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Good Divorce Lawyer Required.

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Assuming this is in Thailand, why the need for a lawyer ? Is the farang seeking more than 50% of the wife's assets ? If not, just go to the Amphur office and sign the papers. All done, no lawyers needed.

Assuming this is in Thailand, why the need for a lawyer ? Is the farang seeking more than 50% of the wife's assets ? If not, just go to the Amphur office and sign the papers. All done, no lawyers needed.

Trust me - I need a lawyer, not homespun advice


Sorry to hear of your need Mobi, particularly if it's for yourself. I don't think you'll find any useful lawyer in Pattaya. Have you though about calling Sunbelt? I know they're mostly associated with real estate and business but they're listed as legal advisors so perhaps .... http://www.lawyer.th.com/ ... at least they'd probably be able to suggest a decent company.

Sorry to hear of your need Mobi, particularly if it's for yourself. I don't think you'll find any useful lawyer in Pattaya. Have you though about calling Sunbelt? I know they're mostly associated with real estate and business but they're listed as legal advisors so perhaps .... http://www.lawyer.th.com/ ... at least they'd probably be able to suggest a decent company.

Thing is with sunbelt they dont reply to online enquiries.  I note the guy whom replied earlier suggested that you just go back to the office where you married and it can be done and dusted in minutes.

However, if you have put a lot of interests (house etc) in your wifes name then i suppose you need advice - probably from a psychiatrist though :o  Sorry only joking, but seriously hard to find - if posssible.  Never heard of one in 13 years.  Good luck, if you find one i would be most most gratefull to be informed.

Assuming this is in Thailand, why the need for a lawyer ? Is the farang seeking more than 50% of the wife's assets ? If not, just go to the Amphur office and sign the papers. All done, no lawyers needed.

Trust me - I need a lawyer, not homespun advice

Well, it's your money, spend it how you see fit, you could always send some of it my way :o


I would appreciate any personal recommendations.



you did not say in which area you are located. been there, done that. hang in there-you have more rights under thai law than you think-probably far more than in your home country, and that goes even for house, car etc in wife's name. shop around. many lawyers in thailand will not help you as much as you think they might. often it is too much trouble for them, or they do not want to "rock the boat" and you will be left making compromises you did not have to. shop around and sift through the conflicting information you will get from different lawyers(strange, but true)and get a quote first. i got doom and gloom from a lawyer i saw in bankok, then exactly the opposite from one in korat. i won, against what i thought was impossible odds.- actually couldnt believe what the new lawyer did for me after getting ripped off by some creep in bankok. sorry you have to go through this. do not give up.

you should find somebody in your area quite easily, but shop around. oh, and just because the guy is a farang doesnt always mean he will do his best for you. dont exclude thai lawyers. i know it will be hard, but put your feelings behind you, and go straight for the throat. there is no advantage to be had in fighting fair in a divorce case.

good luck, and sympathies




"Thing is with sunbelt they dont reply to online enquiries"

More than a hundred years ago, the telehone was invented. I'm almost positive that Sunbelt has a telephone.


In order to provide you with better advice, would you mind telling us where you are located, have/have not children, assests and why are you divorcing her?

In order to provide you with better advice, would you mind telling us where you are located, have/have not children, assests and why are you divorcing her?

daxbr - The location would be useful, but I don't see how any of the other information you want is anybody's business but Mobi's and relevant to getting the name of a good lawyer. If anything, it will turn this thread into a troll-fest of "homespun advice".

Mobi- I don't have any advice for you on this subject... never been there yet (touch wood). Just want to say that I'm sorry to hear your situation (if it is indeed your situation)... hope it works out as easily as possible for all concerned.


I can say quite categorically that my "homespun advice" is quite practical having gone through the process myself. Go to any Amphur office and it takes about 1-2 hours to complete. In my case there was a company involved in which my wife was a director and major shareholder, land ownership and also children, but all handled within the document at the Amphur office, not one satang paid to a lawyer.

I post the above information not so mush for you Mobi, since you already appear to have assessed your need for a lawyer, but for other TV members who may have simpler needs.

One piece of advice I may offer is for both parties to have firm agreement on what they regard as a satisfactory outcome and stick to it before seeing lawyers. Don't let the lawyers talk you into something else as it will only cause problems and lengthen the process into a bitter dispute from which only the lawyer will benefit. Stick to what both parties have agreed to and it will be over soon and you can get on with your life.

One piece of advice I may offer is for both parties to have firm agreement on what they regard as a satisfactory outcome

What advice do you give in situations where both parties do not agree?

I can say quite categorically that my "homespun advice" is quite practical having gone through the process myself. Go to any Amphur office and it takes about 1-2 hours to complete. In my case there was a company involved in which my wife was a director and major shareholder, land ownership and also children, but all handled within the document at the Amphur office, not one satang paid to a lawyer.

I post the above information not so mush for you Mobi, since you already appear to have assessed your need for a lawyer, but for other TV members who may have simpler needs.

One piece of advice I may offer is for both parties to have firm agreement on what they regard as a satisfactory outcome and stick to it before seeing lawyers. Don't let the lawyers talk you into something else as it will only cause problems and lengthen the process into a bitter dispute from which only the lawyer will benefit. Stick to what both parties have agreed to and it will be over soon and you can get on with your life.

What you propose will work if both parties have already reached an amicable agreement. Unfortunately this is rarely the case, and since Mobi is not an idiot I strongly suspect that is why he is asking for a good referral.

One piece of advice I may offer is for both parties to have firm agreement on what they regard as a satisfactory outcome

What advice do you give in situations where both parties do not agree?

This is my case too. Also, my marriage license is an English one. What can I do?

One piece of advice I may offer is for both parties to have firm agreement on what they regard as a satisfactory outcome

What advice do you give in situations where both parties do not agree?

The starting point is what each party is entitled to under the law (in the Thai case 50% each). If one party thinks they are entitled to more and the other party does not agree then the party wanting more needs to consider:

A. if the amount above 50% being sought is worthwhile after the costs of legal fees, time and effort are deducted, and

B. what are the chances of being successful in the court(s) (be careful not to be led by your lawyer on this, although it's hard to ignore their counsel since you are paying for it)

Having considered these two points it is then a value judgement by the individual.

Judging from the anecdotes one hears it is surprising how much punishment an individual will inflict upon themselves, often for years, in the pursuit of money or revenge, to the point where it totally destroys some people.

Is it worth it ? In the end it is again a value judgement by the individual. How much is getting on with your life worth ?


Thank you for all the helpful replies.

Yes it is for me and I am in Bangkok, which is why I posted the request in the Bangkok forum.

I do have a fair appreciation of the law and situation with regards to divorces in Thailand - indeed this is not the first Thai marriage/divorce that I have been through.

So I know enough to know I need a good lawyer who can negotiate a fair settlement on my behalf. There are a lot of assets at play here, and some complications, so I don't want to lose any more than I have to.

For reasons I'd prefer not to go into, I do not wish to use Sunbelt on this particular occasion.

I really do need a personal recommendation.




I'm sorry Mobi, while I know few good attornies, I don't know any specializing in family/divorce law. I recall that there have been a few threads on this matter with somepeople giving strong testimonials for a lawyer, who I seem to recall was at Baker McKenzie. I did find this testimonial from a prenup thread:

Foggy Dew

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Find Member's Posts 2007-02-13 01:21:19 Post #3


Group: Members

Posts: 7

Joined: 2006-06-27

Member No.: 31,539

Hi Keestha,

I hope the following will be of some help to you, I found Khun Narit to be straight up and aware of the issues and he has good English and also wont break the bank! I have XXXX out my name and the prices he quoted me as these were addressing an earlier email I had sent to him.


Foggy Dew.

Dear Mr. XXXX,

Thank you for your email. My name is Narit Direkwattanachai. I am a Thai attorney. My breif background is given herebelow. I am pretty familiar with issues re marriage with foreigners. My wife is also a foreign citizen. For general information about your case, please read our family law brochure enclosed herewith for your information.

Fee Quotation

I quote Baht XXXX to draft your prenuptial agreement in both Thai and English version. If you need our paralegal to accompany your guys to the district office to register the prenuptial agreement, I charge another Baht XXXX. But my fee does not include the notalization proceess at the Ministry of Foriegn Affairs, which you can do by yourself.


Any services/work/advice that is not expressly stated in the scope of work is not given and shall not be assumed to be given.


With respect to my education and experience, I earned my bachelor of laws degree with first class honors from Chulalongkorn University. I received my master of law degree from the University of Cambridge, UK where I was on the British government scholarship. I have an MBA degree in finance from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. I have experience with Baker & McKenzie, Bangkok office,(Thailand's largest law firm), Baker & McKenzie, Sydney office, Australia and DBS Bank, Singapore. I advise foriegn-owned companies, foriegn investors and foriegn individuals in Thailand on various legal issues including corporate law, commercial contracts, employment law, real estate law, family law and will. For more information about legal services, please visit our website at http://www.naritlaw.com.

I thank you for considering me as your legal counsel for this agreement and I trust that you will find the above information satisfactory. I am looking forwarded to being afforded the opportunity to be of service to you.

I would appreciate if you could let me know where you got my contact from.

Should you have any quesiton, please feel free to ring me at 06 785 0793.

Sincerely yours,

Narit Direkwattanachai, LLM (Cantab)

Attorney at Law

Narit & Associates

12 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 16 Yaek 2

Huamark, Bangkapi

Bangkok 10240, THAILAND

Tel: +66 6 785 0793, +66 2 314 3374

Fax: +66 2 314 3374

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.naritlaw.com

Best Wishes


I haven't been through this, but if it was me, I would be on the phone to Baker & Mckenzie as Lannarebirth suggested. While there are a number of good attorneys which have left the large firms, it is hit and miss. With B&M, the advice of a senior attorney is always right around the corner in the next office.

Good luck.

Mobi, I recall someone recommending Tilleke & Gibbins in Bangkok in another thread here

Ditto for Tilleke & Gibbin. Oldest law firm in Thailand, totally legit. I don't know about their divorce practice, but they were very professional in handling wills for my family, and I used to see the owner, David Lyman from time to time years ago, and he was an OK guy. His parents took over the firm in the 40s and he carried on the tradition. Very interesting story about how the firm came about prior to the turn of the century, but that is for another place.

I haven't been through this, but if it was me, I would be on the phone to Baker & Mckenzie as Lannarebirth suggested. While there are a number of good attorneys which have left the large firms, it is hit and miss. With B&M, the advice of a senior attorney is always right around the corner in the next office.

Good luck.

I'll agree with this, but having had them on retainer in other cities in Asia, they ARE NOT cheap.

I haven't been through this, but if it was me, I would be on the phone to Baker & Mckenzie as Lannarebirth suggested. While there are a number of good attorneys which have left the large firms, it is hit and miss. With B&M, the advice of a senior attorney is always right around the corner in the next office.

Good luck.

I'll agree with this, but having had them on retainer in other cities in Asia, they ARE NOT cheap.

Back in America I used to have two attornies. One was cheap at $75/hr and the other was expensive at $475/hr. The cheap one was good for contracts and the like. The expensive one had a bit of a God Complex and gave outstanding counsel and wrote really effective letters. He more than paid his own fees. That is my criteria in selecting lawyers, "Do they pay their own way"?

One piece of advice I may offer is for both parties to have firm agreement on what they regard as a satisfactory outcome

What advice do you give in situations where both parties do not agree?

The starting point is what each party is entitled to under the law (in the Thai case 50% each). If one party thinks they are entitled to more and the other party does not agree then the party wanting more needs to consider:

You assume that both parties already agreed to a divorce but what happens if one of the parties does not accept a divorce?


Hi Mobi

Sorry to hear about that mate I really am.

We are currently dealing with a lawyer in Pattaya (Thai) regarding some property. He was recommended to us by a very close Thai business friend. I am sure they deal with what you require. It maybe good just to talk to them to see if they can help.

I am still away at the moment, PM if you need the number and I will get it from home.

Will have to catch up when Im back.


Thank you for all the helpful replies.

Yes it is for me and I am in Bangkok, which is why I posted the request in the Bangkok forum.

I do have a fair appreciation of the law and situation with regards to divorces in Thailand - indeed this is not the first Thai marriage/divorce that I have been through.

So I know enough to know I need a good lawyer who can negotiate a fair settlement on my behalf. There are a lot of assets at play here, and some complications, so I don't want to lose any more than I have to.

For reasons I'd prefer not to go into, I do not wish to use Sunbelt on this particular occasion.

I really do need a personal recommendation.




May I thank one and all who have replied on this thread (and elsewhere) and have provided me with some contacts.

I am really grateful and appreciate it.

I will follow up, as appropriate.

Mods, this thread can be closed now.

Thank you, once again.


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