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Cambodia considers peacekeeping mission to Ukraine

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Defence Minister General Tea Banh  said yesterday that Cambodia may consider sending Blue Helmet troops to Ukraine, if the country  and the United Nations declare that there will be no more fighting with Russia. He added that Cambodia sends Blue Helmet troops on missions abroad under the auspices of the UN, which are non-war locations or areas that require peacekeeping forces.


Cambodia has never sent Blue Helmet troops to countries at war. “We go to help countries that are at peace but not yet at full peace, such as helping to build infrastructure, roads, hospitals, schools, demining minefields and other humanitarian work,” said Gen Banh. “We cannot send Cambodian Blue Helmet troops to countries that are at war. We have prepared and protected our forces from the dangers of war,” he added.


Government spokesman Phay Siphan said the position of the  government has always been to support and protect peace and Cambodia does not join forces in the fight against any country and Cambodia will not send troops to serve the interests of any country.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501033904/cambodia-considers-peacekeeping-mission-to-ukraine/




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