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Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bent-toed Geckos in my Neighborhood


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My Dearest and Most-endearing Friends,


Thankfully, the gecko’s song has now returned to my home, after such a seemingly lengthy hiatus, and I heard his song for the first time this year, just yesterday.


I heard him calling me, issuing his unmistakable Call of the Wild, while I was having a muffin in my kitchen, late in the evening, just after finishing up the dishes, her in her apron.


You know, I guess, I once posted about my fear of the gecko, wrongly assuming that the gecko might pounce on me while taking out the trash.


In fact, the gecko is harmless, and his teeth are tiny, and he is, such a comely reptile, if one would just take time out to examine his markings.


The reason I write about this gecko today is due to the sad fact that another year has passed, and I just wonder how many more years I will be around to welcome this creature back into my life, like the swallows of San Juan Capistrano, if I were in San Juan.


I just wished to post this short message to encourage my friends here to glory in nature, and, every morning, give thanks for a new day, not to mention feeling gratitude for your lizard, if your lizard is as good as mine, always returning when you want him.


I cannot say if this lizard, yesterday evening, is the same lizard who hangs out here every year, but I believe he is.


If I were to every leave Thailand, an eventuality that I highly doubt, there is really no doubt that one of the things I would miss most would be the gecko, the sound he makes, and the fear-love I felt when I first set eyes on my love.


Some things in Thailand are just so great, as I know you know.


I am extremely grateful for my time in Thailand, for many reasons.


Same as you, I am sure.


Kindest regards,

And, wishing you many more happy years of the gecko,




Edited by GammaGlobulin
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