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Bangkok Still Calm After Coup Rumours


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City still calm after coup rumours

BANGKOK: -- All remained quiet at the Army headquarters close to midnight on Wednesday, and the Council for National Security tried to quash intense rumours sweeping the capital that either another coup was imminent or a drastic plan was underway to deal with proThaksin protesters.

Reporters swarming the Army headquarters started withdrawing around midnight. Army sources denied the coup rumours which peaked late in the evening.

The rumours were apparently propelled by related events earlier in the day. Late in the afternoon, rumours had it that the military council was planning to declare a curfew to force an end to street protests by proThaksin mobs.

After a meeting between CNS chairman Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin and top security officials, CNS spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd came out to deny that the junta was planning to enforce a curfew.

"Rumours about the curfew was absolutely groundless," he said.

More rumours then emerged that the proThaksin protesters were planning to move their rally to the Army headquarters to challenge the CNS.

One of the protest leaders, Chatuporn Prompan, denied the rumours and said that they were apparently spread to pave the way for the military council to take drastic action against the protesters.

-- The Nation 2007-06-14

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Despite assertions by the CNS that it is OK for Thaksin to return to over-turn the decision by the AEC to freeze his accounts - I very much doubt that he will do so.

Thailand is still - effectively - under martial law - thousands of up-country Thais have been prevented from travelling to Bangkok to join the anti CNS (really pro-Thaksin) protests in the last few weeks.

So much for the "right to protest" that has been banded about by the CNS recently.

The CNS NOW holds almost all the cards.

The "drugs war" extra-judicial killings - as well as those in the South - must surely be hanging over the head of Thaksin like an albatros now!

Upon learning of the judgement of the AEC - Thaksin was quoted as saying that it was 'unfair' - pretty rich coming from him!

Jail time for Thaksin and his wife and others implicated in this gross misappropriation of public funds and the unlawful and illegal slaughter of ordinary Thai citizens must surely be on the cards - if not now - then at some time in the not too distant future.

As for talk that the protesters will instigate some kind of crisis......forget it......they don't have the common support - at least on the streets - nor the capability to mess with the military junta now in power.

Edited by bulmercke
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As for talk that the protesters will instigate some kind of crisis......forget it......they don't have the common support - at least on the streets - nor the capability to mess with the military junta now in power.

If you pass by Sanam Luang - you might see that after work the area is filling up, and a huge crowd is attending the demonstrations. And not much smaller than the PAD demonstrations.

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After a meeting between CNS chairman Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin and top security officials, CNS spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd came out to deny that the junta was planning to enforce a curfew.

"Rumours about the curfew was absolutely groundless," he said.

Lets wait and see - don't forget that Gen. Sonthi has also denied that there is going to be a coup.

A lot depends on what happens the coming weekend. Last Saturday's demonstration was very large, if the next planned march is bigger, then all cards are off. I wonder how the military would deal with demonstrations of that size if they are on a regular base. I would not dare to make any prediction of what the military is planning now, or if they have several plans, and first wait and see how the thing develops before reacting.

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After a meeting between CNS chairman Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin and top security officials, CNS spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd came out to deny that the junta was planning to enforce a curfew.

"Rumours about the curfew was absolutely groundless," he said.

Lets wait and see - don't forget that Gen. Sonthi has also denied that there is going to be a coup.

A lot depends on what happens the coming weekend. Last Saturday's demonstration was very large, if the next planned march is bigger, then all cards are off. I wonder how the military would deal with demonstrations of that size if they are on a regular base. I would not dare to make any prediction of what the military is planning now, or if they have several plans, and first wait and see how the thing develops before reacting.

If they were actually peaceful demonstrations .... they'd likely do nothing ....

but the pro Thaksin crowd is not likely to be peaceful over time .....

The folks that were predicting blood in the streets with PAD were dead wrong <partly because of a timely coup> let us hope that they will be wrong this time too!

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After a meeting between CNS chairman Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin and top security officials, CNS spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd came out to deny that the junta was planning to enforce a curfew.

"Rumours about the curfew was absolutely groundless," he said.

Lets wait and see - don't forget that Gen. Sonthi has also denied that there is going to be a coup.

A lot depends on what happens the coming weekend. Last Saturday's demonstration was very large, if the next planned march is bigger, then all cards are off. I wonder how the military would deal with demonstrations of that size if they are on a regular base. I would not dare to make any prediction of what the military is planning now, or if they have several plans, and first wait and see how the thing develops before reacting.


The question is: will the 'military' fight the 'other military ?

What military is pro CNS and what military is not? :o

Hmmm...there are Generals, Officers and 'military' servants...who are mainly from poorer N/NE areas....just thinking.


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City still calm after coup rumours

BANGKOK: -- All remained quiet at the Army headquarters close to midnight on Wednesday, and the Council for National Security tried to quash intense rumours sweeping the capital that either another coup was imminent or a drastic plan was underway to deal with proThaksin protesters.

Reporters swarming the Army headquarters started withdrawing around midnight. Army sources denied the coup rumours which peaked late in the evening.

The rumours were apparently propelled by related events earlier in the day. Late in the afternoon, rumours had it that the military council was planning to declare a curfew to force an end to street protests by proThaksin mobs.

After a meeting between CNS chairman Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin and top security officials, CNS spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd came out to deny that the junta was planning to enforce a curfew.

"Rumours about the curfew was absolutely groundless," he said.

More rumours then emerged that the proThaksin protesters were planning to move their rally to the Army headquarters to challenge the CNS.

One of the protest leaders, Chatuporn Prompan, denied the rumours and said that they were apparently spread to pave the way for the military council to take drastic action against the protesters.

-- The Nation 2007-06-14

proThaksin demonstrations, talk of a coup,  ok can understand!  Police gaurantee Thaksins safety when he returns to Thailand - is it just me :o

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As an outsider looking in it seems thatThailand is very unsettled - to say the least -  at the moment.

From what i have observed from reading news reports and relaited posts on this forum, it seems many people,

especially those with vested interests, are waiting, hoping, praying, for some solution to the ever growing tensions.  However, the goalposts keep moving.

 I have a few friends whom

have actually cancelled their plans to holiday in Thailand.  With new rumours of a coup i suppose many may follow.

I am afraid the countrys image  is being damaged even more.  Seems like something bad will take place before

any prospect of normality.

very sad indeed.  

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i think it is the TRT camp that is spreading these rumors. Another coup is in their interest, not the CNS. TRT is on its last leg and I am really enjoying watching them splashing around in the mud.

I agree

I also see this as a diversion, Thaksin is on the run now I am convinced of that. Another 8 billion went missing from what I see leaving 43 Billion.

Edited by John K
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Hmmm...there are Generals, Officers and 'military' servants...who are mainly from poorer N/NE areas....just thinking.


An astute observation. By Sonthi's own admission, some months ago, 70% of the military are from the North and Northeast. You have to assume that the majority of them are also from families or poor areas that support the TRT.

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The political game and rumors will no doubt intensify in Bangkok. Bangkok is where the whole thing is being played out and the closer we get to a charter vote, elections and court cases the more there will be rumors and the more there will be a chance for violence.

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With the generals seizing assets like crazy they have plenty to hand out to cash-starved generals who would oppose them. No coup coming...

Is your comment based on the numbers of people shopping for orchids ?? :D

Just like there is no crisis at the moment ..............................? Oh brother :o

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I will not dare to give a comment now ,the situation in what state it is now.It is all about how far the one side may or wants to go,and the other side how much they want to stay in power,and what they think whatever it takes to keep it!

So eventually,we will see automatically what the real reason is for the CNS.Or /and the suspicion's are right about them or not.

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With the generals seizing assets like crazy they have plenty to hand out to cash-starved generals who would oppose them. No coup coming...

Is your comment based on the numbers of people shopping for orchids ?? :D

Just like there is no crisis at the moment ..............................? Oh brother :o

I get your drift. As long as the generals are buying orchids we're in the clear. Well said.

Dr. Lampoon will be by to adjust your medication at 3pm.

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Assets were frozen, not seized, there's a big difference - they can't hand out frozen assets.

What is this second coup - someone's taking power away from Sonthi? Sonthi taking power away from Surayud?

Possible curfew and strict measures against pro-Thaksin mobs is not a coup.

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With the generals seizing assets like crazy they have plenty to hand out to cash-starved generals who would oppose them. No coup coming...

you make it sound like sonthi moved into thaskin's house and driving his car.

No, he's just sleeping with his wife.

Now that is above and beyond the call of duty - a fate worse than death indeed! :D:o

Edited by bkkandrew
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