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it it Incongruent for Thailand to open its borders now?

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53 minutes ago, Marcomilton7 said:

And you can also catch it from vaccinated locals as well. Even if 100% vaccination was reached it doesn’t matter as its NOT  a vaccine. A vaccine stops transmission and gives you immunity- this does neither, wake up


"What is the Difference Between Immunization and Vaccination"?


The terms immunization, vaccination, and inoculation are often used interchangeably, but the terms technically have different meanings. While the differences may seem semantic, using the terms correctly can help prevent misunderstandings between you and your healthcare provider.


What’s the real risk of a breakthrough infection after vaccination?


"Breakthrough infections make headlines, but they remain uncommon. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stopped tracking all breakthrough cases in May, about half of all states report at least some data on breakthrough events. The Kaiser Family Foundation recently analyzed much of the state-reported data and found that breakthrough cases, hospitalizations and deaths are extremely rare events among those who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19. The rate of breakthrough cases reported among those fully vaccinated is “well below 1 percent in all reporting states, ranging from 0.01 percent in Connecticut to 0.29 percent in Alaska,” according to the Kaiser analysis."



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