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COVID-19: Thailand reports 27,024 new coronavirus cases, 82 deaths, 23,721 recoveries


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8 hours ago, Caldera said:

My point wasn't that it's "just a cold", and nowhere did I say that. My point is that it's pointless to impose measures to prevent people from catching Omicron. Firstly, it's futile anyway, as you and I both know from personal experience. Secondly, there's no justification, because the health system can cope with the caseload of serious cases.


Beg to differ, but it's not futile at all.


I've gone two-plus years now living here without catching the virus, same with my Thai wife.


Along the way, I've been triple vaxed and she's been doubled vaxed (both current, and not old...) to make it less likely we'll contract the virus and, if we still do anyway at some point, much less likely either of us would get seriously ill from it and become a burden on the health care system.


We've consciously minimized our contact with the outside world along the way. Don't go out shopping anymore, instead rely on home deliveries. Anytime we meet anyone for a delivery or otherwise interact, we're both wearing quality N95 facemasks.  The wife's Thai company fortunately has had their staff working from home for many months now, so she can stay home with me and not be exposed in the workplace or commuting.


All those things have kept us safe for the past two-plus years. That doesn't mean we have any kind of guarantee the virus won't catch one or both of us sooner or later. But clearly, the sum of all the conscious, deliberate public health measures we've taken (along with the responsible stance of my wife's employer) -- pretty much everything the experts have recommended -- have served us well thus far.


And because of that, we know we have not and are not thus far contributing to the spread of the virus to others.  And all of that is a whole lot more productive and socially responsible than those who would say drop/ignore all restrictions and protection measures and just go about life pretending that COVID doesn't exist and hasn't already officially killed 6 million plus people (and probably a whole lot more) and counting...



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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My Thai family all got their vaccines, and had avoided catching the Alpha, Beta and Delta variants of COVID 19, but

in 3 days, one whole house hold of 8 people were sick with Omicron.  They are all still alive and other family members 

are dropping off groceries and cooked food for them. We did lose 2 family members from there, and I lost 2

family members to the Alpha and Delta strains, as well I lost 3 friends to COVID. Good luck to those who have caught this milder variant,

hopefully you will all recover okay.

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Thailand reports 26,050 new COVID-19 cases, 69 deaths, 22,219 recoveries



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Thailand on Friday (March 25) reported 26,050 new COVID-19 cases, 22,219 recoveries and 69 additional deaths over the past 24 hours. 


Full story: https://aseannow.com/topic/1254609-thailand-reports-26050-new-covid-19-cases-69-deaths-22219-recoveries/




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