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Getting Vacccinated in Pattaya quickly - Travelling to UK with Qatar - Returning to Thailand without accepted proof of vaccination

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Long story short am already double vaxed (July/August with Sinopharm) but because of the way I got it (through a friend of my GF's Auntie who put me on PTT's company register) I'm struggling to get registered on Mor Prom & cannot get a yellow vaccination passport (in Naklua) without doing so.


Problem now is I'm travellng back to the UK next month (Non negotiable, I'm going even if I can't come back) so would like to have something more official than the "Certificate" (which wasn't even accepted at Pattayarak in Naklua to get a yellow vaccine certificate) that I have before my return. 


Travelling back to the UK on 10th, but effectivelly on 7th as I'm staying with my mate in Bangkok to sort out getting the PCR test etc... so really need to get in somewhere for the 1st shot early next week to give me enough time to get the 2nd shot.


Can anybody recommend somewhere where I can get vaccinated quickly (Happy to pay as I figure it will be cheaper than having to pay for 2 weeks quarantine when I do come back or staying in the UK long enough to get double vaxed there). 



It really is a joke when you're having to be injected with drugs that you don't need (I am fully vaccinated) just so you can tick a box to get a piece of paper... 










Question 2, I'm flying to the UK on Qatar, they haven't mentioned me needing anything to travel but I've seem reports that KLM need forms that meet the UK Covid certificate entry requirements (Which mine doesn't as it doesn't have my Date of Birth on there), obviously the UK cannot refuse me entry but does anybody know if Qatar will stop me travelling if I don't meet the UK requirements?


Question 3: If I do make it home & Thailand won't accept the vaccinations I've had, can I come back & do the Phuket Sandbox for 7 days or am I forced to do 14 days quarantine? 


Again, many thanks for any help here... 





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