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How Do U Know When A Farang Guy Really Likes U?

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Since we've delved so much into the minds of thai girls, I would really like to know the other half....since from personal experience it's a really confusing guessing game!

let's leave it at that then.

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12Call, I would agree with that since I never really thought that I'd get any answers in the first place. Can't blame a girl for trying eh? Proves to show that when it comes to men and their "feelings" you can't touch the topic.

May this topic rest in peace....

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ok, when he is willing to see her get married to a thai man because her family arranged the marrage,wait for her to separate from her husband and then wait for her family to accept you.

have known her for 2.5 years.


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Since we've delved so much into the minds of thai girls, I would really like to know the other half....since from personal experience it's a really confusing guessing game!

You really want to know about men's feeling? :o

I guess someone love you, when they stop spending money on you, same as a prostitute.

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You really want to know about men's feeling? :o

I guess someone love you, when they stop spending money on you, same as a prostitute.

he he he, real sensitive male feelings!

Don't expect a serious answer to your question here, the question itself is a gross generalization by the way.

I'd better not try answering this question as this thread doesn't seem the right place for it :D

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I will!

I've been thinking about past relationships and can categorically say that in every single case, the moment I fell out of love was the moment I started to leave the toilet seat up.

In fact I think I used that as a defence in one case,

Her: "You're not the same as you used to be, you don't love me anymore!"

Me: "Dammit I do love you, have you ever noticed the toilet seat left up?!"

Her "errrrrrrr what?"

Me: (Triumpantly) "Exactly!"

[back flips out of the room]

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I will!

I've been thinking about past relationships and can categorically say that in every single case, the moment I fell out of love was the moment I started to leave the toilet seat up.

In fact I think I used that as a defence in one case,

Her: "You're not the same as you used to be, you don't love me anymore!"

Me: "Dammit I do love you, have you ever noticed the toilet seat left up?!"

Her "errrrrrrr what?"

Me: (Triumpantly) "Exactly!"

[back flips out of the room]


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"Love is a dung heap, and I am a cock who climbs on it to crow"

Archibald Cunningham

Love is fickle.

It is all a scale on a 1 to 10 basis, based on liking someone at 10, and disliking someone at 1.

However I did once reach 6, when I was young and confused.

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I guess someone love you, when they stop spending money on you.

That doesn't make any sense.

If I really like somebody I START spending money on them, but I first have to suss out what their motives for liking me are.

It's a wonderful thing when it happens, and it does a lot, because the world is such a wonderful place. :o

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(In responce to Scamps EDITED message above)


I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour

But heaven knows I'm miserable now

I was looking for a job, and then I found a job

And heaven knows I'm miserable now

In my life

Why do I give valuable time

To people who don't care if I live or die ?

Two lovers entwined pass me by

And heaven knows I'm miserable now

I was looking for a job, and then I found a job

And heaven knows I'm miserable now

In my life

Oh, why do I give valuable time

To people who don't care if I live or die ?

What she asked of me at the end of the day

Caligula would have blushed

"You've been in the house too long" she said

And I (naturally) fled

In my life

Why do I smile

At people who I'd much rather kick in the eye ?

I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour

But heaven knows I'm miserable now

"You've been in the house too long" she said

And I (naturally) fled

In my life

Why do I give valuable time

To people who don't care if I live or die ?

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You know farang likes you when he still want to date you after finding out you lie to him.

Farang find out you lie to him from your friend he is secretly dating. He only date your friend so he can find out stuff you not tell him.

If you not lie, farang would not have to date your friends.

TG’s lot of work, mak mak. Farang only want to build a successful relationship. The more of your friends he dates the more he like you.

Ok, maybe that not so good advice after all. Maybe I not understand question. :o

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You know farang like you when he want to date you he find out you lie him.

Farang find you lie him from my friend me he secretly boom boom. He date your friend you so can find out thing you not tell him.

If you not lie, farang not have date your friend you.

TG’s lot of work, mak mak. Farang only want to boom boom. The more of your friends he boom boom the more he boom boom you.

Ok, maybe not good advice. Maybe I not understand question you. 

More realistic I think :o

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