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I lost my mother to alcoholism and my half brother to christianity so i feel quite strongly against religion of all sorts and will have to restrain myself from getting carried away, but here's my 5bahts worth.

I have believed for quite some time that we have religion because as a curios species we NEED to know, and that we are the most stupid and arrogant species on earth and we can't handle not knowing what happens when we die and we can't just accept that we're here and we may as well stick to what we know and get on with it and have a jolly good time in the process.

I have to learn to respect others beliefs but I find it difficult when there is so much hypocracy and 'tailor made' rules withing Christianity, let alone all the other religions.

I do however respect Bhuddism because from what I can gather, that's about respecting your fellow beings that we share the earth with.

It would be nice if there is an afterlife but I honestly don't know and I have no intention of giving up sex, alcohol, cigarettes and nightlife just incase the Godbotherers are right and we are wrong. I don't remember anything before I was born, maybe I'll just go back to that when I die.

Finally, if the Christians are right and I am going to burn in h.e.l.l. because I don't bash a tambourine in church every Sunday and read the much tweaked and altered Holy Bible then God's not the sort of guy I want to hang around with anyway.

Last night I brought a bottle of green tea and a swiss roll for a filthy Thai man with no legs in a Sukhamvit gutter, I also gave him my lighter and remaining ciggies - but I'm not a Christian so if I'll end up going to h.e.l.l. with all my friends and all the beautiful girls I've slept with. If I've done what the devil wants by not joining God's gang then why would he punish me?

A rediculous, stupid, stupid fable born through years of human fear, arrogance and desire to brainwash and control others.

This is why I have no faith in humanity whatsoever.

People are wrong.

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Dennis Miller, the comedian, said that he had wondered what the nature of God was, but after 9/11 he realized that God was a prick! :o

Dennis Miller, the comedian, said that he had wondered what the nature of God was, but after 9/11 he realized that God was a prick!  :o

Or should that be "Allah was a prick"? :D

Dennis Miller, the comedian, said that he had wondered what the nature of God was, but after 9/11 he realized that God was a prick!   :D

Or should that be "Allah was a prick"? :D

Same shit :o


I see I'm in a minority. However I do believe in the existence of a Supreme being, God.

Please don't hold it against me. I'm a recovering Italian Catholic. I try to emulate the tenents of Buddhism and through study and experience do believe that there is a transcendental supreme being that we are all part of.

Wether it be Krsna or Yaweh. The incarnations are more numerous than the waves in the ocean.

There have been times when I have lost my faith but I keep comming back around to the same basic beliefs. I don't like "organized religions/churches.

I have a very critical and scientific mind and at times would like to deny the existence of God. So far I'm still a believer.

Time will tell. Good thread though... :o


Zaraqawi believes in God. Said how great he (Alah Akbar) was, while he cut off Nick Berg's head.

Only since you asked.

Sure I don't have to tell you what I think.

I believe many non believers have commited similar horrors.

Old Adolph Hitler was a Christian you know so if it's good enough for him it must be good.

So was his mate Benito, not sure about the pilot and crew who dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki though.


I once had to train a bunch of scizophrenics on work programs as part of thier rehab. We were out one day doing some landscaping and one of the guys asked a general question of the group....."where is God ?"..........another guy who was as crazy as a cut snake at the time said ...." ohhh, he's everwhere......he's behind that tree, behind that bush.....uner the house....."

You should have seen the other guy who asked the question...........he ran around like a madman (well I guess he was).......and eventually ran off not to be seen for a few days.

Turns out he was very very afraid of God !! I wonder if he knew something...........???

where is God ?"..........another guy who was as crazy as a cut snake at the time said ...." ohhh, he's everwhere......he's behind that tree, behind that bush.....uner the house

The way I heard was that there was young boy about seven or eight years old and he was <deleted> and blinding when a priest heard him.

He said that he should not swear as God would hear him.

The boy said OK know it all, so where is God then?

The priest said he is everywhere, the boy said is he behind that tree? yes said the priest and gave the same answer to all the boys questions.

The boy then said is God on the back of my brothers motorbike?, the priest yes of course he is.

The boy said well that make you a liar then.

The priest said why?

The boy said that his brother doesn't own a motorbike.


I don't understand why we get hard ons if it is wrong to do so.

They preach that sex is wrong but if you follow the rules of nature then sex should not be repressed, natural urges not be held back because some daft book written years before science taught us anything says they should, then semen wouldn't accumulate and God would not have to punish choir boys for being pretty by giving the priest a blow job behind the vestry.

Nature gave out semen to the jealous and the sick,

Jesus gave out candles to the dim and partially lit.

The Beautiful South.

I believe many non believers have commited similar horrors.

No doubt, since the majority of the world population consists of non-believers, according to whoever's faith.


No need worrying about going to he11, if one doesn't like it, one can always make a confession and go to heaven. I think these are the rules, aren't they? But if heaven is the place where people I now see and presume will be going to, I'd rather stay in he11. Do all the bar-girls really go to he11?(....wondering if there are still STDs down there.... :o)


I think we are answering two questions here - and often confusing the two: A) Who believes in God, and :D Who believes in religion.

These are different questions. Its easy to dismiss religions (any of them) if you try. They contradict each other and all contains stupid rules and traditions that some 'man' has written and claimed 'God' told him so. Kings and Pontifs 'play' with the wisdom of 'holy books' by chopping lumps out, rewording bits and adding in new bits. Old religions are merged with new to ease the 'take over'. Men, being men (and it usually was/is men), often see it as an opportunity to take advantange and money or power - or both. Overwhelming those that truly believe in the plight of his fellow man and try to do good for the sake of doing good.

Iron Maiden wrote (about preachers) - Holy Smoke:

Believe in me - send no money

Died on the cross, and that ain't funny

But my so called friends they're making me a joke

They missed out what I said like I never spoke

They choose what they wanna hear - they don't tell a lie

They just leave out the truth as they're watching you die

Saving your soul by taking your money

Flies around shit, bees around honey

Holy Smoke, Holy Smoke, plenty bad preachers for

The devil to stoke

Feed 'em in feet first this is no joke

This is thirsty work making Holy Smoke

Jimmy Reptile and all his friends

Say they gonna be with you at the end

Burning records, burning books

Holy soldiers, Nazi looks

Crocodile smiles, just wait awhile

Till the TV Queen gets her make up clean

I've lived in filth, I've lived in sin

And I still smell cleaner than the shit your in

Holy Smoke, Holy Smoke, plenty bad preachers for

The devil to stoke

Feed 'em in feet first this is no joke

This is thirsty work making Holy Smoke

They ain't religious but they ain't no fools

When Noah built his Cadillac it was cool

Two by two they're still going down

And the satellite circus just left town

I think they're strange and when they're dead

They can have a Lincoln for their bed

Friend of the president - trick of the tail

Now they ain't got a prayer - 100 years in jail

Holy Smoke, Holy Smoke, plenty bad preachers for

The devil to stoke

Feed 'em in feet first this is no joke

This is thirsty work making Holy Smoke

Personally, I abandoned religion a long time ago - I was brought up as a strict Catholic (confession every Saturday, Mass every Sunday and holy days). I have adopted Theravada Buddhism because it simply makes sense to me.

I am scientific natured. I have studied maths, physics, computers (part of maths degree) and chemistry to degree level, but still I believe in a power. I can not visualise God as a man (stylised on Zeus), or a human at all. I see God as a presence, a guide. I also see Him ('Him' for want of a more descriptive pronoun) behind science - matter and energy came from somewhere - even if anti-matter does balance matter, it was split somehow from what? nothing? how? What catalyst? I know, I know, sceptics will say we just don't know yet, but when we do, no more God. I think the reverse. The more we learn from science, the more we learn that we don't know - and the more Gods face appears (not literally). Also, the more we learn, the more we learn that religions that make 'scientific' statements (creation etc) are incorrect.

So, for me: Religion (traditional Western at least) - No; God (my own vision at least), Yes. :o


Pepe- Disagree with you in so many ways. In fairness though:

GWB believes in God. Said so when he went to war.

Personaly, agnostic and don't know what to think. I don't know how two atoms banged into each other, and we all appeared, nor do I understand how He always has been, or where He's been for the last couple of thousand years.

In my book, if He does exist, then He has some explaining to do. He can start with why so many have died in His name, then move on to the human condition in general.


I used to go to Sunday School aged eleven. I thought it strange that they know all about He11, but not a lot about heaven. I used to pace around the garden, looking at the stars, wondering if there was some master plan for the universe, and if so what my part was. About that time I had one of those "mystical experiences" - for a short period of time I felt as if I knew everything, was all-powerful. It was a total experience. Nothing before or since has been so profound. I don't know where I was, but ever since then I have been trying to get back there. Maybe there is a god. Maybe he is inside each of us, but we as asleep to it.


Does anyone remember in the South Park movie, "longer, bigger, uncut" when Kenny dies. He goes to heaven and there 2 big boobed topless chicks welcoming him in and the sign says "Heaven, Population 6423" or something like that.

Then they realizes he doesn't belong there and gets sent down stairs where the sign says, "######, Population 5785781324..." and the number is wizzing by just like the Iraq war cost.

It's pretty funny. But i'm guessing not too real. The most you can hope for when you are dead is for some medical students to steel body parts from you to play practical jokes at frat parties.



I don't.


I have a very pratical and logical mind.

And God does not make sense to me.

The concept is a bit too"easy".

But I can be wrong.

And one of the great French mathematician/philosopher Pascal summarized it:

I believe or I do not believe in God:

If I believe and He exists, I'm fine.

If I believe and He does not exist, I'm fine.

If I do not believe and He does not exist, I'm fine

If I do not believe and he exists, I'm in trouble.

What do you do?

Pascal converted to Christianity at the end of his life.

Well, I hope I still have some time,...

I belive in two things after this life, and god aint on the list.

A: Lights out when you die!

B: Whatever you're subconcious has in store for you. Like a dream you cant wake from. A bad trip. All the guilt about your life stacked up. Maybe your "ball" of life that leaves your body finds its way into another life. Doubtful if you were a bad person.

And speaking of reincarnacion!!! If we did come back as a person for person..i.e. not a frog for a rabbit. But if we were coming back, as another person, we would be diluted everytime, by population expansion.


50% soul, then 25% soul 12.5% ...etc...

Dissolved people with no soul.

Maybe thats why we always say "Eeeh, the worlds gettin worse every day"

Just a thought. No apt smiley....

P.S. My mate is convinced we were "dropped off" by aliens... I laughed at first, then I saw he was serious, then I started think. And I cant rule that one out either...

I agree with you on that one.

And speaking of reincarnacion!!! If we did come back as a person for person..i.e. not a frog for a rabbit. But if we were coming back, as another person, we would be diluted everytime, by population expansion.


50% soul, then 25% soul 12.5% ...etc...

Dissolved people with no soul.

Mmmm. Are we supposing Souls are akin to matter? Half a soul? Half a hole? Half a pain? (Half a pint, please.)

If the whole world was invisible, and only nemotides were visible, then from space the Earth would still be a sphere (well a wobbly one). Only 6 billion humans, how many ants? How many mites (including the millions that live on each ant)?

If we divide a hole, we have two holes. If we divide a soul do we have two halves, or two souls? Dunno. Can't answer. Think that is the point.

If we take one version of the wheel of life, there are 5 'worlds' (Heaven (Nibbana), Spirit, Human, Animal, He11). As populations fluctuate, does it mean souless people are born, or that some souls have moved from other 'worlds' to Human. On the next dip have the Souls expired, or are they moving around again.

Think about your conjecture, each human had a body. This is matter. Did the Earth get smaller because the population rose. Or are the humans a bit smaller. If we hit 20 billion, will we all be 3 foot 6?

Pepe- Disagree with you in so many ways. In fairness though:

GWB believes in God. Said so when he went to war.

Personaly, agnostic and don't know what to think. I don't know how two atoms banged into each other, and we all appeared, nor do I understand how He always has been, or where He's been for the last couple of thousand years.

In my book, if He does exist, then He has some explaining to do. He can start with why so many have died in His name, then move on to the human condition in general.


Not really up for a lot of debate/discussion on this.

I really feel, "live and let live and to each his own." I'm a fairly skeptical and scientific minded person by nature and training.

I was a builder for years.

In my mind if it takes a person to build a house, an in conceivable one to buiid inumerable universes...


I personally think one is much better off believing in one's own skills and abilities rather than relying on an "upper force" getting a job done. When your hands engage in praying they are not free for dealing with problems. Fully understand that many people need "a God" for not getting desperate in an unperfect world but Buddhism offers us a great alternative.

Is there really a need to receive advice from heaven so we can distinguish good from evil and know what path we have to take in live or are religions just abused as an excuse to free us, the humans, from our own responsibilties? The interpretation that "this is God's will" appears to be the root and not the solution for the world's problems. Kind of paradox, isn't it :o


I used to go to church often (but not every week, either) when i was younger. So between 5-10 years old i guess. I did pray for a lot of things not to happen, yet they still did and i lost some of the things i cared most for in my life. There was either no god there to help me, or he didn't care, i don't know. If there's a god, he's most welcome to live wherever he wants to, but i will not base my life and decisions on it like some people do. Sure, i still have my first communion cross around my neck, but that's about all the catholic that remains in me. If you want to achieve something in life, you have to do it yourself. If you're sick, it doesn't help praying, you have to go to the hospital. If you're poor, it doesn't help praying, money won't fall from the sky, you have to earn it.

If we look at the bible, though ...in a non religious way, its quite an interesting story to read. I say story because it has been written down by so many people over thousands of years and most likely changed by the one or other for their own benefit. I'm not laughing at those saying god is an alien, because if there is a god, he is most definitely an alien because i sure haven't seen him here on earth for quite a while. Also, the bible seems to point into that direction as well. God is always talking to people on earth (Moses, etc) from the sky. "The sky" is what we call universe today. Whatever happened thousands of years ago, we don't know. All we know is what people in an almost stone-age environment wrote down the way they saw it and the way they could understand and explain it. If aliens did come onto earth two thousand years ago (or even longer, Moses is how far back...4000?), they may as well be extinct now - because i doubt humanity will last for another 2000 years with the technologic advantages we have today.

Whatever it is, i'm going to live my life the same way with or without god.

Aide toy, Dieu te aidera

(Help yourself and God will help you)

-Jeanne d'Arc


My born again Christian half-brother was recently beaten up in China and he e-mailed me to say that he is ok now and has made a full recovery thanks to God's love.

Well, where was this God of his when he was walking down that side street?

He always tells me that God will forgive me... For what exactly?

Trying to be the best person I can and having as much fun as I can?

If he does exist then he will have to earn MY forgiveness, and I wouldn't want to go to heaven anyway, I want to go somewhere where I can be naughty and take two girls into the shower and etc... Use your imagination - that's what religious fanatics do, and that's all they are - fanatics, be they Christians, Muslims or Elvis fans. (fanatics).

If however, my brother and all the other Godbotherers are right, then I am probably in deep shit like most of us are. :o

He always tells me that God will forgive me... For what exactly?

For shagging ya bah smoking, rasta shagging bar girls :o

May God be with you my son - let us pray!

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