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Why children should have health insurance


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With a growing number of international standard schools, affordable living, year round great weather, fantastic food and excellent healthcare, Thailand is a great place for expat parents to raise a family. 


The major Thai government hospitals are generally of a good standard but an excellent level of healthcare is available to patients at the country’s private hospitals.


And while private healthcare is more affordable in Thailand than in the United States or regional neighbour Singapore, as examples, costs can still be considerable.


For expat families and those with young children, medical costs can quickly balloon, especially for youngsters who may require frequent visits to the doctor.


What is health insurance for children?


Typically, child health insurance is a type of insurance package that covers children under the age of 18.


The insurance will provide coverage for treatments of a wide variety of situations, from the common cold to more serious illnesses, which are normally less predictable.


The insurance provides the best access to treatment for your children at the times when they need it most.


For parents, it helps to provide both mental and financial wellbeing during what could be a concerning and challenging time. 

Why do children need medical insurance?


Children get sick more often


It’s a fact of life that children get sick more often than adults. 


Their immune system is still developing, meaning they are more susceptible to illness. 


Because they haven’t yet built up the immunity, they are prone to lots of colds simply because their bodies are not yet able to fight off the viruses around us. 


Once they start kindergarten or school and are in contact with many other children, so too do they come into contact with more viruses.


Kids being kids are also less rigorous when it comes to hygiene, particularly hand washing, which can also result in increased chances of becoming sick. 


While colds and flu are not severe, other illnesses can be, particularly for children.


Some of the most common illnesses in children include:


  • Bronchiolitis
  • Chicken pox
  • Colds
  • Croup
  • Diarrhoea
  • Ear infection
  • Fever
  • Food allergies
  • Measles
  • Rubella
  • Skin infection
  • Sore throat
  • Vomiting
  • Whooping cough


In tropical Thailand, there are other illnesses which can be serious amongst both children and adults.


Mosquito borne virus infections and diseases such as Malaria, Zika and Japanese Encephalitis can be life threatening. 


Thailand's hot climate can also increase the risk of food poisoning or water borne diseases.


Children in Thailand may also be at risk from other serious diseases such as Tuberculosis, with the World Health Organisation classifying Thailand as one of the 30 countries in the world's highest TB burden. 

Children are more accident prone


Just as children are more likely to get sick, they are also more likely to have an accident than adults. 


Children are more likely to require immediate medical treatment. 


Some of the most common injuries in children include:


  • falls
  • poisoning
  • burns and scalds
  • choking, strangling and suffocation
  • crushing and trapping
  • smoke, fire and flames


In Thailand, road traffic accidents, bites from street dogs and drowning are other common causes of injuries. 


Children need vaccinations


Routine vaccinations for babies and pre-school children play a significant role in helping to build their immune system well into adulthood.


While Thai children have access to subsidised and free vaccinations, this is not always the case for expat children.


Costs of vaccinations at a private hospital in Thailand can be significant. However, it can be covered under the correct child health insurance plan. 


If you want to provide the best level of care for your family or children, Aetna offers a range of insurance plans to suit you. 


From coverage for your newborn to an insurance plan that covers the whole family, Aetna’s health insurance packages can give you access to the right level of health care, without straining your finances. 


For more information, contact Aetna today




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