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Thai Wife's Favorite Foreign Food


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Though I could have posted this in the food section I think it's best posted in this section as it is more general in nature.

So, what is your Thai wife's favorite foreign food? My wife prefers pizza....though some could argue that pizzas and burgers are now a part of Thai cuisine. OK, in that case I'll list sushi. Even that might be too Thai tainted now-a-days.

She also likes Mexican....OK, it's spicy like Thai. Curries, too

She does not like Norwegian dishes. I guess it is best to ask what foreign foods your Thai wife dislikes. So, I'll rephrase the question.

What foreign foods does your Thai wife dislike?

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avocados. Not just avocados; but, the guacamole I made. She flipped for that.

barbecued artichoke hearts in oil.


chocolate flavored cereal with cold milk. (she and the daughter had never had before)

red snapper veracuzana

pepper crab in Singapore

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Likes: Italian, Japanese, Steak, German. Probably in that order, roughly.

Dislikes: Indian (with a passion), Mexican. I'm hoping Sunrise Tacos may convert her on the latter though!

Edited by dantilley
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The lack of enthusiasm for Indian cooking seems to be quite widespread. I've come to the conclusion that the particular spices used are the issue.


Some Thai person once told me that Indian food isn't popular with Thai people due to the coconut oil used in curries and type of flour used in naan bread; chapatis; etc. However, Thais use the same coconut oil in their own curries, and the roti style desserts are popular here too. I know that Thais don't go a bundle on lamb / mutton either, but there is a real reluctance on behalf of many Thais to try anything food-wise, that is not Thai... I remember taking my staff out to a good Vietnamese restaurant once, and their disparaging remarks about the food. :o

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Likes: Spaghetti, Sushi, Coco Pops, cheese, tiramisu, Greek yoghurt, cholcolate (Cadburys etc)

Dislikes: She doesn't really dislike anything too much, however I have had problems trying to persuade her to eat English style Fish n'chips and warm beer!!

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My wife loves fish & chips, spaghetti, Madrid's pizza ( # 61), sushi and most other Japanese foods, American BBQ, Mexican food, Vietnamese, Chinese, German Pork Knuckle, English breakfast and razor clams in garlic.


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Funny all this disliking of Mexican food. My Lao wifes favourite of all foreign foods is a good Chilli con carne - along as it's a good one as I've spoilt her with my chilli's which are my speciality in the kitchen and so far in all the restaurants she has eaten a chilli none have been as good! :D

She does like a Tikka Massla, but also likes a Spaghetti and Lasagne again home cooked by me! :o

Other than that ..... not much finds it all a bit bland!!!

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The lack of enthusiasm for Indian cooking seems to be quite widespread. I've come to the conclusion that the particular spices used are the issue.


Not sure... maybe specific dishes. Maybe I talked it up too much, she'd never eaten indian, in the UK indian food can be very very spicy, so we gave it a go! I was as disappointed as she was! Just wasn't spicy enough. Try 2 of the supposedly best indias in pattaya and both, in my opinion, were poor and would close down quickly in the UK. Strangely, indian she enjoyed was the cheap little restaurant outside foodmart towards jomtien. Me too, as it was fresh and highly spiced.

back on topic... seems to now like anything with garlic, tomatoes, fish, good steak... fave is spaghetti alle vongole with some real garlic and wine sauce :-)


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pizza covered in tomato ketchup i have no idea why she does it

ah yes forgot, she likes pizzas, especially with anchovies.

re the ketchup, have you ever tried what passes as a Thai Pizza? Its the kind of cheapest of small frozen pizzas with chopped up bits of processed food smothered in mayo/ketchup.... :o

sadly no pizza restaurants here in the sticks but a few thai pizza stalls which I avoid.

I think Thais just don't have a cosmopolitan palate. What to us have become household flavours, such as cumin in mexican food or cardamons in indian, just taste weird to them. But have found that if she sees me enjoying something she'll eat it too. Many 'bland' western dishes seem to be redeemed with garlic, herbs and some chilli oil :-)


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My wife lost about 2 kilos when we spent a little over a month in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Where we were traveling was not noted for the quality or even the existance of Thai restaurants. So, she had to deal mostly with Norse food.

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Does like: German pig knuckle (lots), Tex-Mex (esp' beef tacos), any kind of 'beef and ale' pie, especially when on hols in the UK, Italian, Chinese (from the hawker centres in Singapore)

Did not used to like: Indian food UNTIL she tried the "Indian Muslim" food from a Singapore hawker (mutton muttabak etc) ... why is this different to Indian food in BKK? :o

Does not like: cheese, and particularly blue cheese ... it mysteriously "disappears" when I'm in Sing and she's in BKK and I don't think it's being eaten :D Not mad keen on lamb, likes Jap food but not sashimi (which is lucky coz I luv it), didn't seem that taken with Dry Scrumpy from The Lizard when we were on hols in Cornwall last year :D

It occurs to me that there's a lot "does like" Tex -Mex, pig knuckles, other sort of pub / barsnack food etc etc answers. Could it be that there are types of food (and farangs) that are more common in places like BKK or Pattaya and so folks' wives are being introduced to these more than other types? Just a thought ...


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