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Guns In Bkk


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Someone in my (thankfully) not to immediate family has decided for reasons best known to himself that he needs a gun (to keep in his car, he says).

So, today I was party to an excursion round the gunshops in the Banmor area of BKK.

I am a Brit and know very little about guns, so I hope someone from "across the pond" can help me out here.

The "weapon of choice" eventually was a Glock 19, which cost 98,500 baht. Out of interest, I had a quick browse on the net and it seems you can buy this in the USA for $349, or around 12,000 baht. I was wondering if there are massive import duties on firearms, or are these guys making a killing, pardon the pun ?

The cheapest was 9mm was a CZ something, which the guy in the shop (evil looking dude as you can probably imagine) said was rubbish, that was 65,900. Pump action shotguns around 50K, but no Uzis.

Also quite disconcerting was the fact the shops seemed to be doing a brisk trade, mainly to shifty looking tattoed youths.

All in all an interesting day.



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The prices reflect both high import duties and high demand. We have 3 Glocks in house, a 17, 19, and 26 (my own). All were 43,500 Baht each several years ago. It's gone up each year since then because of the unrest in the south.... most of the fixed number of permits (linked directly to the number of guns allowed to be imported and sold) have gone to teachers and business folks in the three southern provinces.

Unless the CSD has lowered their standards, I doubt these shifty looking tatooed youths are tech school gangsters or delinquents. Just a few years ago when I acquired my latest piece, the standard was a minimum of one million Baht in the bank to be shown, plus standard police interview before I was granted permit to purchase.


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Citizenship ? I always thought that was impossible for us farang :D

BTW do you have these guns for business or pleasure :D I mean for protection or for hobby etc.

I come from the UK and have never even SEEN a handgun outside the movies (or those gun shops in chinatown). I don't want to shoot anybody but I would like to practice for fun. I used to have air gun's when I was a teenager (until my Mum confiscated them!) but alas even they are being outlawed in this nanny state :o

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Citizenship ? I always thought that was impossible for us farang :D

BTW do you have these guns for business or pleasure :D I mean for protection or for hobby etc.

I come from the UK and have never even SEEN a handgun outside the movies (or those gun shops in chinatown). I don't want to shoot anybody but I would like to practice for fun. I used to have air gun's when I was a teenager (until my Mum confiscated them!) but alas even they are being outlawed in this nanny state :o


last time i was at the croc farm at samut prakan they had a shooting range there, on the rh side just after you go in.

dont know what kind of pistols they were using, i think it was only a 25m range, you could almost spit peas further.

but if all you want to do is fire off a few rounds, head on out.

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I recently purchased this one (see picture).

It is pointed at my entrance and reacts on motion sensors installed at my front door.

This is done before I go sleeping na...



If that one fails to take out the intruder, I have this one waiting in my bedroom.


Under my pillow I have this one, it might be usefull sometime....


Edited by AlexLah
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