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For you guys in the hot season ... ice racing.


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I always thought speedway was pretty mad we used to watch Poole Pirates back in the day (or the greyhounds if there was no speedway), but to do it on ice with spiked tyres?? 


Way too much danger of being turned into a Tetley's tea bag (2000 little perforations) :whistling:

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Instead of just touching a knee these guys have thier entire leg in contact with the suface most of the time and taking a real beating, I would imagine.555  But oowe!! the thought of all that ice and fresh air  what a concept.  My AQI here is  139 and thats the lowest it has been for acouple of days and temp of 35 but theres a threat of a rain in the next few days. I really hope so.

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I see they have modernized ,one time of day the riders used pieces of car tyres on their knees.

Use to be dominated by former eastern block countries and Russia ,now some Scandinavian countries are muscling in ,like they did in speedway. 

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Ya your right Kickstart they have made a huge leap forward in the safety department. well shrouded wheels  and body amour. It must take a great amount of upper body strength to try and keep them turning in Amazing 

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