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Men in Shorts: How old are your oldest pair of shorts which you still wear, with gusto, either during country walks, or, even, about town?

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My Dear Friends,


As has been said in the past, maybe even on this forum, in Thailand, the wearing of shorts is sometimes frowned upon, especially in polite company.


Still, in some settings, we must wear our shorts when exercising along mountain paths traversing the many hills where we go to improve our cardiovascular health, and while trying to improve circulation in our legs while attempting to avoid those unsightly blue varicose veins which so embarrassingly show our age to any young women whom we might meet either at the local markets or in the bars around our homes.


From the perspective of others around here, the impoliteness of wearing of shorts is only exceeded by the insistence of some of us to wear very, very old shorts, shorts of over 25 years in age, which have been worn at least once per week during the majority of these years.


In my case, I have two pairs of shorts, both of which were purchased on the same day in Japan, about the year 1996, a memorable time when I visited the Onsen areas just outside Tokyo. The more secluded Onsen areas there are expensive, and so it is not just a matter of lack of money that I choose to wear my same shorts, year after year, tattered as they surely are.


Both you and I have read the many horror stories written by wives and girlfriends decrying the penchant of their partners for wearing, to the bitter end, various beloved items of clothing, such as favorite socks, an old school tie, a discolored undershirt, or some old smoking jacket with holes.


My two pairs of shorts, after over a quarter of a century, remain, still, two of my prized pieces of attire. My shorts were lovingly produced of very fine cotton with an extremely high thread content, just like the finest of sheets for one’s bed. So comfortable, and still comfortable after all these years.


I would be happy to change my shorts.


But I will not change my shorts unless I can find the same quality of cotton I once found in Japan, last century.


There must be a good reason why women don’t like their men to wear clothing until is completely wears out. And, I don’t know what it might be. Women are not logical in this respect, though I am not sexist.


Sometimes, women have good ideas, too.


Am I the only one who has a favorite pair of shorts I have worn for over 25 years, and still loving them?


Also, where can I find shorts like these, these days, in Thailand?


Once in a while, I dream about returning to the Japan of 1996, and buying another two pair of identical shorts, and then wearing them for another quarter of a century.


I will also choose the same color.


Best regards,

Take Care,


Exercise is good, whether walking about town, or up in the hills.


Hah!  Good topic, made me check my dresser.  The oldest pair that I still wear date back to around 2005.  On the other hand, shoes seem have a longer shelf life, I have some that fit but I wear only rarely (obviously) going back to the early 1990s.


The shorts are all less than a year old ! Because I wear them all the time. Now, long pants, they havnt seen the light of day for more than 5 years, and jeans about 7 yrs, they have actually been consigned to a storage area and not even in the main wardrobe anymore, same for the more formal style shoes. Last time I wore a collar and tie or a suit was 2006 .????

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