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Thaksin's Supporters Threaten To Burn Themselves


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Mr Killjoy lmao i love it.I have not heard that said in along time .I have not laughed so much in along time good thing i was notdrinking my coffie when i was reading this thread, or the pc would of been coverd in it forsure.Anyway back to the burrning issue any more news .

Edit why do i keep seeing sponser dating site post , b4 and after my post, i have a thai other half thanks why bug me .Is it just me and my pc getting this add or is everyone? as its doing my head in now.

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wow, this thread is on fire........

So what are their demands - and will they be met :o   Maybe they should try pulling their own hair first to see

how much that hurts - one step a a time.  Joan of Ark didn't like being burned.  

According to the OP:

The group demanded an audience with Sonthi, who was attending a weekly cabinet meeting at the Government House at the time of the protest.

so it appears they are already overdue to follow through with their threat.. they demanded he meet with them... and he was busy ...

so c'mon already... light the bar-b-q.... let's get this going... time's awasting... post-9005-1181780231.gif

Edited by sriracha john
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Well "killjoy" or whatever i confess to have a special you might call it fear, when it comes to this subject, I have been unfortunate enough to be the first at the scene a couple of times where people have tried to kill themselves by the way of fire, it still haunts me in my dreams, and still to this day, I can remember the horrible smell of a half dead persons burnt flesh, especially one incedent, my best friend today and college at the time, still talk about often, even though it is more than 15 years ago, we both will never forget the horror, the feeling of helplessness, and the feeling of failure not being able to prevent what happend.

So I admit my reaction to some posts on this thread, was mabe an overreaction in "forum terms" but it was a gut thing, that i still feel, and I am not ashamed of it, it is my opinion and you can like it or not, some of us here on TV have "pet aversions" and you just happened to get to mine (suicide by fire, by police and suicide in general, apart from very specific exceptions). These horrible acts happens more often than you should think, people do the weirdest things, not only TRT supporters in Thailand (see supplied list, where I suspect some of you "Jokers" would have been sympathetic to the cause), when however misguided, they think that killing themselves is a path to some form of justice or solution to their problems.

The crisis in Thailand, is argued by some, already costing an increased number of lives in the south, if this is true? the recent transition of power can no longer be considered bloodless, I desperately hope as few as possible, soldiers, policemen, farmers, demonstrators, are going to sacrifice their lives, but hour by hour the tensions seems to rise in Thailand, and just now thinking that this will not cost some bloodshed is properly to be to optimistic, for that reason to, I personally will refrain from cracks about Thai deaths, that very easy might come back to kick me in the face.

With a sincere wish of peace and love (no I don't do drugs)

The kindest of regards,"Killjoy" :o

250px-Thich_Quang_Duc_-_Self_Immolation.jpg magnify-clip.png Thích Quảng Đức pictured during his self-immolation. Self-immolation is the act of self-sacrifice by suicide. Literally, “immolation” implies suicide by fire, but the term also includes other forms of self-sacrifice [1].


Self-immolation, whilst not tolerated in anything but extraordinary circumstances by Buddhism and <a href="http://www.answers.com/topic/hinduism" target="_blank">Hinduism, was practiced by religious or philosophical monks, especially in India, throughout the ages, for various reasons, including political protest, devotion, renouncement, etc. Certain warrior cultures also practiced it, such as in the case of Charans and Rajputs.

A number of Buddhist monks, including Thích Quảng Đức in 1963, self-immolated in protest of the discriminatory treatment endured by Buddhists under the authoritarian administration of President Ngô Đình Diệm in South Vietnam — even though violence against the self is prohibited by most interpretations of Buddhist doctrine.

Cases of self-immolation have also been recorded by the Jesuit priests of France in the early 1600s. Their practice of this was not intended to be fatal, though. They would burn certain parts of their bodies (limbs such as the forearm, the thigh). The reason they did this was to signify the pain Jesus endured while upon the crucifix. It was an alternative to flagellation. See The Copycat Effect (New York: Paraview Pocket-Simon and Schuster, 2004, ISBN 0-7434-8223-9).


Notable cases of self-immolation

Three Americans immolated themselves in 1965, in protest of the Vietnam War. The first was Alice Herz, an 82-year-old German immigrant who performed the act in downtown Detroit on March 16, 1965, prior to the University of Michigan Teach-in. The second was Norman Morrison, who performed the act outside of the Pentagon office of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara after reading an article by a missionary about the destruction of a Vietnamese village by napalm. The third was Roger Allen LaPorte, in front of the United Nations building in New York City on November 9, 1965. At the time, he was a 22-year-old Catholic Worker Movement member. On May 10, 1970, 23-year-old George Winne Jr. immolated himself on the campus of the University of California, San Diego. He left a sign saying "In the Name of God, stop the war". See The Copycat Effect (New York: Paraview Pocket-Simon and Schuster, 2004, ISBN 0-7434-8223-9).

On 8 September 1968, Polish lawyer and former soldier of Armia Krajowa Ryszard Siwiec burned himself during an official Communist ceremony in the main stadium of Warsaw protesting against the Warsaw Pact intervention in Czechoslovakia in August 1968.

Five months later, in January 1969, Jan Palach immolated himself in Prague to protest against the recent Soviet military backlash against the reforming "Prague Spring" movement. A month later, another student, Jan Zajíc underwent self-immolation for the same reason.

On 19 September, 1970, the Basque nationalist Joseba Elosegui set himself alight and threw himself at the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, who was presiding over a game of the world pelota championship in the Anoeta court of San Sebastián. Elosegui was arrested and Franco was not harmed.

On 19 September, 1970, Kostas Georgakis self-immolated in Matteotti square in Genoa, Italy, to protest the Greek military regime.

On 14 May 1972, Romas Kalanta self-immolated as a protest against the Soviet Union's occupation of Lithuania. This triggered a student uprising in Kaunas.

On 22 August, 1976 East German priest Oskar Brüsewitz set himself on fire in front of a church in Zeitz, near Leipzig, protesting against the oppression of the Protestant church by the East German regime. Two years later, on 17 September, 1978, the priest Rolf Günther followed his example in Falkenstein, Saxony, probably for the same reasons.

In 1979, During the trial of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Prime Minister of Pakistan, one person in Sargodha self-immolated.

On April 7, 1989, the pro-Taiwan independence publisher Cheng Nan-jung self-immolated rather than submit himself to arrest for having published a draft of the Republic of Taiwan constitution. His action was soon followed by the self-immolation of another activist during Cheng's funeral procession.

In 1990, Rajiv Goswami self-immolated[1] in protest against implementation of job and University education reservations for backward castes to the extent of 27% in addition to the existing quotas of 22.5% in India, as recommended by the Mandal Commission. This sparked a series of the same by other college students and led to a formidable movement against implementing the policy.

In February of 1991, University of Massachusetts Amherst student Greg Levey set himself on fire on the Amherst, Massachusetts town commons in protest of the Gulf War.[2]

In the 1980s several South Korean students also chose to self-immolate in the waves of mass protests against the country's then authoritarian government.

On October 23, 1996, West Philadelphian activist Kathy Change self-immolated to protest "the present government and economic system and the cynicism and passivity of the people," as she said in her suicide note.

On January 13, 1998, Alfredo Ormando dramatically set himself on fire in Saint Peter's Square to protest the Vatican's homophobia.

On January 23, 2001 a group of people self-immolated in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China. The group were allegedly practitioners of the Chinese spiritual movement Falun Gong; however, this is disputed by Falun Gong supporters, who claim it was a setup by the Chinese government as a part of the ongoing crackdown on the movement.

In 2003 six people set themselves on fire in the Czech Republic, with four dying and two suffering severe burns. Most of the cases were in Prague. According to suicide notes the reason was depression due to the contemporary situation of the world.[3] Psychologists in the Czech Republic have warned that the frequent commemoration ceremonies for Jan Palach contributed to this phenomenon.[citation needed]

On November 15, 2004, Mohamed Alanssi, a disgruntled former federal informant on terrorism set himself on fire near the White House. Secret Service officers put out the fire and Alanssi survived.[4]

On October 31, 2006, retired minister Roland Weißelberg set himself on fire[5] at a construction site in Erfurt, Germany. He died the next day. A letter written by Weißelberg indicated that he was protesting the spread of Islam, and urged Germany's Protestant Church to take the issue more seriously.

On November 3, 2006, Chicago activist, music enthusiast, and sound engineer Malachi Ritscher immolated himself alongside Chicago's Kennedy Expressway, claiming discontent with the United States' occupation of Iraq in his "personal statement", published on his website, SavageSound.com. Next to his body was found a videotape and a small sign, on which the phrase, "Thou Shalt Not Kill" was printed.[6][7][8]

On December 22, 2006, a man in Bakersfield, California set himself on fire, along with a Christmas tree, an American flag, and a replica of an American Revolutionary flag, in front of the Kern County courthouse. He had a sign that said "###### the religious establishment and KHSD". The previous day, the Kern High School District, the apparent referent to "KHSD", had voted to change the names of their schools' winter and spring breaks back to Christmas and Easter breaks; authorities believe the man was protesting that decision. A sheriff's deputy who was manning security at the courthouse entrance saw the incident and extinguished the flames; the man suffered only first-degree burns.[9]

On March 7, 2007 Uddhav Bhandari a Nepalese asylum-seeker living in Scotland set himself alight outside the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal Centre in Glasgow. He had been refused permission to stay in the United Kingdom and was due to face an appeal hearing, which if unsuccesful would have seen him deported to Nepal. He died of his injuries on March 19.

On April 1, 2007, Heo Se-wook, a union taxi driver in Seoul, South Korea, set himself on fire to protest South Korea's Free trade agreement with the United States.[10]

Edited by larvidchr
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now seriously, would this be in violation of the smoking ban?

Not sure about that, but if they're planning to use alcohol to make any molotav cocktails, they should heed the b4 11AM, and 2PM-5PM ban for planning purposes. I suppose for aesthetic purposes it would be best at night, but again, no can do after 12AM.

Edited by chinthee
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I have no words for some of the disgusting posts here.

Keep in mind that the classification 'Thaksin Supporters' is spin from the junta controlled media.

There is every chance that people will die in pursuit of democracy, NOT specifically a return of TRT / Thaksin.

[People may die Black May style in a hail of bullets from the military, or (far less likely) suicide as described here, but frivolous banter doesn't disguise the depth of the abyss Thailand is in at the moment.]

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The whole premise that people will commit mass suicide in the name of a politician is absolute nonsense and deserves to be treated with black humour. To even suggest such a thing elevates the man to such the utmost revered status that could be conferred on a human being.

As far as people dying for democracy, or for any reason, is regretable and avoidable. However, if they die "in pursuit of democracy," one has to query whether any brand of democracy that would allow the consolidation of power by one man without proper checks and balances, and the abuses we've witnessed could ever be worth dying for.

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Post # 65, Address to the MOderators. So now pics of death are allowed? Was not so a year ago. I have no problem seeing death, have seen enough in 26 years. Last time some peope did have a problem. I demand a clear explanation!

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Post # 65, Address to the MOderators. So now pics of death are allowed? Was not so a year ago. I have no problem seeing death, have seen enough in 26 years. Last time some peope did have a problem. I demand a clear explanation!

I am sorry if the Picture violates TV rules, it is unpleasent to se what the jokes is all about, if the rules are violated would a Moderator please be so kind as to remove it from the post in question.

Kind regards. :o

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Post # 65, Address to the MOderators. So now pics of death are allowed? Was not so a year ago. I have no problem seeing death, have seen enough in 26 years. Last time some peope did have a problem. I demand a clear explanation!

Get back in your pram Sonny - demand!!!

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No. I agree.

Whilst it might be funny to theorise about a pack of dickheads self immolating, I hope it doesn't (and don't think it has) any chance of happening. No one (apart from Manson crowd) could honestly be that stupid. Could they?

Well, they are Thaksin supporters :o

just joking lads :D

seriously, they are either liars or need to seek a mental health professional ASAP. Otherwise their chances of surviving might go up in smoke :D

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As their demands were not met and they havent carried out their threat, seems they have wasted a lot of peoples time.  Just a bunch of  fibbers.  I wonder how they are feeling about loss of face.  At least if they had carried out their threats they would have saved face - well metaphoricaly speaking :o

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Post # 65, Address to the MOderators. So now pics of death are allowed? Was not so a year ago. I have no problem seeing death, have seen enough in 26 years. Last time some peope did have a problem. I demand a clear explanation!

I am sorry if the Picture violates TV rules, it is unpleasent to se what the jokes is all about, if the rules are violated would a Moderator please be so kind as to remove it from the post in question.

Kind regards. :o

I have no prob. >Last time I posted police pic of the body bleeding a bit on his head (after mashing up the seravan shrine) got huge uproar and were deleted. So MODs, Please tell us what is OK??????

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Post # 65, Address to the MOderators. So now pics of death are allowed? Was not so a year ago. I have no problem seeing death, have seen enough in 26 years. Last time some peope did have a problem. I demand a clear explanation!

Get back in your pram Sonny - demand!!!

What is a 'pram' you are talking about?

I am still waiting for an explanation from the mods?

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Jimi Hendrix - Fire Lyrics


now listen, THAKSIN

You don't care for me :o

I don'-a care about that

Gotta new fool, ha!

I like it like that

I have only one burning desire

Let me stand next to your fire

Let me stand next to your fire [Repeat 4 times]

Listen here, THAKSIN

and stop acting so crazy :D

You say your miss your home,

it ain't my concern,

Just play with me and I won't burn myself

I have only one itching desire

Let me stand next to your fire

Let me stand next to your fire [Repeat 4 times]

Oh! Move over, gRover

and let Jimi take over

Yeah, you know what I'm talking 'bout

Yeah, get on with it, baby

That's what I'm talking 'bout

Now dig this!


Now listen, THAKSIN

You try to gimme your money :D

you better save it, THAKSIN

Save it for your rainy day

I have only one burning desire

Let me stand next to your fire

Let me stand next to your fire

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As their demands were not met and they havent carried out their threat, seems they have wasted a lot of peoples time. Just a bunch of fibbers. I wonder how they are feeling about loss of face. At least if they had carried out their threats they would have saved face - well metaphoricaly speaking :o

Actually...the face peel has become one of the hottest procedures on the spa scene here in Bangkok.

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mental health professional ASAP. Otherwise their chances of surviving might go up in smoke

First time the mob here mentioned "mental health".

What about gov. health care?

I am sure you would qualify for free mental health care :D

Oberver, I don't understand is this comment about my nationality or race? :o

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mental health professional ASAP. Otherwise their chances of surviving might go up in smoke

First time the mob here mentioned "mental health".

What about gov. health care?

I am sure you would qualify for free mental health care :D

Oberver, I don't understand is this comment about my nationality or race? :o

Since  i know neither your nationality nor race ir cant be either.

I would guess you are Scotish  though, with a name like Sonny (sonny jim, sonny boy, etc)

the lights the lights are shining, from glen to glen .  la -  la -  la - lah  - - - - -

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You are all making silly jokes , about the people who intend to burn themselves , while the whole of Thailand will be burning if the situation in the south doesnt ammeliorate , and the junta leaders dont allow fair elections with the participation of Taksin .

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You are all making silly jokes , about the people who intend to burn themselves , while the whole of Thailand will be burning if the situation in the south doesnt ammeliorate , and the junta leaders dont allow fair elections with the participation of Taksin .

here here :o

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