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My First Brush With A Local Mafioso...


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you've either got tired of living ,never been to thailand,or a millwall supporter,if you do this you will get very hurt :o

What is a millwall?

off topic, but answering Soundman's question:

This is acutally quite funny. I knew frm and old aquaintance that Millwall FC supporters are the worst on earth. What is really funny is to put "Millwall supporters" in google and have a look at the results.. these are just some of the results on the first two pages:

"f^&kin millwall w$%kers if i ever cum dwn 2 u im gna f**kin stab"

"heavy police guard Millwall tempers"

"Two Millwall fans, stabbed in clashes ahead"

"Hillsborough Slurs off Millwall Fans leads to crowd trouble."

"threat of violence between the Spurs and Millwall supporters"

"Millwall supporters attacked a group of Portsmouth fans"

I wonder if these boys get invited to tea parties!!

Ahhh... Soccer Hooligans.

Cheers and thanx,


as portrayed in the movie "Green St Hooligans"

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Good effort by the OP

Not only do these guys often carry guns I have heard of many instances where a farang has entered what he thought was a one-on-one fight but ended up way out of their depth.

I heard an awful tale of a guy who got killed a few (10+) years back in Patpong after he got into an argument with a street vendor, sure enough it started out as a one on one scrap but it ended up with passers by wading in to help kick the farang and was finished off by someone wielding some scaffold...

Backing down, and playing it cool here is not cowardice, it's sensible.

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Mr. Rosner believes that the lack of guns in the hands of good people contributes not to the betterment of society. Mr. Rosner suggests that you take a policeman's sap out with you next time you dine in those fine establishments.

mr. rosner makes t.s expell air through his nose in mirth.

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The OP clearly describes one facet of local culture always worth remembering. This guy did not cause trouble as an individual, he had a table of friends to back him up. Posters who claim " Headbut's" as the way forward , or standing up for yourself are still saddled with the one-on-one Western fair play mentallity that does to exist in the East.

This is not a tale of " one guy". In this country it never is.

He who walks away, lives to fight another day.

Western fair play mentallity :D:o

Western fair play mentallity as evidenced by the drunk gangs/hooligans who pick fights outside pubs or after football games in the Uk or the myriad gangs plaguing the USA who shoot and maim/kill innocents for fun or as part of their initiation into gangs.

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Hey there,

Went to a new restaurant on Friday and got into a rather bizarre conversation with an incredibly drunk guy who turned out to be the local Mister Big...

It started out as a typical scenario played out many times before: a drunken person (99% of the time ugly blokes) wandered over to our table and started waffling away in their abysmal English. normally, being a thoroughly decent chap, I play along nicely and merrily chat away. After a while, the person trots off and all is well. You know the score.

However, this time it went a little differently:

The middle aged guy trotted over, drunk as a skunk, dressed awfully (white shoes, Hawaiian shirt, black trousers) and sits down opposite myself and the missus. No intro, just 'plonk', down he sits. He then pronounces "i just want to talk Englit". Smiles all round and I'm thinking 'here we go again...

I ask him his name...

"why do you want to know my name?" he answered, scowling at me.

"Well, i thought you wanted to talk to me."

"Ah? what? I don't like you. huh, farang"

And things started going downhill from there... I kept on smiling, although less so than before.

He then pointed to the missus and said "Did you buy her?" That pissed me off. But knowing that this guy was not your average drunken farmer (4 goons coupled with 4 young ladies sat at his table added weight to my suspicion)... I smiled and said 'no, she works thanks."

after some more semi-aggressive babble, he stands up, puffs out his chest and says:

"If you are the real one, you will call me and meet me". Now, <deleted> does that mean? I looked at the guy quizzically and said, "no, that's OK mate, we're just eating here and then we're off".

He then grabbed my hand, almost in a handshake, but not quite.... he stared at me in the eyes and said, "you will sing a song with me". I was inches away from him and was thinking of nutting him and pegging it... then TV posters' opinions came to mind.

I managed to scramble out of that, blabbering that he should sing and I'll listen. whilst he turned to go to the stage, me and missus legged it. As he was turned away going to the karaoke stage, a small black revolver was settled in his trouser's waist at the small of his back. nice.

This guy would have gotten into serious grief with me for talking so rudely, but the advice I've often read on this forum was flashing through my mind - "sod it, walk away, it's not worth it" (I remember the story of one guy who was hit on the head with a stick, and in retaliation, he pushed the bloke away... then got banged up inside by the local fluff and the crap booted out of him for his trouble).

My restraint was rewarded at the sight of his gun. I've never had it down stairs faster. Not kidding you, I could hear him singing 'My Way' astoundingly bad... I laughed at the thought of a Philipino guard shooting this man in the chest... som nam na.

Anyway, thanks to those TV posters who urge restraint and pacifism - without you, not sure where'd I be today.



What is the name of the restaurant?

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Maybe the OP should have played this the Thai way. Mr. Rosner suggests that when in this situation next time, that you smile a crooked smile, say something unintelligent and then excuse yourself for the door.

Wait for the bast!rd by his car but not after slashing his times and scratching his paint. If he comes out alone make sure you sneak up on him and hit him in the back of the head.

Yes, the Thai way is the way you should do it - honourable, effective and popular.

Mr. Rosner recommends this highly.

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Maybe the OP should have played this the Thai way. Mr. Rosner suggests that when in this situation next time, that you smile a crooked smile, say something unintelligent and then excuse yourself for the door.

Wait for the bast!rd by his car but not after slashing his times and scratching his paint. If he comes out alone make sure you sneak up on him and hit him in the back of the head.

Yes, the Thai way is the way you should do it - honourable, effective and popular.

Mr. Rosner recommends this highly.

Correct would like to know if Mr.Rosner is playing with a full deck, as you come across a sandwich short of a pic-nic.

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Maybe the OP should have played this the Thai way. Mr. Rosner suggests that when in this situation next time, that you smile a crooked smile, say something unintelligent and then excuse yourself for the door.

Wait for the bast!rd by his car but not after slashing his times and scratching his paint. If he comes out alone make sure you sneak up on him and hit him in the back of the head.

Yes, the Thai way is the way you should do it - honourable, effective and popular.

Mr. Rosner recommends this highly.

Yeah this is the best advice so far on this thread. I'd definately take this course of action... :o


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Hey there,

Went to a new restaurant on Friday and got into a rather bizarre conversation with an incredibly drunk guy who turned out to be the local Mister Big...

It started out as a typical scenario played out many times before: a drunken person (99% of the time ugly blokes) wandered over to our table and started waffling away in their abysmal English. normally, being a thoroughly decent chap, I play along nicely and merrily chat away. After a while, the person trots off and all is well. You know the score.

However, this time it went a little differently:

The middle aged guy trotted over, drunk as a skunk, dressed awfully (white shoes, Hawaiian shirt, black trousers) and sits down opposite myself and the missus. No intro, just 'plonk', down he sits. He then pronounces "i just want to talk Englit". Smiles all round and I'm thinking 'here we go again...

I ask him his name...

"why do you want to know my name?" he answered, scowling at me.

"Well, i thought you wanted to talk to me."

"Ah? what? I don't like you. huh, farang"

And things started going downhill from there... I kept on smiling, although less so than before.

He then pointed to the missus and said "Did you buy her?" That pissed me off. But knowing that this guy was not your average drunken farmer (4 goons coupled with 4 young ladies sat at his table added weight to my suspicion)... I smiled and said 'no, she works thanks."

after some more semi-aggressive babble, he stands up, puffs out his chest and says:

"If you are the real one, you will call me and meet me". Now, <deleted> does that mean? I looked at the guy quizzically and said, "no, that's OK mate, we're just eating here and then we're off".

He then grabbed my hand, almost in a handshake, but not quite.... he stared at me in the eyes and said, "you will sing a song with me". I was inches away from him and was thinking of nutting him and pegging it... then TV posters' opinions came to mind.

I managed to scramble out of that, blabbering that he should sing and I'll listen. whilst he turned to go to the stage, me and missus legged it. As he was turned away going to the karaoke stage, a small black revolver was settled in his trouser's waist at the small of his back. nice.

This guy would have gotten into serious grief with me for talking so rudely, but the advice I've often read on this forum was flashing through my mind - "sod it, walk away, it's not worth it" (I remember the story of one guy who was hit on the head with a stick, and in retaliation, he pushed the bloke away... then got banged up inside by the local fluff and the crap booted out of him for his trouble).

My restraint was rewarded at the sight of his gun. I've never had it down stairs faster. Not kidding you, I could hear him singing 'My Way' astoundingly bad... I laughed at the thought of a Philipino guard shooting this man in the chest... som nam na.

Anyway, thanks to those TV posters who urge restraint and pacifism - without you, not sure where'd I be today.



Yes I was that person who got whacked with the stick and pushed the guy, and yes I did catch a hel_l of a beating for it in the cop-shop after.

C'mon people THIS IS THAILAND !

I come from Scotland where it is better to be killed than not defend your honour. It is because that is the way here. I couldn't show my face in my town if I punked out, and yes I have had a few scrapes in my time. BUT, T.I.T

be careful out there guys !

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Maybe the OP should have played this the Thai way. Mr. Rosner suggests that when in this situation next time, that you smile a crooked smile, say something unintelligent and then excuse yourself for the door.

Wait for the bast!rd by his car but not after slashing his times and scratching his paint. If he comes out alone make sure you sneak up on him and hit him in the back of the head.

Yes, the Thai way is the way you should do it - honourable, effective and popular.

Mr. Rosner recommends this highly.

Maybe Mr Rosner should play this his way; acting like a complete bell end with an IQ similar to Peter Griffin. Mr Rosner would do well to observe some basic manners regarding his pointless and stupid observations of Thai people, given that each time Mr Rosner does so, he ends up increasingly more likely to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous (mis)fortune.

If Mr Rosner has ever suffered from scratched paint or a hit in the back of the head, it is probably entirely the result of saying things around any living person with ears who is not deaf.

Mr Rosner is perhaps the most idiotic of all posters on TV, and that is quite an acheivement.

Now let's watch Mr Rosner drive.

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It was obvious from the start that these guys resented ferangs (me) and i felt very scared. It really showed me a side of thailand that i had chosen to previously ignore.

When you stay in Thailand long enough you learn Thai men are really very jealous of Farang men.

Can't blame them I guess if you look at the picture from their eyes.

Yeah, I am so jealous of some moron who can't speak Thai and barely can speak english, married to a former bar girl and speaking in baby talk, 'you want go eat yum yum?'

Thanks for the great observation about myself :-) I hadn't ever really figured it out, but you have provided some great assistance in this matter :-) :D:D

Let me gently rip your theory apart.

I speak Thai.

My wife was never a BG or in the sex industry.

When Thai women find I can communicate with them IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE they seem to express great interest in me.

The Thai women I know often complain what lousy lovers Thai men are compared to Farangs.

Most Thai guys cannot fly around the world w/o visa issues and set up shop where they like.

Farangs in Thailand always seem to have pcokets full of cash to spend.

Guess if I were some Thai guy I'd be slightly jealous also.

Cheers :o

totaly agree, however if it wasnt for thai men who would buy all the small size condoms :D

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Good effort by the OP

Not only do these guys often carry guns I have heard of many instances where a farang has entered what he thought was a one-on-one fight but ended up way out of their depth.

I heard an awful tale of a guy who got killed a few (10+) years back in Patpong after he got into an argument with a street vendor, sure enough it started out as a one on one scrap but it ended up with passers by wading in to help kick the farang and was finished off by someone wielding some scaffold...

Backing down, and playing it cool here is not cowardice, it's sensible.

Human survival instinct kicks in in these situations, choices being: 'fight or flight'  In thailand the choice becomes 'flight or flight'

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I remember years ago when I first came here I rented a room in Naklua, The landlord could speak quite good English and invited me out to a Thai kariokie, Beeing as green as could be I said yes ok, on the way there he said we will stop off at soi 9 police station there is two police comming off duty and they will come with us, He seemed to be well known in there and we walked straight in and upstairs, sitting down was a young girl being questioned by one of his police friends, the girl looked very scared, I coulden't believe it when this cop reached out across his desk and slowly lifted up the girls top and slipped his hand under her bra, this was right in the police station, anyhow after this we all went to the kariokie, they were ok while still sober but as they got more and more drunk they turned on me, one of his comments was do you want to ###### my girlfriend ? I replied no theres enougth girls in pattaya for all of us in as joking as possible fasion, he said you farangs can buy any girl you want, I was thinking of ways to leave but apart from just walking out I couldent think of anything, I tried to calm things by bringing my landlord into the conversation but he said he was going up stairs with a girl and would be about an hour, to cut a long story short things stayed very dificault for the rest of the night, on leaving one of the two cops came up to me while on the back of my landlords bike and put his gun up to my head saying is it tonight you die ? then he started laugthing and said only joke !

That night I lernt a big lesson, be careful of Thai guys, they are very good at keeping their true feelings about farang males coverd up but after a few drinks they can change.

Edited by undercover
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I remember years ago when I first came here I rented a room in Naklua, The landlord could speak quite good English and invited me out to a Thai kariokie, Beeing as green as could be I said yes ok, on the way there he said we will stop off at soi 9 police station there is two police comming off duty and they will come with us, He seemed to be well known in there and we walked straight in and upstairs, sitting down was a young girl being questioned by one of his police friends, the girl looked very scared, I coulden't believe it when this cop reached out across his desk and slowly lifted up the girls top and slipped his hand under her bra, this was right in the police station, anyhow after this we all went to the kariokie, they were ok while still sober but as they got more and more drunk they turned on me, one of his comments was do you want to ###### my girlfriend ? I replied no theres enougth girls in pattaya for all of us in as joking as possible fasion, he said you farangs can buy any girl you want, I was thinking of ways to leave but apart from just walking out I couldent think of anything, I tried to calm things by bringing my landlord into the conversation but he said he was going up stairs with a girl and would be about an hour, to cut a long story short things stayed very dificault for the rest of the night, on leaving one of the two cops came up to me while on the back of my landlords bike and put his gun up to my head saying is it tonight you die ? then he started laugthing and said only joke !

That night I lernt a big lesson, be careful of Thai guys, they are very good at keeping their true feelings about farang males coverd up but after a few drinks they can change.

I think your story is a very typical encounter with Thai guys  - especially those with some kind of authority.

I also learned a valuble lesson in a similar situation.  Drink, as you say, seems to bring out their true feelings

towards ferangs, and the true nature of the beast.

I think these type of posts are very important as they could save a life

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You should have beat the guy down and gain respect.

Yes he was the number one so you can only be the number one when you beat the number one.

Do not be so afraid after hearing all those BS story.

Yes I had encounters with various so called Maffia bosses.

They do not mean a thing, just bragging.

I am still alive.


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You should have beat the guy down and gain respect.

Yes he was the number one so you can only be the number one when you beat the number one.

Do not be so afraid after hearing all those BS story.

Yes I had encounters with various so called Maffia bosses.

They do not mean a thing, just bragging.

I am still alive.


yeh right!!! and you just go around gaining face by confronting with the locals :o:D

you have been watching to much TV.

I sugest you keep out of trouble and stay alive. as when you get somone on your case we will be discussing you on thai visa as another farrang that was murdered.

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It was obvious from the start that these guys resented ferangs (me) and i felt very scared. It really showed me a side of thailand that i had chosen to previously ignore.

When you stay in Thailand long enough you learn Thai men are really very jealous of Farang men.

Can't blame them I guess if you look at the picture from their eyes.

Yeah, I am so jealous of some moron who can't speak Thai and barely can speak english, married to a former bar girl and speaking in baby talk, 'you want go eat yum yum?'

Thanks for the great observation about myself :-) I hadn't ever really figured it out, but you have provided some great assistance in this matter :-) :o:D

In a previous post you stated you were luk kreung. In this post you seem to be claiming you are full Thai. Wonder what you'll be next time?

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In a previous post you stated you were luk kreung. In this post you seem to be claiming you are full Thai. Wonder what you'll be next time?

My daughter is look kreung. She is also 100% thai. What's your point?


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It must be hard for some posters on this thread (mentioning no names but looking firmly at JimmytheMook and jeffrosner) to square their innate views that Thai men are either jealous, stupid, lazy or a combination of all three, with the fact that they have had their asses kicked intellectually in this debate by one such Thai guy.

How ironic.

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It must be hard for some posters on this thread (mentioning no names but looking firmly at JimmytheMook and jeffrosner) to square their innate views that Thai men are either jealous, stupid, lazy or a combination of all three, with the fact that they have had their asses kicked intellectually in this debate by one such Thai guy.

How ironic.

Yes Bendicks , it is quite ironic.

Me go now have "yum yum".

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It must be hard for some posters on this thread (mentioning no names but looking firmly at JimmytheMook and jeffrosner) to square their innate views that Thai men are either jealous, stupid, lazy or a combination of all three, with the fact that they have had their asses kicked intellectually in this debate by one such Thai guy.

How ironic.

Yes, pat yourself on the back and have someone give you a prostate exam. Roll your eyes laddie buck -

Mr. Rosner has yet again spoken.

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In a previous post you stated you were luk kreung. In this post you seem to be claiming you are full Thai. Wonder what you'll be next time?

My daughter is look kreung. She is also 100% thai. What's your point?


You're mincing words. The issue is not if he has Thai nationality but is a "Thai man". If he is a luk kreung he obviously is not 100% Thai.

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Nothing new, there's a minority of folks here (made up of some, but not all: falangs, other Asians, those of African descent, even some Thais... remember DJ Pat?, etc.) who clearly question their self worth because of the unstable position they hold here in the LOS -some by their own doing, and certainly some because of the unfair position the local legal and social system puts them in. In order to make themselves feel a little better about themselves, they have to berate what they perceive as the competition (taxi drivers, local bartenders, their significant other's fathers and brothers, sometimes the entire nation itself, etc.... all kinds of psychological issues getting mixed up in there). It's the old human nature thing about 'hoping to succeed by wanting to see your neighbors fail.'


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It just comes down to cash and security

me thinks most women want the best life they can get ,, unfortunatly most thai men dont have that sort of cash so they turned down and have to watch us farangs get the girls

this is not a new thing it happens all over the world even in the uk go to portsmouth or aldershot and you will see the same problem with the local guys (girls going after servicemen not locals )

its just life

Edited by colino
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You're mincing words. The issue is not if he has Thai nationality but is a "Thai man". If he is a luk kreung he obviously is not 100% Thai.

That's totally open to debate Phil. & I disagree with you.

I consider myself 100% Australian, my father is fifth generation, however my mother comes from Finland & she her father was German & her great granf mother was Russian. Would you consider me part Finnish or even German?

I have one staff member who is look kreung - mother Thai, father from Belgium. He doesn't consider himself anything other than Thai, cant even speak English or whatever they speak in Belgium.

Now just because K. Steve has obviously (I am guessing but it appears that way) lived abroad for part of his life, why would that make him, by way of his mixed ancestory, not Thai? He is what he says he is....



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