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Cigarettes, Fishing And Which Visa To Buy A Condo


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3 different topics folks.Where is the cheapest (legal) source of cigarettes in bkk, especially benson hedges.Last time, i ended up going to cambodia and paid 500bht per cartoon, can you get them close to this price in bkk, i paid 750bht at 7-11 in bkk.

What is the fishing like rock/boat.Are there a lot of tasty species or is it limited.

Lastly, as i have 11 years to go before retirement age, is it possible for me to buy a condo now, if so what kind of visa do i need.I dont think i will be able to get immigration type visa- no wife children family investment etc.. is it possible, or am i dreaming, i have 800,000bht plus 65,000bht month.Any help cheerfully accepted.

Edited by zenna
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I cant comment on the first two questions - I neither smoke nor fish.

And your third question needs refining. Are you wanting to just buy a condo or are you looking to buy a condo and live here?

If the former, you don't need any visa to buy a condo. If the latter, again you don't need a visa to buy the condo but staying here to live in it is a different issue altogether. You're best advised to go to the visa section but short of being married, having thai dependents, getting a job, establishing a bonafide business or becoming a student, I think your options are few and far between.

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I was hoping to buy and live in bkk , at least a portion of each year, so you have answered my question, thanks.As for the first question, there must be a couple of fellow smokers out there, or are we a dying breed (sorry).Its just that i smoke 9 packets a day, so if i can find a cheap source, it has the potential, to tilt the worlds cash flow in favour of a developing country! cheers.

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Gosh Zenna, if you are smoking 9 packs a day, you better just move to BKK now, because you might not make it to retirement age! I've never really heard of anyone smoking more than 4 packs a day.

The government store in Burma, at Mae Sae, sells cigs cheaper than Thailand does, and so does Indonesia. About $1 US per pack.

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LOL ... well ummmm fishing would depend on where you live :o in BKK ... well I wouldn't eat a fish out of the khlongs.

Buying the condo? Personally I'd wait until you really were ready to LIVE here ... too easy to rent right now! However if you wanted to buy ... buy! You'll have no problem as things stand spending 3 months at a time at lease 2 times a year.

Smokes? Your only legal option will be local ... depending on where you live. Since you are only legally allowed to bring in 1 carton/10 packs <I could be wrong it could be 2 ....but still .. border crossings are out for you on a regular basis as a supply of smokes! If you live next to the border you will find plenty of bootlegged smokes around>

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the 9 packs a day thing was a little joke, thanks for the good advice .I will likely buy now as it seems condo prices are very resonable at present, especially outside the centre of bkk, i dont mind 30 minutes to get to the heart of the city.cheers

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