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Does Hot Weather Make Pedants More Vocal?

November Rain

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I've noticed a marked increase in the past week or so, of rather pedantic members criticising the writing style, grammar, punctuation, spelling or language usage of their fellow members. I can only assume that the hot weather is making all of the language-nazis tetchy.

Does it matter, on the general forum, whether the language is perfectly phrased, written in active voice, every word spelt correctly? We all make mistakes. One of my habitual errors is to put an apostrophe in the possessive form of it, when I know I shouldn't. If not concentrating, I do it. That shouldn't take away from my post.

Can we please comment on others' posts and their contributions, rather than their use of upper and lower case letters?

BTW, be careful when you're throwing stones at others - I've seen members correcting others on their English, but making spelling mistakes in their correcting posts :o Commars, anyone? :D:D

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I think what with all the clamping down on the dodgy english teachers and general freaks that some people are trying to prove something to others or themselves i just think it's childish especially when some members first language aint english

feel free to correct my mistakes

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If i were to say that i believe people who point out such insignificant things are petty and insecure (if they gain a sense of superiority) then that would make me just as bad as they are, so i wont. :o

As above, feel free to correct my mistakes.

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Interesting post NR. I think it shows an insecurity in the poster to 'slag' off some others posts for grammar or spelling. English is not my first language (although I was educated to degree level in English) and I often find I make mistakes inareas that I fully understand - like you say, I'm tired, I'm not concentrating etc. If the post is fully understood, what's the problem. Surely communication is about being understood and not whether or not I split my infinitives! Or indeed, spell infinitives correctly!

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To my mind, pedantry is a good sign of insecurity or one-up-manship (however that term is spelled). The only place I find where it's appropriate to slag off another person's errors is when a teacher of English has made a similar error in criticizing somebody who may not even be an English teacher.

When writing its or it's, 90% of the mistakes insert an apostrophe where none belongs. So, its :o better not to use the apostrophe even when you should, instead of using it when you shouldn't.

Many posters here are not native speakers, they're not speed typists, they're drunk, they're tired, they're in a hurry, or they just don't need to be that precise. I'm still recovering from a recent stroke, and my right hand refuses to land back on the right keys on the keyboard.

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PB, sorry to hear you had a stroke and I hope your recovering OK.

I find it quite annoying sometimes when posters start correcting minor problems in the posts. A lot of the time they are just typos. The reason I get annoyed is because it causes the entire discussion to veer off in a whole different direction than OP.

I sometimes don't understand what a poster is saying at all, but my first thought is that it's my problem and not theirs. Sometimes I am happy when somebody asks for clarification.

One of the nice things about TV is that there are people from all over posting things and the diversity of opinions is at times enlightening. It must be very discouraging to have their grammar criticized.

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I've noticed a marked increase in the past week or so, of rather pedantic members criticising the writing style, grammar, punctuation, spelling or language usage of their fellow members. I can only assume that the hot weather is making all of the language-nazis tetchy.

Does it matter, on the general forum, whether the language is perfectly phrased, written in active voice, every word spelt correctly? We all make mistakes. One of my habitual errors is to put an apostrophe in the possessive form of it, when I know I shouldn't. If not concentrating, I do it. That shouldn't take away from my post.

Can we please comment on others' posts and their contributions, rather than their use of upper and lower case letters?

BTW, be careful when you're throwing stones at others - I've seen members correcting others on their English, but making spelling mistakes in their correcting posts :o Commars, anyone? :D:D

it only happens in Canada ! :D

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Small things for small minds.

...........while greater fools look on.

Only joking GH, just couldn't resist completing the line. :D

I don't take any notice of spelling, typos and grammar mainly because my English is in no way perfect. As long as I can understand the point the person is trying to make then I'll generally ignore any errors.

btw I always use the apostrophe in the possesive form of it's same as I use it to indicate possession same as in Phil's cup of tea. I was taught to speak and write English by English teachers in schools in England. Maybe I was daydreaming that lesson, a common fault of mine, so if a genuine English English teacher could confirm it should be its (sans apostrophe) I'll desist from annoying those whose linguistic skills are better than mine. :o

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btw I always use the apostrophe in the possesive form of it's same as I use it to indicate possession same as in Phil's cup of tea. I was taught to speak and write English by English teachers in schools in England. Maybe I was daydreaming that lesson, a common fault of mine, so if a genuine English English teacher could confirm it should be its (sans apostrophe) I'll desist from annoying those whose linguistic skills are better than mine.

I'll be the designated pedant! I'll throw in some smarta** too! From the Compact OED "Oxford [in England I believe] English Dictionary. The key is remembering that it's is always seen as a contraction (it is, it has, etc.)


• possessive determiner 1 belonging to or associated with a thing previously mentioned or easily identified. 2 belonging to or associated with a child or animal of unspecified sex.

— USAGE A common error in writing is to confuse the possessive its (as in turn the camera on its side) with the contraction it’s (short for either it is or it has, as in it’s my fault; it’s been a hot day).

FROM OUR SIDE OF THE POND, The American Heritage Dictionary

ADJECTIVE: The possessive form of it Used as a modifier before a noun: The airline canceled its early flight to New York.

ETYMOLOGY: Alteration of it's : it + –'s.

USAGE NOTE: Its is the possessive form of the pronoun it and is correctly written without an apostrophe. It should not be confused with the contraction it's (for it is or it has), which should always have an apostrophe.

And the answer to the OP's question, I do think hot weather pretty much makes everybody do everything that's irritating that much more! 5555555

Edited by calibanjr.
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Gentlemen and ladies,

Keeping up the form is terribly important in foreign climes.

So i do beseech you all to make valiant efforts to speak correctly.

Had we not, the Empire would have not lasted nearly as long.

Standing corrected and taking it on the chin is surely the mark of a well-bred man.

Maintaining civilisation and culture in the face of hostile environments is a task bequeathed to us all by those who laboured so long and hard before us.

Their legacy should not be denied.

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Does it matter, on the general forum, whether the language is perfectly phrased, written in active voice, every word spelt correctly? We all make mistakes. One of my habitual errors is to put an apostrophe in the possessive form of it, when I know I shouldn't. If not concentrating, I do it.

Do you really now - or are you just showing of your grammatical prowes.

show off :o

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I'm just pleased that people take the time to post such interesting and often amusing input.

If I see mistakes, it's more the sentiment of the input that catches my attention.

In other words, sh!tty comments are just as worthy of contempt whether the spelling is correct or not.

The spelling is not relevant and should not be made a criterion for an informal forum.

Nobody should have to pass a proficiency test just to post input.

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I've noticed a marked increase in the past week or so, of rather pedantic members criticising the writing style, grammar, punctuation, spelling or language usage of their fellow members. I can only assume that the hot weather is making all of the language-nazis tetchy.

It's even worse than that... Many TV members are not english, irish, australian nor american...

It means we have to make some effort to write in english.

This board is about sharing infos and comments and something fighting, on an international basis. Therefore, the spelling and other grammar mistakes should not be an issue, nor a source of mockery.


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