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Frozen Shrimp

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I came across packets of cooked, peeled frozen shrimp in Big C this week. 250gms for 110B. I decided to give them a try and was pleased to see they hadn't began to thaw on the trip home. Next time I'll take my "fridgy" bag just to be on the safe side. I thawed them and made a sandwich last night, actually I made two, fresh French stick and butter, a little lettuce and some seafood sauce that's been in the fridge a while.

They were superb.

I just went to look for the bag so I could tell you the brand but it's disappeared. Colorful red bag.

Anyway I saw bulk packs in Northern Farm, where I buy bulk cheese, the same day; raw ones, 250-300B a kilo depending on size. So I thought about making shasliks, you know, put them on a skewer and brush a little olive oil, garlic and lime juice on them. Then BBQ them for a forthcoming party.

What would you suggest for a "filler"? You know, if you did it with steak you'd alternate onion pieces, maybe bell pepper even tomato pieces with the meat. Onion would be too strongly flavored to go with the delicate shrimp I think. I'm thinking more of decorational purposes I suppose, to say nothing of the fact I'll fill more skewers.

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Mushrooms or tomatoes are a possibilty I think, I don't like the frozen shrimp/prawns, I find they are a bit mushy. Freshly pulled out of the tank is the best IMHO

Thanks for the reply, for sure your right... out of the tank and into the pot is the best way go for any sea food but if you think I'm peeling 5 or 6 dozen shrimp for visitors your talking to the wrong guy.

There's ways around the mushy and one of them is to make sure they thaw dry, keep shaking the ice off. Another is the cooking, BBQ is the way to go as it boils off excess water.

I like the idea of the tomato, maybe small cherry tomatoes rather than sliced. Perhaps a slice of unpeeled lime or two on each skewer.

I just liked the idea of the frozen tails for the convenience.

Lot's of freshly ground black pepper?

Edited by sceadugenga
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Actually the pineapple is a good idea, make some sort of sweet and sour marinade to brush on. Do half like that then the others with the lime and tomatoes. Still not convinced about the onions though, the flavor is too dominating.

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