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Have been putting together the files for a new visa.  Hmm, this has turned out to be a bit trickier than I thought it would and I haven't even reached the Thailand pass part yet.

I think I may  have made a mistake around page 146 where the instruction were to upload in PDF format the files they insisted be in jpeg format.


I think they may have taken Joeseph Hellers books too much to heart.


I'm having a "be one with the universe grasshopper"  moment.

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Visa Online

I first changed all the required files to PDF format and sent in everything on Monday evening.  Approval came back Wednesday afternoon.  (happy thoughts)


I spent the balance of this afternoon changing everything from PDF to jpeg.  Sent my Thailand pass registration off this afternoon.  Received back an acknowledgement of my form,  and notice that the process may take up to seven days.  They also sent an access code to enable me to check on progress. (hopeful happy thoughts)


For the most part other than the really odd formatting requirements this has worked just like real computer sh3te should.  We'll see how the pass works over the next week.

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Found a response on my computer this morning.  My Thailand pass has been approved.


So, overall it took less than 48 hours for consulate STV visa approval and less than 24 hours for the Thailand Pass approval.


I have to say that for me at least there has been an incredibly efficient response.

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Just got another email from Thailand pass.  Apparently they no longer have my information and require me to confirm my Date of Birth, Date of Arrival, Date of Vaccine.

The Thai pass program doesn't allow me to get back to the information section.  just says can't re-edit information and kicks me out.


So now I've gone from approved to ............ ???


The level of competence shown here is truly frightening.

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