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Where Have You Been Bitten By Creatures In Thailand?


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I'm not surprised we haven't heard from anybody bitten by a asian tiger. I've seen discovery channel and those tigers in India are deadly stalkers. I wonder how long it took the Thais or Siamese to eradicate the big kitties in the area. I bet it was around the time guns were sold in the area.

Has anybody heard of any recent Tiger bites in Thailand or the surrounding areas?

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I was riding my chopper late one night in Phuket up a mountain pass. I've seen it a few times that when I hold the throttle in one position it seems to really get to the stray dogs, must be a certain pitch or something. Anyway, I was going pretty fast and one dog launched himself at me as I was passing and he got burned on the engine trying to bite me, and rolled off down the road.

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Four years ago got back home (CR) from a 2 month driving tour of LOS with the bride. Woke up in the middle of the night and strolled over to the fridge to get something to drink and suddenly felt like I stepped on a sword. I was on the floor in ungodly pain yelling for the missus. She came downstairs and flipped on the light and found a vile creature (scorpion) in the corner of the kitchen. Not knowing if I was going to die we drove to the ER. Doc said no problem, scorpion bite will not kill you. Gave me a few pain killers and sent me home. The pain was like nothing I have ever felt. Luckily I had better pain medication at home. Half of my foot was completely numb and swollen for days. I still have the badass in a jar. Dead of course.

Speaking of numb.

When I was a kid I was stung by a dead bee. Picked it up and tried to touch the stinger with the tip of my finger to feel how sharp it was. I can tell you it was allot sharper than me. Ouch

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Big bikes sure seem to stop the soi dogs, that's for sure. Putter round the town nice and quiet on mine out of consideration for others, but when those ###### dogs come flying out chasing me, get a good right-handful of loud! Never yet had one continue the chase, always cry off yelping!!

Not been so lucky otherwise with the bugs, one of those B52 black wasp thingies hit me on the shoulder, dropped onto my leg stunned, luckily was able to brush it off before really stung me, still couldn't walk that evening.

Pruning, stung on the lip by a hornet, after the 30min pain, went completely dead for about a week. Pruning again, bit on the ankle by one of those centipedes, now THAT hurt! Off my foot all swollen up for a week!!

Luckiest escape was the missus, I'm downstairs on the computer when this bloodcurdling scream comes from the upstairs bedroom, mentally shrugging my shoulders thinking Gecko I strolls upstairs to see what the problem is, and there's a 4' long green snake in her wardrobe! Quickly shut the doors and get one of the security guards to come and give me a hand. He's a pick-axe handle and I've a shovel, let me tell you they take some killing, broke the ###### thing's back in about 3 places (could see the dents!) and still coming at us!!

Same time, same place next morning, same again, unbelievable, figured out later must have been a breeding pair doing a bit of nest-building. Now a couple of T-shirts stuffed under the fly-screen door to the upstairs balcony, and the missus makes sure her wardrobe doors stay shut too!!

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Mozzies have bitten me on both eye lids, inside the ears (right inside), face, neck, back, arms and legs - in one night. I looked like I had just come out on the wrong side of a kick boxing tourney.

Horrible critters, the world would be far better off without them. Thankfully that was at my old house so far so good at my new digs :o

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The other day a red ant bit me john thomas. :o

And about 10 years ago a bleedin cockroach bit me on the ball sack while I was staying in a dive over a kitchen on Sumatra. Had itchy plums for days after, which caused a lady boy to chase after me at the local waterfall when I was trying to cool 'em off! Buggers - the lot of 'em! :D

Hah. The sack bite story reminds me when that happened to me, and I had to go into a big business meeting that morning where I was presenting to a bunch of Thais. You should have seen the innovative ways I came up with to scratch, but they must have thought I was the weirdest damm farang they ever saw, contorting his body all over etc.., sort of like Mr. Bean.

I, too, am a proud member of the bite on the sack club - ant of some kind. Hurt like a bitch and itched for a day after. Woke me out of a sound sleep and freaked me out. I also got a mosquito bite right on the tip once – swelled like crazy and my GF at the time hit the floor laughing as she told me not to sleep in the nud_e – too many mosquitoes.

Last week, I am not sure what, got me on the back of the neck twice while I was sleeping and it was swollen for two days – I had to take an antihistamine to stop the itching.

Thankfully, no scorpions, spiders or anything too scary so far.

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Got bitten on the nutsack and old chap by ants at night - broken skin, itchy, blimmin' painful... positive effect was a bit of swelling though... every cloud... :o

Worst case was unknown nasty bit my right calf... felt like a bad mozzy bite. After a few days of swelling and some self inflicted surgery with a razor and sangsom, I went to hospital.

The doctor just made 4 deep incisions and plunged in a hyperdermic needle - no warning of the agony or explanation of what he'd be doing... just blam! had 4 nurses holding my leg down as I was tempting to boot him in the face!

Have a lovely scar, the size of a bullet wound that you could insert your small finger into about 1/2 inch. Of course, after a few beers in the right company (female) the story was sufficiently embezzled to make me sound truly heroic.

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Was bitten very badly on the thumb by a cat when i was living in the garbage dump/jungle area on phuket. ended up getting a series of 5 rabies shots after a vietnam war veteran spotted me bleeding profusely ( was 2 days after the tsunami ) mr.cat found out what goes around comes around though..

thats funny mate, and i suppose you made a meal of cat moo dang. :o

I prefer "meow taut" with horapah and gratiem. :D :D Otis

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Was bitten very badly on the thumb by a cat when i was living in the garbage dump/jungle area on phuket. ended up getting a series of 5 rabies shots after a vietnam war veteran spotted me bleeding profusely ( was 2 days after the tsunami ) mr.cat found out what goes around comes around though..

thats funny mate, and i suppose you made a meal of cat moo dang. :o

I prefer "meow taut" with horapah and gratiem. :D:D Otis

Hey CoolguyCory, it might sound sick, but I'd really like to hear the details of what you did to that cat.

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Got bitten on the chin once. :o Not really by a creature but by the missus. She's got teeth like a rat though :D
The first time I was in Thailand I was going by taxi from BKK to Jomtien Beach with a Thai girlfriend.She asked to bite my finger.Since I was infatuated with this creature and not thinking clearly as my head was "in the clouds",I relented and offered up my index finger for her.I was expecting a mild bite,but she really clamped down hard for about 5 seconds,and the pain was intense.I used to play pro hockey(2 rungs under NHL)and have a decent threshold for pain,having sustained injuries like a broken jaw in 3 places,broken hands,knee surgery and knocked out teeth to name a few.I was dumbfounded that the finger did not bleed,instead there was a tooth mark that disappeared after a few days,just like she did.
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Got bitten on the chin once. :o Not really by a creature but by the missus. She's got teeth like a rat though :D
The first time I was in Thailand I was going by taxi from BKK to Jomtien Beach with a Thai girlfriend.She asked to bite my finger.Since I was infatuated with this creature and not thinking clearly as my head was "in the clouds",I relented and offered up my index finger for her.I was expecting a mild bite,but she really clamped down hard for about 5 seconds,and the pain was intense.I used to play pro hockey(2 rungs under NHL)and have a decent threshold for pain,having sustained injuries like a broken jaw in 3 places,broken hands,knee surgery and knocked out teeth to name a few.I was dumbfounded that the finger did not bleed,instead there was a tooth mark that disappeared after a few days,just like she did.
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Got a really nice scar just above my ankle where I was bitten by a Monkey on a beach on Phi Phi.

Had to call in work on the Monday though (Sydney) and tell them "Sorry can't come into work today I've been attacked by a pack of Monkeys and have to be treated for Rabies"

They gave me an award at the end of the year for the best ever excuse for not coming into work on a Monday :o

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Got stung at the wrist by a jellyfish off Koh Si Chang in august 1991, my arm was completely swollen, went to Christian Hospital in BKK , still have some scars. This morning I woke up and had these red & yellow post-it size swellings (bites) actually in a row on my upper back (where the upper sheet ends) bought some ointment and baygon, housekeeping very evasive about matress and sheets, guess the sheets are not washed warm enough and the criters get redistributed from room to room. Hope its not bed bugs, thats so hard to get rid of.

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Every time I go to Koh Samet I get bitten by something. Not sure what it is but it swells up and itches as hel_l for a week. This has only happened when at Sai kiaew beach (about 5 times), last time I went to Vong Duan and did not have any problems??

Another thing on Sai Kieaw beach was the little red worms coming out of the tap, what are they???

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Working away the day on my computer/phone/skype, with TV forum open in one window; 2 excel sheets on another and a powerpoint or two, and I don't like aircon so work nud_e. I know...gross thought, but it works for me. Anway, I got bitten by nasty red ants on my privates and it swelled to such an extent I looked like Johnny the wad Holmes.

My wife got bitten by nasty black flying bugs on her bottom and it created a scar that is still there years later.

Just wondering, where have you been nailed, under what circumstances, and what was the outcome??

:o Not that this has anything to do with Thailand but many years ago my brother was mowing the lawn with a gasoline-powered push mower. He was wearing shorts, as it was summer and rather warm. Seems a bee or wasp entered into his shorts, was alarmed by the vibration of the mower, and stung my brother in a very private area. Results were about as you said that your ants caused.

Now as for me, when I was about 12 or 13 years old I was old fishing on a small river. A tree had fallen into the river, and I started to use it to cross the river. About half-way across I saw a cloud of bees rising from a hole in the fallen tree. They weren't happy with me walking on their tree it seems. I was stung at least a hunded times, all over my body, by this cloud of angry bees. I jumped into the river, but they kept swarming around me, so that every time I came up for air they stung me more. I eventually bolted and ran about 500 yards into the woods with this cloud of angry bees following me. After about 500 yards they stopped chasing me. I ran home where my mother made me get in a bath of baking soda and water. (The baking soda helps undo the effects of the acid in the bee stings.) I was taken to a doctor who came me some shots in case I had a shock reaction to the bee stings. Apparently, I am not prone to react to bee stings, as it never caused me any problems. It definately hurt however. I was stung just about everywhere on my body. I had to rub my body down twice a day with a lotion to soothe and dry up the rash caused by the bee stings. After 3 or 4 days most of the rash was gone. Not an experience I'd ever care to repeat.


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