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Will a vaccine passport be required to enter venues in Thailand?


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How likely do you think it is that a vaccine passport will be required to enter places such as bars and nightclubs once they fully open? Several other countries have introduced this for all nightlife venues, shopping malls and some even for workplaces etc. 


The Thai government haven't said anything about this yet but it seems unlikely they'll introduce this given that they still welcome unvaccinated tourists and overall don't have any restrictions for unvaccinated people (besides quarantine for tourist arrivals). On the other hand, Thais are very favorable of the vaccine and they'll be able to vaccinate 80%+ of the population so introducing something like this probably wouldn't cause much dismay among the Thai people so the government might as well just do it. 


What do you think? 



Edited by TPDH
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37 minutes ago, TPDH said:

What do you think? 

I think its too difficult to control...   Some will ask for this, there will be some publicity.... 

Within a short time, as with anything which requires clarity and continuity any places which have this requirements will simply relax on the enforcement such that any policy becomes a thing of the past. 


Why do I think this... At Immigration Chaeng Wattana there is a requirement to show a Vaccine Certificate or a recent ATK rest result (photo)...  most people are commenting that there were not checks at all, meanwhile a few others have reported that they were forced to take a test there and then. 


Inconsistency and uncertainty - thats just the way it will be (IMO). 



And... If over 80% of the population has been vaccinated, then venues have no real need to prove that everyone is vaccinated... Thus, any such official decisions will me borne of some puritanical sense that ‘those enjoying themselves’ must go through some extra steps to justify their fun....   and thus any announcements will be nothing more than ‘Theatre’.... Look at us we’ve put something in place, were still doing our jobs !



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Well I am not in Thailand now so I can't really comment, but where I live we have 91% double vaccinated and I still got to prove it to go to a restaurant pub or even a bottle shop I do not use my smart phone just for calls, don't have data so I have to carry the paper print out every place I go. remember I am not in Thailand

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They will never ever use covidpass in any place i think.You can be sure that they will try to take every dime they can from foreigners.They will open more and more and triple their prices everywhere because they think everybody want to travel there.

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