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Biden waives solar panel tariffs on Cambodia and three other Southeast Asian nations


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President Joe Biden on Monday invoked the Defense Production Act to spur U.S. solar panel manufacturing and exempted tariffs on solar panels from four Southeast Asian nations for two years as part of his push for clean energy, the White House said. The tariff waiver applies to panels from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam and will serve as a “bridge” while U.S. manufacturing ramps up, it said in a statement.


The U.S. Commerce Department launched a months-long investigation into whether imports of solar panels from these countries are circumventing tariffs on goods made in China.


The investigation essentially halted the flow of solar panels that make up more than half of U.S. supplies and 80 percent of imports. U.S. state governors, lawmakers, industry officials and environmentalists have expressed concern over the investigation, which could have led to retroactive tariffs of up to 250 percent.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501089478/biden-waives-solar-panel-tariffs-on-cambodia-and-three-other-southeast-asian-nations/



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