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The consumption of electricity in the country has dropped to just over 2,000 megawatts in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, causing a huge loss to the government. Cambodia has a capacity to supply about 3,800 megawatts. Minister of Mines and Energy, Suy Sem said that the policy of the government of Cambodia is to distribute electricity to the people at an affordable price.



He added that Cambodia has successfully electrified 98 percent of the total of 14,390 villages across the country. Meanwhile, 84 percent of the estimated two million households are already connected to the network.


At a ceremony to announce Leng Lat as the Director of the Department of Mines and Energy for the Siem Reap province, Suy Sem said that the remaining two percent of the villages that have not yet received electricity transmission are remote villages in the forest with no access to road, or floating villages. However, the ministry will try to find other energy sources to supply power to these villages.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501077941/98-villages-electrified-but-power-used-drops/



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