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Advice Please: What To Buy In Thailand And Sell In Europe To Secure Best Profit?


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I was wondering if anyone had any advice regarding what to buy in Thailand and sell in Europe to ensure a good profit upon sale. As I have stayed as a student in Thailand and not had work income and my girlfriend having been occupied with other matters this seems like a sensible option to supplement our personal economy now that we are going to Europe for some time. I have stayed more than one year outside my country and the law in my country says that in such cases it is allowed to bring personal belongings and such back home without paying taxes. I know that there are people doing this so I ask: What to buy in order to not be stuck with something useless, impossible to sell? Also interesting to know what others that have done similar before think would yield the best profit of course.



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I think most of the VERY profitable things would get you a long stretch at the Bangkok Hilton or if you were lucky, a long stretch at a European prison.

Seriously though, wooden hand built furniture from the Phrae area is unbelievably cheap. I would expect that a full container of that stuff would give you a very nice profit if you had a market.

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I agree with the above, I know of one young lad who opened a shop on the northern highway into Khon Kaen selling entirely hand made furniture from local resources.

Pictured is the type of stuff he's selling at around US$300 up. It has a rustic charm, is heavy, super solid, and exudes quality.


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I agree with the above, I know of one young lad who opened a shop on the northern highway into Khon Kaen selling entirely hand made furniture from local resources.

Pictured is the type of stuff he's selling at around US$300 up. It has a rustic charm, is heavy, super solid, and exudes quality.


looks like the shipping would be expensive though. Nice lookin stuff Tarriffs probably not too bad.

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Anything and everything in the world is for sale. The key is securing your customers first.

My 2 cents... it's not all in the margin. Sometimes it's in the volume.

For myself: fresh cut orchids. Thailand controls about 90% of the world market... and on a lot of my items I make less than 60 satang per cut flower, not even 2 US cents. The trick is moving X0,000-X0,000+ units a day (the average wedding party uses about 5,000 units, sometimes more for those who go "overboard"). Knock on wood that people keep on getting married, divorced and remarried and that people continue to have a fixation with plant parts that wither after 5-6 days (10 days with a water bulb).


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the suggestions. I should have elaborated and responded sooner but I have been a bit hard pressed for time getting everything in order before me and my girlfriend leaves for some months. I was really thinking more along the lines of what could be brought in to fill up any free quota of the 40kg we can take as luggage on the plane. Can be things construed as gifts or as personal things not intended for sale. If possible to expect a more than 7000baht profit for something with a total weight of 20kg that can be defended as that is the average shipping cost if not by boat. Looking for light and small things. Gold and jewelry in modest amounts is one thing maybe? I guess everyone who does this, and yes I know someone who does this, knows this. The person I know though have customers already and takes clothes. Seems strange if the profit is really amazing though and I do not have the customers so looking for other things. Still have a couple of days if anyone have some golden advice to share. Good advice Heng, and yes I am thinking a bit along those lines, but that is for the long run. For now only looking for small things to bring that is easily sold and with good profit.:o And not drugs no. :D


Care to elaborate on that one?


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