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Pradaxa in CM


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It is expensive.  I have bought it at the  C M university pharmacy on Suthep Road.  Sometimes have to order,  they say a week but usually call in 2-3 days.  

Dara pharmacy also has it usually,  sometimes a bit more expensive.


It gave me heartburn so I switched.  Now 2-3 alternatives available.


Write down what you want and show it to them,  if they say no tell them your friend bought it from them and please check again.  It is not a common item.


Suan Dok pharmacy has it too but you may need a prescription there.  

10 Baht please.

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I have no knowledge of these medications, but in general I found that different hospitals have different prices, varying by almost 2x. When you say "hospitals" have you tried a few? Also, some hospitals have a posted price but then they give you discount at purchase if you are a member or such. Medicine A can be more expensive at Ram than at BKK Hosp, an medicine B the opposite.


I have also tried to compare the hospital prices to pharmacies, I did not see any significant savings to be made.

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