDS) is and sees the lady getting the same drugs from the king's drug program for the poor.

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Two things I failed to mention in the first post is one lady has a Thai husband who moves back into the house once the farang goes and the other I suspect is HIV positive because my wife's cousin (huband gave to her HIV and has already died of AIDS) is and sees the lady getting the same drugs from the king's drug program for the poor.

serious stuff. I would find a way to send anonymous email to the victims.

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It is a big dilemma. I am tempted to help a fellow farrang out with advice many times, but I also know that many times advice falls on deaf ears, and can come back to haunt you. I do think that farrangs need to stick together more though. Now I have mostly made up my mind that I wait for someone to want advice before I offer it.

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What do you do when people who live near you want to introduce you to the new falang but you don't want to meet them?

Why worry about their personal lives, <deleted>, worry about your own life and let others get on with theirs...

I will go easy on you as you are Canadian, and so is Bubbles. :o

I don't worry about their persanal lives I don't want to meet them but these women bring them to my house unannounced. What should i do refuse to come out? Not Cool! What is my wife suppose to do tell them not to bring people and make them lose face?

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My girlfriend knows which of her friends can bring farangs over and which not. Just teel your wifwe you don't need this sh1t and this is it. One can always take a nap sometimes and is not able to receive visitors.

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This is a situation I can relate to, as this happened to me during my "early years" in this Village/estate. I sat down and had a couple of beers with them, during which time I related some of the horror stories which have happened to farangs in general. Always adding my favourite advice which is " don't trust anybody until proven otherwise" Not me, not her, nobody and never spend/invest/give more than you can afford to lose and still be able start again!

Of course with the "human condition" being what it is, some listened, some didn't. One guy turned up on my doorstep with his suitcases in the "wee small hours" having been evicted by the love of his life. I put him up for the night, drove him to the bus station the next morning and thought that was an end to it. Two days later he was back whinging and whining that he was "being taken advantage of again"! I told him to "leave my vicinity in short jerky movements". Another guy phoned me up to say "sorry you were right and I was wrong" That appology gave me no pleasure at all, I would have much rather he had "hauled' in the advice in the first place.

I am fortunate in having a large and fairly influential family hereabouts, so no repercussions when we let the other familys involved that they were not welcome again. We had no "repeat performances", and new "victims" are kept away from me in case I "blow the whistle on them" again.

So if you can offer advice to the guy without endangering your own family then do so.

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It's unsual for any girl to work in the bar/club enviroment for any length of time after they have tested positive - it's not easy to keep secret. They live and work amongst girls who recognise the behaviour patterns, they have to constantly hide their med's (bar girls recognise anit-viral med's from a mile off), they have to hide it from the community they live in (sooner or later they are going to be seen at the clinic by another girl - who will know where they work or find out, and blow the whistle - and no bar owner will tolerate a gilr on anti-viral med working in his bar).

Nope - in that case, as someone else has said - it's a real dilema. Personally I would have no conpuncture about "shopping" someone who behaved like that. Of course if you have your facts wrong you'll have a major mess on your hands!

As for the gold digger - well, if not asked then don't comment. I have only been asked once. I threw the ball back into his court and asked him why he felt the need to ask me i.e. the fact that he felt he needed to ask me was in it's self a "red flag" he should recognise.

But theres else something to remember here: it's not as if the average ex-pat is dragged up North in chains. Nope, most go more than willingly, and if they don't have the maturity and down right common sense to recognise a personal/intimate relationship in its correct context and for what it's really worth, and then handle it accordingly, I don't think it makes dot differance what another casual acquiantance tells them. After all, in most cases it's not as if it's only the girl trying to get as much as she can from the oppturtunity!


Edited by Maizefarmer
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One of our local ladies has a huge beautiful home with quite a bit of land. She also has other pieces of land and always has a new vehicle. This lady speaks good English, is quite attractive and also very personable. All her property has come from lovesick farangs. The latest in a long list of suckers recently came for a visit. The lady asked my wife if she could bring him over for a visit. I told my wife no problem. I told my wife that I would have a lot to tell the latest sucker. They never came over. :o

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It's unsual for any girl to work in the bar/club enviroment for any length of time after they have tested positive - it's not easy to keep secret. They live and work amongst girls who recognise the behaviour patterns, they have to constantly hide their med's (bar girls recognise anit-viral med's from a mile off), they have to hide it from the community they live in (sooner or later they are going to be seen at the clinic by another girl - who will know where they work or find out, and blow the whistle - and no bar owner will tolerate a gilr on anti-viral med working in his bar).

I know this is a bit off topic, but you're not entirely correct here. Someone with HIV won't have to start taking the antiretroviral drugs for usually 5+ years after they contracted the disease. Generally docs wait until the CD 4 cell count drops below 300 or so, which doesn't usually happen for quite a few years. So it's actually pretty easy to hide from other people for quite a long time. Moral: stay away from bgs!

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One of our local ladies has a huge beautiful home with quite a bit of land. She also has other pieces of land and always has a new vehicle. This lady speaks good English, is quite attractive and also very personable. All her property has come from lovesick farangs.

It's always nice to read about a success story! :o

Gary, is that big house with the blue tiles on the way to Khunming hers, I think it has a Japanese name on the gate. That looks like it's some house!

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What do you do when people who live near you want to introduce you to the new falang but you don't want to meet them?

Why worry about their personal lives, <deleted>, worry about your own life and let others get on with theirs...

I will go easy on you as you are Canadian, and so is Bubbles. :o

I don't worry about their persanal lives I don't want to meet them but these women bring them to my house unannounced. What should i do refuse to come out? Not Cool! What is my wife suppose to do tell them not to bring people and make them lose face?

perhaps you can tell your wife (and other Thais) that it is a cultural thing (that farang understand) that we don't do this kind of impromptu introduction.

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Having experienced so much of this naivety over the years, I don't offer any advice, comment or information any more.

A forum is okay, you're free to air your opinions.

Who knows, somebody might just benefit from the input.

Otherwise, I just listen and make another mental note for the book (trilogy) I must write one day.

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What do you do when people who live near you want to introduce you to the new falang but you don't want to meet them? Let me back up a bit before I get flamed for being unfriendly. Last night a lady my wife knows had her new falang fiancé come for a visit. I met them because the lady is one of the good ones so aren't planning on scamming the guy. However often in the last few years when I stayed in the village these less than honorable women would bring their new victims to meet me. I don't want to be unfriendly and not come out of the house but I also want to scream to these guys "Run Forest Run!" Doing so could put my family in jeopardy however if the walking ATM runs. Retaliation for causing the Thai lady and her family to lose their meal/booze ticket could be harsh. However I enjoy having an English speaker to chat with and so do they but I feel guilty if I don't tell them they are the "Black Widows" next meal.

Please don't flame me for Thai bashing 99% of the people in my wife's village are honest and hard working. Its only 2 ladies and their family's I refer too scamming falang.

if they are scamming and you feel obliged to meet these farangs then at least ask for % of the take, could be a good earner.

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if they are scamming and you feel obliged to meet these farangs then at least ask for % of the take, could be a good earner.

Good point, could even introduce the Farangs to the women yourself and go 50 - 50 on the profits. :o

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I don't associate with bums in my own country, I see no reason to just because you live in a foreign country. Don't lower your standards and if they ask for money just laugh it off. am always amazed why we feel embarrased to say no to someone who is thick faced enough to ask for a handout.

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I don't associate with bums in my own country, I see no reason to just because you live in a foreign country. Don't lower your standards and if they ask for money just laugh it off. am always amazed why we feel embarrased to say no to someone who is thick faced enough to ask for a handout.

You in the right thread with that ?

Now maybe if you had an understanding of the thread and read it correctly....................what was it you called me?


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I don't associate with bums in my own country, I see no reason to just because you live in a foreign country. Don't lower your standards and if they ask for money just laugh it off. am always amazed why we feel embarrased to say no to someone who is thick faced enough to ask for a handout.

You in the right thread with that ?

Now maybe if you had an understanding of the thread and read it correctly....................what was it you called me?


If you are just going to follow me round yapping like Shrek's pony, maybe it is you that needs a hobby. Get a life.

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if they are scamming and you feel obliged to meet these farangs then at least ask for % of the take, could be a good earner.

Good point, could even introduce the Farangs to the women yourself and go 50 - 50 on the profits. :o

I was thinking 75/25 for me :D

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if they are scamming and you feel obliged to meet these farangs then at least ask for % of the take, could be a good earner.

Good point, could even introduce the Farangs to the women yourself and go 50 - 50 on the profits. :o

only ridiculous responses like those above are to be taking serious in this case !


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