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Brands Essence Of Chicken


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Someone else drinking these small bottles of "Brands Essence of Chicken?

I am advised by family members to drink a bottle a day, to get "power".

But was is it in this little glass bottles in the green packages?

Are they trying to poison me again? :o

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I don't use the stuff, but I believe it is meant to add flavor to dishes ?

No. It is not a seasoning or flavor enhancer. It is a health tonic meant to be drunk straight from the bottle. I'm sure it's not bad for you -- Jewish penicillin and all that.

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~One of my friends trains in his local gym and drinks a bottle every day. He also swears by it. He's been using it for about 2 years now, and I dont see any abnormalities. He's still got two legs and two arms. I cant stomace the stuff,even he has to hold his nose when he drinks it.~ :o

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Going to England 2 weeks today for Holiday, can't wait to bring back loads of BOVRIL, i love it.

As an aside to this years ago when enviromental concerns were on the back boiler so to speak.

The sewage works in Manchester used to send "solid waste" in boats down the Manchester ship canal to be dumped not far of the coast from Liverpool.

These boats were known as the "Bovril boats"

I understand this substance that has the consistency of tar and tastes about the same is made from the same ingredients as hamburgers.

These tasty morsels are made from holes, earholes, eyeholes and <deleted> umm delicious.

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Anyways, these essence of chicken stuff comes with additional chinese herbs added. There's one that good for periods and stuffs for atheletes. :D Apparently, there is also the fish version if chicken is not prefered. :o A big market in Asia. :D

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I like a good cup of coffee in the morning. Once in awhile a red bull or lipo hits the spot, but concentrated chicken soup just sounds like a bad taste. Its really expensive too! I love Thai food, but some of thier tastes are a bit odd to me. Like barbecue chicken for breakfast, peas on pizza, and corn ice cream?

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Hmmm.  Concentrated chicken soup.  Might have been thought up by somebody's Jewish mother.  Chicken Soup for the Farang Soul.  :o

Might have been thought up by somebody's Jewish mother.

It may have been but from what I know of it, it's been around for a very long time.

When my old father in law was very sick I would buy a few bottles and take them to the hospital. The poor old bugger would be lucky to get a mouthful after all the other (healthy) members of the family scoffed most of it.

TIT "hen ga tua" and all that stuff. <deleted> you I'm OK, and all that sort of thing :D

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