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Why Are Thai Women so Fine-boned?

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On 4/16/2022 at 10:19 AM, RamenRaven said:

Have you ever heard of Bergmann's rule?



Bergmann's rule says that living organisms become smaller in size as you move towards the tropics.




You will overheat in tropical infernos if you look like Shrek or King Kong.


And don't forget about the mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes prefer bigger people since they emit more carbon dioxide.


Actually, it is true in a way.


For example, human adaptation to colder climates...


Humans have adapted to colder climates by shrinking their appendages, such as noses and the thing down below, not to mention body height.  The shorter we are, the better, in cold climes, way up north.  Down south, however, humans are taller, and this is obviously an evolutionary adaptation.  Everybody knows this. Just read the literature, as Chomsky always says.


Also, we have changed the amount of melanin present in our skin, favoring less in colder climates and more in southern climes with more solar radiation.


So, again, regarding that thing you love most, your best friend, then if your ancestry is from the very cold climes, you are bound to be shorter.  And, if your forebears hail from more balmy climes, then it is longer, on average.


Don't take my word for it.


Just check out the science concerning long and short noses, as influenced by many generations of adaptation to living in various climates, either cold or warm. 



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35 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Actually, it is true in a way.


For example, human adaptation to colder climates...


Humans have adapted to colder climates by shrinking their appendages, such as noses and the thing down below, not to mention body height.  The shorter we are, the better, in cold climes, way up north.  Down south, however, humans are taller, and this is obviously an evolutionary adaptation.  Everybody knows this. Just read the literature, as Chomsky always says.


Also, we have changed the amount of melanin present in our skin, favoring less in colder climates and more in southern climes with more solar radiation.


So, again, regarding that thing you love most, your best friend, then if your ancestry is from the very cold climes, you are bound to be shorter.  And, if your forebears hail from more balmy climes, then it is longer, on average.


Don't take my word for it.


Just check out the science concerning long and short noses, as influenced by many generations of adaptation to living in various climates, either cold or warm. 



How tall you become or fine boned is the diet through generations, not cold or hot clima. 


Noses yes comes in variations of adopted to desert (dust/sand), hot, cold etc.


And also what women have found as good genes for generations. 

Edited by Hummin
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2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

How tall you become or fine boned is the diet through generations, not cold or hot clima. 


Noses yes comes in variations of adopted to desert, hot, cold etc.

I will not bore you with the many studies that show that climate influences body size, including height.


Instead, I will link just one article in The Guardian which, in the text, also links to Science journals such as "Nature"


You see?


Even here, it is possible to expand your mind...





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7 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I will not bore you with the many studies that show that climate influences body size, including height.


Instead, I will link just one article in The Guardian which, in the text, also links to Science journals such as "Nature"


You see?


Even here, it is possible to expand your mind...





I see no contraversery between the article and my statement based on generations. 


Stable environment, wealth and a good diet.


Look at Bangkok Thais and their kids today compare to generations ago, Hong Kong, 

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25 minutes ago, Hummin said:

I see no contraversery between the article and my statement based on generations. 


Stable environment, wealth and a good diet.


Look at Bangkok Thais and their kids today compare to generations ago, Hong Kong, 

You are correct that genes are turned on and turned off due to environmental influences, such as diet.  And, I also agree with you that the environmental conditions of one's ancestry, such as one's great-great-grandfather can also influence expression of one's genes. I grant you this, of course.


However, it has been recognized, for many, many decades that climate conditions for peoples living in the northern regions and southern regions of the planet have a huge influence on manifested morphology such as body height, "etc, etc, etc".


You can read the literature, if you wish.


It ups to you.


But, you know that I am right.



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14 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

You are correct that genes are turned on and turned off due to environmental influences, such as diet.  And, I also agree with you that the environmental conditions of one's ancestry, such as one's great-great-grandfather can also influence expression of one's genes. I grant you this, of course.


However, it has been recognized, for many, many decades that climate conditions for peoples living in the northern regions and southern regions of the planet have a huge influence on manifested morphology such as body height, "etc, etc, etc".


You can read the literature, if you wish.


It ups to you.


But, you know that I am right.



We do not dissagree I assume, but there is more to it when it comes to body attributes, selection formed by thousands of years.


Given same diets and enough calories no matter clima, you will get a different results from what we can study now.

Some to read for you to




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2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

We do not dissagree I assume, but there is more to it when it comes to body attributes, selection formed by thousands of years.


Given same diets and enough calories no matter clima, you will get a different results from what we can study now.

Some to read for you to




You know what?

This article was written by an economist.


Economists, in case no one has mentioned this to you before, are NOT scientists.


Economists are basically more akin to those who use a divining rod to find water.


In fact, there are reasons why Europeans are very tall.


In my next comment submission, I will do my best to link to the science which explains this.  And, the causal factors have NOTHING to do with economics or diet.


No worries.



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16 minutes ago, Hummin said:

We do not dissagree I assume, but there is more to it when it comes to body attributes, selection formed by thousands of years.


Given same diets and enough calories no matter clima, you will get a different results from what we can study now.

Some to read for you to





28 minutes ago, Hummin said:

We do not dissagree I assume, but there is more to it when it comes to body attributes, selection formed by thousands of years.


Given same diets and enough calories no matter clima, you will get a different results from what we can study now.

Some to read for you to




Hey Man!,


All that I am telling you is that diet, alone, is NOT ENOUGH to account for such high variance in body height of northern Europeans. These guys are really tall.  Why?  This is NOT just due to a different diet or different environmental conditions for their ancestors.  Now Way.




There MUST be an important genetic difference involved which leads to this 11 cm average height increase.  For sure.


For example...


"In a paper published in Nature, the researchers show that northern Europeans seem to have a stronger genetic link to a particularly tall nomadic population from the Eurasian steppe who came to Europe around 4,500 years ago. Because of these genes, northern Europeans are still tall compared to others on the continent.


Southern Europeans became shorter as they turned to farming, as genes connected to reduced height were passed down through the generations. These shorter genes were inherited from Neolithic and Chalcolithic populations on from the Iberian peninsula, though it’s not clear why this happened in the south but not the north."


We all know that Economists are idiots.

We all know that Economists are not scientists.

Economists pretend to predict the future, every day of the week.

Real scientists should never predict the future.

Science is a matter of testing hypotheses, but not engaging in prognostication and prophesy.

Economists are soothsayers.


So, please do not quote articles written by economists when you wish to engage in an evidence-based discussion.


There is a reason northern Europeans are so much taller than Americans.

And, this has very little to do with diet.


Of course, you know that I am right.




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Here is an example of a Thai woman who is finely boned, and rather stunning, too.


Truly beautiful, although not perfect.


There is no perfection in our natural world.


There is only approximation of perfection.  Or, alternatively, everything is perfect, and it is only our perception which is too distorted to allow us to grasp the perfection of what we see around us.


(In my opinion, I think that the photographer goofed in this photo. The photographers 'angle' caused the nose of this model to be distorted. No doubt, this model is much more perfect in real life than the image which was captured here...IMHO.)




In my next comment, I will upload a photo of my wife.

My wife was even more beautiful and perfect than this model.




I once had a wife.

Or, should I say, she once had me.

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52 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


Hey Man!,


All that I am telling you is that diet, alone, is NOT ENOUGH to account for such high variance in body height of northern Europeans. These guys are really tall.  Why?  This is NOT just due to a different diet or different environmental conditions for their ancestors.  Now Way.




There MUST be an important genetic difference involved which leads to this 11 cm average height increase.  For sure.


For example...


"In a paper published in Nature, the researchers show that northern Europeans seem to have a stronger genetic link to a particularly tall nomadic population from the Eurasian steppe who came to Europe around 4,500 years ago. Because of these genes, northern Europeans are still tall compared to others on the continent.


Southern Europeans became shorter as they turned to farming, as genes connected to reduced height were passed down through the generations. These shorter genes were inherited from Neolithic and Chalcolithic populations on from the Iberian peninsula, though it’s not clear why this happened in the south but not the north."


We all know that Economists are idiots.

We all know that Economists are not scientists.

Economists pretend to predict the future, every day of the week.

Real scientists should never predict the future.

Science is a matter of testing hypotheses, but not engaging in prognostication and prophesy.

Economists are soothsayers.


So, please do not quote articles written by economists when you wish to engage in an evidence-based discussion.


There is a reason northern Europeans are so much taller than Americans.

And, this has very little to do with diet.


Of course, you know that I am right.




Partly because he have collected data same as you and me and found reasonable evidences and also a trend. Genes, diets environment in a mix, but science also relate to bone density where there is enough food, but also activity like hard work for generations. Growing tall is because of genes from earlier generation who had enough quality food for their children to grow tall. After your puberty is done, you do not grow anymore. 

still waiting for your links related to the topic. 

There is evidences from All over the world where height growth declaiming because of poor diet and growing  economical differences. We are talking about economic reasons, not genetic in these areas.









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28 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


Hey Man!,


All that I am telling you is that diet, alone, is NOT ENOUGH to account for such high variance in body height of northern Europeans. These guys are really tall.  Why?  This is NOT just due to a different diet or different environmental conditions for their ancestors.  Now Way.




There MUST be an important genetic difference involved which leads to this 11 cm average height increase.  For sure.


For example...


"In a paper published in Nature, the researchers show that northern Europeans seem to have a stronger genetic link to a particularly tall nomadic population from the Eurasian steppe who came to Europe around 4,500 years ago. Because of these genes, northern Europeans are still tall compared to others on the continent.


Southern Europeans became shorter as they turned to farming, as genes connected to reduced height were passed down through the generations. These shorter genes were inherited from Neolithic and Chalcolithic populations on from the Iberian peninsula, though it’s not clear why this happened in the south but not the north."




There is a reason northern Europeans are so much taller than Americans.

And, this has very little to do with diet.



And can you tell us why Thais and Southeast Asians - even the middle-class ones who are well nourished - are shorter in height, much more so than most Chinese and Koreans? It's a pretty big height difference, usually a head taller or more, like at least 10-15 cm. That's the first thing you notice when they are next to Thais, rather than facial features or skin color.


Walk around Seoul, Taipei, Shanghai, or Beijing and you'll notice that you would perfectly blend in with the other men if you're 180-185 cm, but in Thailand you'll look grossly oversized. During the summer, Taipei and Hong Kong have almost exactly the same weather as Thailand, so you can't say it's 100% due to the climate either.


And it's certainly not down to nutrition or economics, because Thailand's food security had historically been better than China's, especially during the mid and late 1900s.

Their diets aren't too different either. Fried rice, tofu, noodles, chicken, pork, fish, and all that typical stuff, all in satiating quantities.


And South Sudan, one of the world's poorest countries, has some of the world's tallest people.



For hard stats, check this:



Average measured (not self-reported) height in South Korea is the same as the average male height in Ukraine and Scotland at around 175 cm, which is a lot taller than Japan too.

Ignore the Thai stats in there because they were self-reported by university students in Sukhothai, which is not measured or representative of most of the country.



Secular changes and predictors of adult height for 86 105 male and female members of the Thai Cohort Study born between 1940 and 1990



Average (mean) Thai female height: 155-160 cm range

Average (mean) Thai male height: 165-170 cm range


That means the median height would be shorter.


According to the National Organization of Short Statured Adults, you would qualify as short and disadvantaged if you're a 170 cm tall male or a 157.5 cm female. That would certainly seem outlandish to Thais, since that would include most of their population, and Thai society doesn't obsess over height that much.




But in China, that's pretty short. There is actually rampant height discrimination in China, but apparently not in Thailand. This film called Short and Male, made in 2008, shows how job posts have requirements for men to be at least 170, 175, or even 180 cm. Ouch, good luck with that in Thailand, because 70-90% of all Somchais in Thailand would automatically be disqualified.




In the full documentary, a Chinese law school graduate who is 165 cm (and definitely like a perfectly regular-sized Thai in terms of stature and physique) is visibly quite angry about not getting hired because he is too short, and then launches a lawsuit and campaign against height discrimination in China.



Chinese women now also often say that they are looking only for:

6 Feet [height], 6 Inches [down under], 6 Figures [salary] (666 rule)

That's pretty common nowadays for Chinese men, but in Thailand? Refer to:


Change in Mean Height of Thai Military Recruits From 1972 Through 2006



The histogram on the right side shows that less than 10% of Thai military recruits in 2006 (the very well-fed 7-Eleven generation) are taller than 181.3 cm, whereas that's definitely not the case with Thailand's northern neighbors.


I'm not saying that being taller is better. It's just that in some places, genetics would help make sure that you're not oversized, or else you'd be maladapted to certain environments.


Plus, in Thailand, you'd probably crack your skull open walking around markets and rural houses built for people no more than 170-175 cm tall.


Then in Indonesia, people are even smaller than Thais, but that's another topic for another time.


Long post, but in summary:

I've made the case that Thais are indeed relatively short even when the conditions are optimal.

Now the question is, what has historically led to short stature as an adaptation?


This might be better discussed at one of those anthropology forums, so maybe we can move this topic there instead.



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Before I upload a photo of what my wife looked like, let me tell you that my wife was even more beautiful than Soong Mei Ling.


Far more beautiful, in my estimation, was she.




My wife was more playful, as well.


My wife was younger.


My wife's hair was plentiful, and extended down to her waste.


My wife was extremely beautiful, as all who met her would attest.


My wife was born in JiangXi (Jiangxi), and grew up in Hong Kong, in a wealthy family, before attending university in America.  Her brother was a PhD post grad at U of P.  This is how I met her.


She was extremely fine-boned.


These days, I have no idea where she might be.


Now that Hong Kong is in such a state, I am sure she is not there.  My wife was always a rabid anti-communist, although her brother, the PhD, was more tolerant of various political persuasions. 


Anyway, in my next comment, I will upload a photo of what she looked like, years ago when we were in NYC, and when life was less uncertain, before the days of impending global warming and the melting of the Arctic's summer ice cover.


Those were such comparatively carefree days.


I hope that I can find the photo.


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15 minutes ago, RamenRaven said:


And can you tell us why Thais and Southeast Asians - even the middle-class ones who are well nourished - are shorter in height, much more so than most Chinese and Koreans? It's a pretty big height difference, usually a head taller or more, like at least 10-15 cm. That's the first thing you notice when they are next to Thais, rather than facial features or skin color.


Walk around Seoul, Taipei, Shanghai, or Beijing and you'll notice that you would perfectly blend in with the other men if you're 180-185 cm, but in Thailand you'll look grossly oversized. During the summer, Taipei and Hong Kong have almost exactly the same weather as Thailand, so you can't say it's 100% due to the climate either.


And it's certainly not down to nutrition or economics, because Thailand's food security had historically been better than China's, especially during the mid and late 1900s.

Their diets aren't too different either. Fried rice, tofu, noodles, chicken, pork, fish, and all that typical stuff, all in satiating quantities.


And South Sudan, one of the world's poorest countries, has some of the world's tallest people.



For hard stats, check this:



Average measured (not self-reported) height in South Korea is the same as the average male height in Ukraine and Scotland at around 175 cm, which is a lot taller than Japan too.

Ignore the Thai stats in there because they were self-reported by university students in Sukhothai, which is not measured or representative of most of the country.



Secular changes and predictors of adult height for 86 105 male and female members of the Thai Cohort Study born between 1940 and 1990



Average (mean) Thai female height: 155-160 cm range

Average (mean) Thai male height: 165-170 cm range


That means the median height would be shorter.


According to the National Organization of Short Statured Adults, you would qualify as short and disadvantaged if you're a 170 cm tall male or a 157.5 cm female. That would certainly seem outlandish to Thais, since that would include most of their population, and Thai society doesn't obsess over height that much.




But in China, that's pretty short. There is actually rampant height discrimination in China, but apparently not in Thailand. This film called Short and Male, made in 2008, shows how job posts have requirements for men to be at least 170, 175, or even 180 cm. Ouch, good luck with that in Thailand, because 70-90% of all Somchais in Thailand would automatically be disqualified.




In the full documentary, a Chinese law school graduate who is 165 cm (and definitely like a perfectly regular-sized Thai in terms of stature and physique) is visibly quite angry about not getting hired because he is too short, and then launches a lawsuit and campaign against height discrimination in China.



Chinese women now also often say that they are looking only for:

6 Feet [height], 6 Inches [down under], 6 Figures [salary] (666 rule)

That's pretty common nowadays for Chinese men, but in Thailand? Refer to:


Change in Mean Height of Thai Military Recruits From 1972 Through 2006



The histogram on the right side shows that less than 10% of Thai military recruits in 2006 (the very well-fed 7-Eleven generation) are taller than 181.3 cm, whereas that's definitely not the case with Thailand's northern neighbors.


I'm not saying that being taller is better. It's just that in some places, genetics would help make sure that you're not oversized, or else you'd be maladapted to certain environments.


Plus, in Thailand, you'd probably crack your skull open walking around markets and rural houses built for people no more than 170-175 cm tall.


Then in Indonesia, people are even smaller than Thais, but that's another topic for another time.


Long post, but in summary:

I've made the case that Thais are indeed relatively short even when the conditions are optimal.

Now the question is, what has historically led to short stature as an adaptation?


This might be better discussed at one of those anthropology forums, so maybe we can move this topic there instead.



Very good point which I had tried to make:


What is responsible for the Evolutionary adaptation.  Was it climate, for example.


As someone else stated: Genes can be expressed or inhibited due to environmental variables.

However, in the case of tallness, there is also a genetic predisposition to tallness.  Then, there is the question of, for example, under what environmental conditions do these genes for tallness become more fully expressed.


This is NOT a job for anthropologists, solely.  More, this is a job for geneticists using tools now available. 

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Why do I share so many personal details about my wife?

Because, maybe global warming has helped me to put things in perspective.


I am still looking for a photo of my wife.

I have one photo saved on Google Drive.....somewhere.


My wife was more beautiful, even, than Wang Mengyun.

My wife's family surname was Wang, too.

And, my wife's hair was even more plentiful than that of Wang Mengyun.




My wife seemed not normal, too.


She never ate bats, my wife.


My wife ate a normal diet, and she was tall, about 178 cm.


She was well proportioned, and not as fine-boned as some Thai women.


She was a stunner.  She was a beauty!


Of course, some women are just too crazy to live with, and there inevitably comes a time when you gotta call it quits.


Either your wife begins eating bats, or maybe something else takes over, something you just cannot handle.


This is what happened to me.


She was a stunner.  She was super smart.  And, she suffered slightly from schizophrenia.


I would rather live with a woman who ate bats than live with psychosis.


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1 minute ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Why do I share so many personal details about my wife?

Because, maybe global warming has helped me to put things in perspective.


I am still looking for a photo of my wife.

I have one photo saved on Google Drive.....somewhere.


My wife was more beautiful, even, than Wang Mengyun.

My wife's family surname was Wang, too.

And, my wife's hair was even more plentiful than that of Wang Mengyun.




My wife seemed not normal, too.


She never ate bats, my wife.


My wife ate a normal diet, and she was tall, about 178 cm.


She was well proportioned, and not as fine-boned as some Thai women.


She was a stunner.  She was a beauty!


Of course, some women are just too crazy to live with, and there inevitably comes a time when you gotta call it quits.


Either your wife begins eating bats, or maybe something else takes over, something you just cannot handle.


This is what happened to me.


She was a stunner.  She was super smart.  And, she suffered slightly from schizophrenia.


I would rather live with a woman who ate bats than live with psychosis.



I've heard of Chinese princess syndrome. It's pretty hard to deal with.


How has your experience with women in Thailand fared in comparison?


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23 minutes ago, RamenRaven said:


I've heard of Chinese princess syndrome. It's pretty hard to deal with.


How has your experience with women in Thailand fared in comparison?


I prefer farm girls (Thailand farm girls), truly.


I am being serious, now.


To articulate and qualify further:  I prefer women who are honest, humorous, intelligent, and, especially, unprepossessing.


Any woman over the age of 38, when I first got to know her, I would not consider.


The best women are about 23, and still at university, specifically those who have yet to confront reality.


Also, I like women who have already born one child, and know a thing or two about life.


Most importantly, I respect kindness.  Kindness is something money cannot buy.


Kindness is next to godliness.

Shrewishness is hell. 

A shrew is always a shrew, and can never be tamed, by the way.



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I have a friend who says that he is considering dating Chinese women instead, since he thinks Thai women are too carefree. You know, all the usual complaints about them on this forum.


What would be your advice?


Chinese (and Taiwanese and Korean) vs. Thai women, in general, are like apples vs. oranges.


Over there in the Sinosphere, people take life very seriously.

Kids there look so much more miserable because of tiger moms.


It's like Latina/African vs. German/Scandinavian women. About as different as you can get.


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46 minutes ago, RamenRaven said:

I have a friend who says that he is considering dating Chinese women instead, since he thinks Thai women are too carefree. You know, all the usual complaints about them on this forum.


What would be your advice?


Chinese (and Taiwanese and Korean) vs. Thai women, in general, are like apples vs. oranges.


Over there in the Sinosphere, people take life very seriously.

Kids there look so much more miserable because of tiger moms.


It's like Latina/African vs. German/Scandinavian women. About as different as you can get.


From my observations of Asian Porn on the intehwebs I have come to the conclusion the Chinese really like back door action more than all other Asians.

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5 minutes ago, Ralf001 said:

From my observations of Asian Porn on the intehwebs I have come to the conclusion the Chinese really like back door action more than all other Asians.

A result of one child policy I believe

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On 4/18/2022 at 12:02 PM, RamenRaven said:

I have a friend who says that he is considering dating Chinese women instead, since he thinks Thai women are too carefree. You know, all the usual complaints about them on this forum.


What would be your advice?


Chinese (and Taiwanese and Korean) vs. Thai women, in general, are like apples vs. oranges.


Over there in the Sinosphere, people take life very seriously.

Kids there look so much more miserable because of tiger moms.


It's like Latina/African vs. German/Scandinavian women. About as different as you can get.


My advice, since you asked, might be, first and foremost, remain celibate if you want to be free of pain. Love is pain.


Also, I love women, and would not choose to be without them.


Feel free to interact with women.  However, always be respectful in your dealings with with women, and the same is solid advice for dealing with men.


In addition, do your best to seek out women who are educated.  This is the best place to start when seeking any sort of relationship.


I could go on, of course, but nobody here likes it when I do.


Take care.


Happy hunting.

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14 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:


In addition, do your best to seek out women who are educated.  This is the best place to start when seeking any sort of relationship.


You said that you prefer farm girls, but now also educated? The two are not mutually exclusive, but it's not always easy to find them in this combination.


Or do you mean educated from the School of Life (School of Hard Knocks)?


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