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Vaccinated centenarian: 118-year-old woman volunteers to get COVID-19 jab

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As vaccines continue to roll out in the country, more and more people are volunteering to get their vaccine jabs to protect themselves from Covid-19 and one of them is a 118-year-old woman. The medical team from Mondulkiri vaccinated her on April 10.


After receiving news that the centenarian wanted to be vaccinated from national media, Secretary of State Dr Or Vandine organized a searched to look for her to administer the vaccine for her. The team went to Oddar Meanchey to look for her but could not find her. Then a search for her was executed in Kratie. After the team received news that she was not there, the team found her in Mondulkiri.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501056627/vaccinated-centenarian-118-year-old-woman-volunteers-to-get-covid-19-jab/



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