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3rd Army Commander Warns Northern Residents Against Political Propagandas

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3rd Army Commander warns Northern residents against political propagandas

The Third Army Area Commander warns residents in the North against misleading propagandas.

Third Army Area Commander Lt.Gen.Jiradet Khotcharat (จิรเดช คชรัตน์) says he is not concerned on the overall political situation in the Northern region, especially in Chiang Rai and Phayao provinces. He affirms that any chaotic incident will obstruct the general election scheduled to take place at the end of this year.

Lt.Gen.Jiradet adds that protestors against the government and the Council for National Security (CNS) in some areas have encouraged people to bring their identification card to sign a book to celebrate His Majesty the King’s 80th birthday anniversary. He says such action is deemed illegal. Lt.Gen.Jiradet said acts of signing in the name of HM the King can only be organized by government units.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 19 June 2007

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Call me a sin-ick, but isn't it 'sposed to be propaganda without the 's'.

Not 'propagandas'?

(Never mind the actual issue.)

Please reply in condenscending order...

signing in the name of HM the King can only be organized by government units.

We learn something every day. I always thought the King had to sign for the King... :D I must have missed one of those hundreds of NSC Announcements because the old constitution said that the King had to sign for the King.

This may be a bit of a trick question but does the king have to bring his identification card when he signs for himself or does it have to be organized by government units beforehand? :o

It must be the NNB using illiterate rural TRT peasants from the North to translate because I've talked to hilltribe kids with better English skills than this article.

It must be the NNB using illiterate rural TRT peasants from the North to translate because I've talked to hilltribe kids with better English skills than this article.


Don't blame me... I just get 'em and post 'em.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

It must be the NNB using illiterate rural TRT peasants from the North to translate because I've talked to hilltribe kids with better English skills than this article.


Don't blame me... I just get 'em and post 'em.

It's from Latin, hmm.....46 years since I studied any....plural would be propagandae?

Ah, it's always singular and has no plural form.



Only Bangkok is allowed to have an opinion. If the peasants outside the capital start forming opinions or worse, voting, then one of them may actually gain power. We all saw how long they put up with that. :o

Only Bangkok is allowed to have an opinion. If the peasants outside the capital start forming opinions or worse, voting, then one of them may actually gain power. We all saw how long they put up with that. :o

No, No, No, Vic... You are wrong. As there are only uneducated, misinformed and stupid rural peasant farmers living outside a radius of 25 KM of Bangkok's city center, thought of by Bangkokian as the exact center of the Universe. The non Bangkokian opinion is thus useless, stupid and irrelevant even if they all agree on their uninformed decision to vote for one of their own as they were just paid off and told by the village headmen, as none can think for themselves. After all how many farmers have those Bangkokians ever met while vacationing at Dusit Island taking in the culture of the North, absolutely none, so they must all be poor and stupid living in a hut on paddy land.

To appease the Bangkok people the CNS quickly lifted Martial Law something the rural poor did not have the opportunity to experience. The short term loser in all this is the rural poor who once again have their chair pulled out on them as the Bangkok minority stands there and laughs at them. The big loser is Thailand and the democracy movement it's been set back at least a decade.

The short term loser in all this is the rural poor who once again have their chair pulled out on them as the Bangkok minority stands there and laughs at them. The big loser is Thailand and the democracy movement it's been set back at least a decade.

wade through enough <deleted> and you'll always find some gems .

very well said .


The short term loser in all this is the rural poor who once again have their chair pulled out on them as the Bangkok minority stands there and laughs at them. The big loser is Thailand and the democracy movement it's been set back at least a decade.

wade through enough <deleted> and you'll always find some gems .

very well said .


Posting the same thing in the news clipping section will get you instantly swarmed by the Farang Junta there...LOL Seems there is a difference in the thought process between those living under martial Law and those that are not.

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