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Raw Pork


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In Spain fried blood is common - looks and tastes like liver.

On a lot of the street vendor stalls over here (Thailand) is a sort of sausage / satay of minced pork that is put over a charcoal grill for a few seconds, so that the outside is slightly crisped. But the inside is still raw meat. Don't much like it, but the wife insists I eat it.

Is there a message in there, somewhere?

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I think i'm gong to lose it can we talk about food other than ra pork

How about a nice glass of untreated water?

You can also get cryptosporidiosis by drinking water or eating food that has been contaminated with oocysts. Drinking untreated surface water (such as streams, rivers, and lakes) or swallowing a small amount of water when swimming, even in a chlorinated pool, can cause cryptosporidiosis. The parasite may also be spread in uncooked foods, beverages, or ice prepared with contaminated water. Unwashed fresh fruits or vegetables may carry oocysts if manure was used or animals grazed where the crop was grown

In most patients infected with cryptosporidiosis the infection causes a short term, mild diarrhea. Since such symptoms are associated with a number of ailments, infected individuals may not seek medical treatment, and the infection may subside on its own. Thus, it is difficult to say how many people are infected. On the other hand, in persons with compromised immune systems, this parasite can cause a pronounced, chronic diarrhea; in severe cases the infected individual may produce up to 15 liters/day of stools, and this may go on for weeks or months. Needless to say, such an infection, if not fatal unto itself, can exacerbate other opportunitistic infections common in immunocompromised hosts.

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How about a nice glass of untreated water?
You can also get cryptosporidiosis by drinking water that has been contaminated with oocysts. Drinking untreated surface water or swallowing a small amount of water when swimming, even in a chlorinated pool, can cause cryptosporidiosis. Unwashed fresh fruits or vegetables may carry oocysts if manure was used or animals grazed where the crop was grown

On the other hand, in persons with compromised immune systems, this parasite can cause a pronounced, chronic diarrhea; in severe cases the infected individual may produce up to 15 liters/day of stools, and this may go on for weeks or months. Needless to say, such an infection, if not fatal unto itself, can exacerbate other opportunitistic infections common in immunocompromised hosts.

Maerim - put that bloody book back on the shelf!

When working in Hong Kong much of the veggies were brought over the border from the mainland. Grown with organic fertiliser. Some from pigs, some human.

Outbreaks of stomach problems were common - had to be very thorough in washing the veg in Milton before washing in clean water.

Didn't think swimming pools were that dangerous though, if well maintained and water changed once or twice a year.

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