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It's a Vietnamese Centipede and their bite isn't at all pleasant. This one was pretty big though.

Thai's call them Ta-Kaap

is that the flat variety of millipede?if so i hear they can give a nasty bite.
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It's a Vietnamese Centipede and their bite isn't at all pleasant. This one was pretty big though.

Thai's call them Ta-Kaap

is that the flat variety of millipede?if so i hear they can give a nasty bite.

I found one of those under my bed. My wife says the stinger on the back is poisonous and can kill you. She claims it is much worse than the bite.

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It's a Vietnamese Centipede and their bite isn't at all pleasant. This one was pretty big though.

Thai's call them Ta-Kaap

is that the flat variety of millipede?if so i hear they can give a nasty bite.

I found one of those under my bed. My wife says the stinger on the back is poisonous and can kill you. She claims it is much worse than the bite.

Yes, my wife told me it could kill you too. She was very concerned. I found one in the bathroom too. I started a thread on here yesterday about nasty bites, and some said it was not a life threatening bite. Anybody know for sure?

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They call that thing a 'da kahb'

Centipede or millipede, I don't know, but I read a story from a guy who got bit by one in Thailand. He ended up in the hospital for a month. He was peeing blood, the pain made him delerious. The doctors at one point didn't think he'd make it. The Thai's take those things quite seriously. The two front pincers are loaded with venom. Kill it or wonder where it is while your sleeping. :o

Edited by canuckamuck
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i wouldnt want the flat variety put down my trousers thats for sure. :o they are very fast.

i let a tywais centipede walk over my hand for a very brief period,after locals assured me it wasnt dangerous,& yes no bite.

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Steffi's picture appears to be of a centipede however Tywais picture is that of a millipede. Millipedes are generally harmless however centipedes are capable of giving a really nasty bite. A centipedes venom is usually not enough to kill a human unless someone has an alergic reaction to it.

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Steffi's picture appears to be of a centipede however Tywais picture is that of a millipede. Millipedes are generally harmless however centipedes are capable of giving a really nasty bite. A centipedes venom is usually not enough to kill a human unless someone has an alergic reaction to it.

In my knowledge this is true,unless somebody has an alergic reaction to it.

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my girlfreind got bit by a scorpion whilst sleeping in a freinds house,a little while ago,& tells me that the bite from the op's CENTIPEDE is a lot more painful.

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my girlfreind got bit by a scorpion whilst sleeping in a freinds house,a little while ago,& tells me that the bite from the op's CENTIPEDE is a lot more painful.

just stamp on anything that moves ,thats my motto :o

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my girlfreind got bit by a scorpion whilst sleeping in a freinds house,a little while ago,& tells me that the bite from the op's CENTIPEDE is a lot more painful.

just stamp on anything that moves ,thats my motto :D

There are vastly more entertaining ways of disposing of these.

Quote from member VTR1000 on a parallel creature thread:

"Father in law got bitten by one of those red centipede things a few years ago leaving his arm badly swollen for touching a week. I caught the thing, cut it up into 3 pieces and each piece crawled away in a different direction .... horrible things they are, scare the sh*t out me they do. :o "

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Just a note I've read this thread and the bite thread and numerous folk insist on saying they we 'biten by a Scorpion' no you were not you were STUNG by a Scorpion!

There pinchers are venomless other than giving you a pinch they wouldn't harm you!

On the topic of unwelcome critters we apparently had a snake of some description on the land - however before I got chance to see it the wifes family who are doing some building work for us had caught it and was being prepared for that nights dinner! :o

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Those centipedes are the main reason that I get upset when anyone tries to kill any of my lizards. Took Gaes are particularly fond of eating centipedes and nearly any other creepy crawlies.

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I had 10 year old girl in my classroom with high temperature and very swollen hand, who was bitten by centipede and her parents, told her its OK, she has to go to school. Took her to the office and none of the teachers or headmistress were interested. When I suggested to take her to doctor, it was greeted with great amusement and obviously nobody did anything. When I suggested that I will take her, headmistress forbid me to do so., with explanations that the parents would be very angry with the school. That was one week ago and she is still not back in school., but her friends told me that she will be back Monday and she is OK.

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A little off topic perhaps but also about critters.

There's plague of ticks over here at the moment, carried by deer, they've developed a liking for human blood and they carry a dangerous virus.

Had to have one surgically removed from my navel after a walk in the woods; they don't let go easily.

Please somebody tell me they don't occur in LOS too, in case I haven't died of tick fever before my next trip there.

Edited by qwertz
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It's my understanding that the Ticks you see in Thailand don't carry Lyme disease. We have two dogs here and they always have ticks on them.

A little off topic perhaps but also about critters.

There's plague of ticks over here at the moment, carried by deer, they've developed a liking for human blood and they carry a dangerous virus.

Had to have one surgically removed from my navel after a walk in the woods; they don't let go easily.

Please somebody tell me they don't occur in LOS too, in case I haven't died of tick fever before my next trip there.

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The centipede is the one with less legs, bigger body, and a venemous bite, yes? So, the millipede is the circular train of legs which is completely harmless and curls up into a ball when disturbed?

Okay, always get the two confused.

###### things can get into shower heads.

There used to be loads of these in the garden of my old house, ###### they get big too.

I squashed one and it still took hours to die. I even saw one swim across a small pond at lightning speed.

So, my advice is kill them on sight. ........just in case they get into your trouser pockets when you have hung them up to dry and know nothing about it until you put them on..............

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The centipede is the one with less legs, bigger body, and a venemous bite, yes? So, the millipede is the circular train of legs which is completely harmless and curls up into a ball when disturbed?

Okay, always get the two confused.

###### things can get into shower heads.

There used to be loads of these in the garden of my old house, ###### they get big too.

I squashed one and it still took hours to die. I even saw one swim across a small pond at lightning speed.

So, my advice is kill them on sight. ........just in case they get into your trouser pockets when you have hung them up to dry and know nothing about it until you put them on..............

You recorded exactly how long and waited around and watched it ? :D For scientific purposes only of course? :o Or should I find this worrying?

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A little off topic perhaps but also about critters.

There's plague of ticks over here at the moment, carried by deer, they've developed a liking for human blood and they carry a dangerous virus.

Had to have one surgically removed from my navel after a walk in the woods; they don't let go easily.

Please somebody tell me they don't occur in LOS too, in case I haven't died of tick fever before my next trip there.

Millipedes are harmless & are good for the garden...a bit like slaters (aka grey pigs). Don't kill them.

Centipedes have a painful bite & are not considered deadly but, as another poster suggested, can cause death by allergic reaction, weak heart or immune deficiency. Don't kill them...relocate them instead.

An easy & safe way to remove ticks - cover the tick with a large piece of cotton wool, which has been soaked in a vegetable oil or baby oil. Use sticking plaster to hold the cotton wool in place over/on the tick. Re-apply oil to keep wool soaked (every hour or so). After a few hours, the tick will dislodge itself because it can no longer breath through its body.

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Jai Dee - Does the bug flick it's abdomen side to side?

Yes... it did... but it's a wierd insect because it has 8 legs (like a spider), claws up the front (like a scorpion), and a whip tail (no barb or visible sting).

It also stunk of ammonia... :o

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