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BISP Students Take “Time to Engage” in Wellbeing

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‘I really like this format and hope that we can do it again some time. It gives us the freedom to choose an activity that really interests us’. – Charlotte Year 11. 


Over 100 BISP Year 10 and 11 Upper School students participated in a ’Time to Engage’ activity during their weekly wellbeing session. The objective of the session was to encourage student agency in engaging in a new activity to kick-off 2022. Student agency refers to learning through activities that are meaningful and relevant to learners, driven by their interests, and often self-initiated with appropriate guidance from teachers. To put it simply, student agency gives students voice and choice, in how and what they learn.


‘I chose Podcasting as I like to listen to different inspiring podcasts, and it has given me the skills and knowledge to make my own in the future’.  – Aidan Year 10 


As part of our Wellbeing program, BISP encourages and provides opportunities for students to step out of their comfort zones and to engage in new pursuits. Studies have shown that giving students choice  in the learning process can lead to an increase in  focus and attention, motivating them to practice higher-level critical thinking skills and enhancing meaningful learning opportunities. 


‘‘Time to Engage’ gave us the opportunity to socialise with friends, make new friends and have fun while learning a new skill.’ – Miyuka Year 10


The ’Time to Engage’ activities were hosted by a team of enthusiastic and passionate BISP teaching staff and were run in various locations around school. Students had the opportunity to engage in a diverse range of activities, from Chess to Muay Thai, Baking to Yoga and Art.


It has been a pleasure to see our Upper School students becoming fully immersed in the broad range of activities on offer.  ‘Time to Engage’ has been focused on giving responsibility and ownership of learning to our students, guiding them in the direction of potential new passions and new connections with their peers. Our efforts to nurture wellbeing by encouraging student agency and interactive learning in this way is underpinned by the three pillars of our Wellbeing curriculum  – Engage, Relate & Shine.  – Mrs Clark

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