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Enforcement Of 90-day Reporting

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This notice was sent out by one of the foreign chambers of commerce today:


The Immigration Bureau and the Royal Thai Police are now enforcing the

requirement of expatriates to report their place of residence in writing to an

immigration Office every 90 days in accordance with Section 37 (5) of the

Immigration Act 2522.

In the event that the report is not made or is delayed by more than seven days

a penalty of up to THB 5,000 will apply.

Members are advised to comply with this requirement and to complete the

standard form in order to avoid being fined and potential delays in the

processing of their visas."

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Which foreign chamber? Url?

It's an old rule, but could be interesting to know, and we should possibly warn our members as well, via the newsletter.

This was from the BCCT email newsletter, June 2004. The item was titled "Immigration Update." There was no URL given.

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I never knew about such a rule,i m on 1 year visa since last 3 years,never reported such a thing.and never had any problem.No fine no penalty

It is clearly marked on every entry card completed by a visitor upon entry to Thailand that such a rule exists

However many also leave the country before the 90 day period is up for business or other travel and upon reentry the 90 day period starts once again.

for instance if you are on a multiple entry non-imm b visa. The entry stamp received permits a stay of only 90 days so effectively no further need to report once the original TM card has been completed providing address unless you change residence.

If you are on a 1 year extension of stay processed on the back of that non -imm b visa then the 90 reporting comes into effect should you not leave the country prior to the 90 days.

The tone of the note from the BCCT would indicate that the authorities are planning to crack down on this particular law

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8 to 80, blind crippled or crazy, I don't care who you are, the rule is there and you can get the 5000 baht fine if you do not report your address every ninety days. You can just mail it in a few days prior with a return envelope with no problem. Doesn't cost a thing and it can save you a lot of hassles in the future when you're making your new 1 year extension or other requests from immigration. :D

Eyespan, they'll love you when you go to get anything from them and from your remarks, you seem like the person that immigration just loves to hate. :D Follow the rules, be nice and usually everything will be fine. Don't know how long you've been here but other people that said I don't need to go across the border or I don't need to follow this rule or that rule doesn't apply to me are no longer here, kicked out of the country. Of course if you figure you're better than the rest of us and all these rules "do not apply to you", then so be it, but don't come crying when you've got a problem. :o

This forum just tries to help people to solve or prevent any kind of problems they might have and I for one thank them. I just did my report and it was easy as he11. :D

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Just go to Thai immigration on the 4th floor. You can fill out one of the address forms that are available on the desk outside the room and just hand it in. It takes all of 5 mins and saves any hassles in the future. If you leave before your time is up just count 90 days from the day you return. Don't forget your passport

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8 to 80, blind crippled or crazy, I don't care who you are, the rule is there and you can get the 5000 baht fine if you do not report your address every ninety days. You can just mail it in a few days prior with a return envelope with no problem. Doesn't cost a thing and it can save you a lot of hassles in the future when you're making your new 1 year extension or other requests from immigration. :D

Eyespan, they'll love you when you go to get anything from them and from your remarks, you seem like the person that immigration just loves to hate. :D Follow the rules, be nice and usually everything will be fine. Don't know how long you've been here but other people that said I don't need to go across the border or I don't need to follow this rule or that rule doesn't apply to me are no longer here, kicked out of the country. Of course if you figure you're better than the rest of us and all these rules "do not apply to you", then so be it, but don't come crying when you've got a problem. :o

This forum just tries to help people to solve or prevent any kind of problems they might have and I for one thank them. I just did my report and it was easy as he11. :D

Very well said Kringle. Clear, concise, and to the point. If the foreigner's living here didn't try to avoid the regulations, and have bad attitude's, life for them would be so much easier. If one cannot hack the regulations, one can simply hop on an aircraft and head for home.

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:D whim and fancy...... living by others' whim and fancy.

I can't see what the problem is,it has been the rule for a long time now,I have always mailed the form in a week or so before the 90 days are up, and I never have a problem getting my new extension when ever i go to BKK,I am at immigration by 0900 and am back at the northern terminal and catch a bus back home before 1200. :o

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And This is all you need

copies of all pages of your passport up to the last entry

the original 90 day slip [if you have notified before]

a copy [both sides] of your TM card

a completed notification form

a return addressed envelope with a 5 baht stamp on it

SEND IT TO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

90 day Registration

Room 401 Immigration Bureau

Soi Suan Plu

South Sathorn Road

Bangkok 10120

They send you a blank form back with your registration slip

Takes about 4/5 days

To the person who as never registered??? you may have a problem when you come to renew your visa, its part and parcel of renewing it, not knowing is no excuse, you should make it your business to know whats required, Every Bar down here contains visa experts, in actual effect they all know diddly shit :o

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Thanks All,

At first I was going to ask if I needed to go on the 90th day , or how many days before is good ,then I find out you can mail it , then I needed to know where this place is . See, I didnt even have to ask ! I dont know what I would do without this forum, Thank you .

Oh I do have one question, Is there a place I can go to in Korat or do I have to go to BKK. Not that it would make much differance, as I can go stock up on Farang food When in Bangkok

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Very well said Kringle. Clear, concise, and to the point. If the foreigner's living here didn't try to avoid the regulations, and have bad attitude's, life for them would be so much easier. If one cannot hack the regulations, one can simply hop on an aircraft and head for home.

Is it possible to voice dissent or frustration over inane rules? Yes, we can tow the line or fit into the pidgeon holes of governmental control, but then... we give up democracy and justice. The major reason Thailand is suffering from Taksin-ism is that they hesitate to voice the grievances. I hope the farang community doesn't do the same, otherwise nothing changes. It IS correct to follow the rules in the interim, but it's also correct to point out to people the shortcomings and make an effort to improve the system. When was the last time immigration department solicited imput on it's rules from the foreigners they are in control of? A public forum on it's regulations is held how often? As the answer is never, can not this thaivisa forum be utilized for such purpose in addition to providing the mundane information of immigration's plethora of rules?

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As far as the Thai are concerned,they do not give a ###### what you think,they are very plain in their thinking,and they do not need or want any rabble rousers here.

You might be able to raise ###### in your home country and get someone to listen to you,but it isn't the same here.

You are not a citizen here and even if you were they would not listen to you.

The idea that you are a "guest in their country" is a bunch of bullshit,you are not a "guest", you asked to be here and you did certain things in compliance with their laws to be able to enter and if you do not continue to comply,then you will be asked to leave.

Just plain truth and facts.not trying to start a fight but, :D

If you can not run with the big dogs,get back on the porch. :D

Or in other words, If you can not stand the heat,get out of the kitchen. :o

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Is it possible to voice dissent or frustration over inane rules? Yes, we can tow the line or fit into the pidgeon holes of governmental control, but then... we give up democracy and justice

This is hardly an inane rule. Inconvenient for some, but as guests in this country the Thai government has the absolute right to exercise some controls. Thailand is certainly not alone in having a reporting system. In some countries the responsibility is that of the owner of the premises where the foreigner is staying. here the responsibility is that of the foreigner. Example: In Europe check into a hotel, give them your passport and they report where you are. Thailand's requirements are more of an honor system than that of some other countries, but mainly because there is insufficient manpower to track every foreigner. As foreigners here the use of the term democracy should be viewed in its true meaning...the rule of the majority. Democracy has also come to mean that minorities have rights. Yes, you have the right to stay here as long as you follow the rules, and you have the right to leave if you do not like the rules or stay and try to avoid the rules. If you get caught you will experience justice. The 5 minutes it takes every 3 months is a very small price to pay if you like living here.

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i have been here 3.5 years, work permit, visa, the works - my friend 6 years same

same lawyer

same reply everytime I mention this 90 days rule

dont worry about it

I am not saying dont worry about it - but does my lawyer say dont worry about it as we are legally registered and working in business???

there are a few types living in BKK and so I ask are these blanket rules or is it designed to weed out the illegals???

one never knows does one


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same lawyer same reply everytime I mention this 90 days rule

dont worry about it

The unwritten rule for many years was don't start reporting, because then you cannot stop. A few years ago there was a "campaign" to get people to report. As with many campaigns here, it did not last very long, but that does not change the fact that there i a written rule that one must report their address every 90 days and report changes of address as well. If you do not comply and get caught, you pay the penalty. If you do not get caught, so be it. Is your lawyer going to pay your fine if you get caught?

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My lawyer meticulously calendars the 90-day due date. If I leave the country, she asks me to advise her of my return date so that a new 90-day due date can be calendared. Maybe your lawyer needs to review the immigration regulations?

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My lawyer meticulously calendars the 90-day due date. If I leave the country, she asks me to advise her of my return date so that a new 90-day due date can be calendared. Maybe your lawyer needs to review the immigration regulations?

The only thing I use a lawyer for is to manage my will. I can manage my own affairs. The immigration regulations say that one must report every 90 days. It is stated on the entry card stapled into your passport. If you leave before your 90 days is up each time, then you do not need to report, because you will not have been here for 90 days. But if you are here 90 days or more, and you do not report and get caught will your lawyer pay the B5000 fine for telling you that reporting is unnecessary?

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i have been here 3.5 years, work permit, visa, the works - my friend 6 years same

same lawyer

same reply everytime I mention this 90 days rule

dont worry about it

Until recently that was true. The TM6 you file each time you arrive/your work permit and hotel reporting was considered enough. Believe there was probably a wake up call after the arrest of terrorist suspects and decision made to 'know who is where'. The recent increase in fine would suggest it is being taken very seriously these days and not something to be ignored.

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The fine was 2.000 THB some weeks ago... Now 5.000 Thb.

Also you can send somebody to go as a messenger, it's a very simple formality. Need to have the paper mentionned before.

However as I do all my paper work by myself I like to go to SuanPlu for checking the news or talking with the officer for get some new informations. Usually in the office they are very co-operative.

In Europe for a non EEC resident it's much much more dificult than here.

Enjoy the country and follow their rules!

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i have been here 3.5 years, work permit, visa, the works - my friend 6 years same

same lawyer

same reply everytime I mention this 90 days rule

dont worry about it

Until recently that was true. The TM6 you file each time you arrive/your work permit and hotel reporting was considered enough. Believe there was probably a wake up call after the arrest of terrorist suspects and decision made to 'know who is where'. The recent increase in fine would suggest it is being taken very seriously these days and not something to be ignored.

i agree lopburi3,

also, when it comes time for a one year extension of stay from thai immigration...failure to report your address every 90 days is anything but positive towards your application.

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Kringle, you are the senior member that newbies love to hate. What, is there a certain precedent set as to what we should be happy or unsatisfied about.

Or has Thaivisa.com cease to be the place to pour out our sorrows.

Don't read too much into anything. I've been here for 2 years straight and I've given my share of Johnnie walkers.

Just because you've posted more than others you can judge eh! Well take note that I resent that.

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