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Specialists in Gov't Hospitals


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In the process of renewing my health insurance, and a clause in the policy from one of my finalists is giving me cause for concern.

Specifically - coverage is only available in State / Government Hospitals ...

Do most specialists, and Doctors who are referred by an initial General Practitioner, operate in both private and Gov't hospitals.


PS - if Sheryl is onboard, that would be Great !

Edited by seedy
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I would not say most.


There are specialists who work only in private hospitals. And there are specialists who work in both private and government hospitals.


Specialists working in both are usually   senior doctors and you would nto have direct access to them using the public channel of a public hospital, as direct care is provided by interns, residents and sometimes even medical students.  The senior doctors are in a supervisory capacity only and a patient, if they ever meet them, would do so just very briefly. It is possible in most government hospitals to directly access senior docs on a private basis for an extra fee through an "after hours" clinic. However I do not know that a policy which is limited to government hospitals would reimburse that.


Another important consideration is that almost no government hospitals in Thailand have direct billing arrangements with insurers, usually you would have to pay yourself and then apply to the insurer for reimbursement. Thai Government hospitals are also very, very bad at providing the sort of paperwork needed to make an insurance claim,so even getting reimbursed after the fact might be very difficult.



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13 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Another important consideration is that almost no government hospitals in Thailand have direct billing arrangements with insurers



You may be right in general Sheryl. But in my own experience my regional government hospital billed my Thai insurance company directly when I was an inpatient for a few weeks last year, and it was a very hefty bill. Both the hospital and the insurer were very efficient.


Intererestingly enough, I chose to transfer to the regional government hospital because their service and facilities were better than the 2 private hospitals where I spent the first week or so.



Edited by blackprince
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3 minutes ago, blackprince said:

You may be right in general Sheryl. But in my own experience my regional government hospital billed my Thai insurance company directly when I was an inpatient for a few weeks last year, and it was a very hefty bill. Both the hospital and the insurer were very efficient.


Intererestingly enough, I chose to transfer to the regional government hospital because their service and facilities were better than the 2 private hospitals where I spent the first week or so.


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Thank you for your replies.

blackprince - where are you located ? PM if you wish.

Just trying to make up my mind who to get for coverage, as the "State /Gov't only" rates are less than my second choice by quite a margin

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1.  Private hospitals outside of the major cities are often not what one might expect but in major cities they often are the best choice - but always doctor being main concern.

2.  There is no real GP system in Thailand - you visit hospitals and are directly referred to specialists.

3.  Even when using pay for service your face time with senior doctor at government hospital may be limited to the visit and most admission time with members of his team.

4.  Government facility may not be a viable option due to queues so would not consider insurance that required that use as my only option.

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