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Yep, well...few here mourn the passing of toxin (INCLDING ME). Most people in Thailand thought he was a sh+te but voted for him anyway because they thought the rest (e.g. Democrats) were 'the same'..



Hey Anand and Chaun Leek Pai - nice guys but di F+CK ALL for poor people (remember the 70% mentioned aboive




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Yes I have a different view ... but as you seem to have a problem with your CAPS lock ..... :o why bother!

Yes I have a different view ... but as you seem to have a problem with your CAPS lock ..... :o why bother!

PERHAPS - so let me turn it down for you.

Most of us would agree that TRT and Thaksin used populism lime (hey - access to schools and health care for all) as a ticket to election.

No one did f+ck all for these peope before

what's your answer to that? If you lived in Isaan what be your view now that all that has disappeared before your eyes (as in your right to vote for someone who will continue these policies?). Who do you vote for pal...any ideas??

Yes I have a different view ... but as you seem to have a problem with your CAPS lock ..... :o why bother!

PERHAPS - so let me turn it down for you.

Most of us would agree that TRT and Thaksin used populism lime (hey - access to schools and health care for all) as a ticket to election.

No one did f+ck all for these peope before

what's your answer to that? If you lived in Isaan what be your view now that all that has disappeared before your eyes (as in your right to vote for someone who will continue these policies?). Who do you vote for pal...any ideas??

I understand your point . But what you can do about all this . It is out of our hands . So just a little, relax.

Yes I have a different view ... but as you seem to have a problem with your CAPS lock ..... :o why bother!

PERHAPS - so let me turn it down for you.

Most of us would agree that TRT and Thaksin used populism lime (hey - access to schools and health care for all) as a ticket to election.

No one did f+ck all for these peope before

what's your answer to that? If you lived in Isaan what be your view now that all that has disappeared before your eyes (as in your right to vote for someone who will continue these policies?). Who do you vote for pal...any ideas??

LOL ... wow ... so much inaccuracy in such a short post!

Most of what you are claiming Thaksin did was already in the works ... he only got the credit for it in Isaan. He did manage to HUGELY increase personal debt and in the long run we will see more poor from Isaan crying to the government to undo the same things that Thaksin did!

I don't vote for anyone ..'pal' .. but the people in Isaan have the same rights to vote as before. There are 111 .. yes only 111 people they cannot vote for! Why can't they vote for them? Because those 111 were found guilty of being part of a political machine that subverted free and fair elections! So ... all those other behind the scenes TRT folks .. and the former MP's etc that were not barred (I would assume that you could count them in the 1000's) ARE eligible to run for elected office. They don't even have to start a new party! Just register with one of the MANY political parties already in existance and take it over.

The conversation would go like this

FormerTRT "we the former MP's and supportrs of TRT need to join your political party so we can run in the next elections"

Other Party "Oh, yeah? What is in it for me and my 7 friends?"

FTRT "We will carry your 8 guys as numbers 3,5,7,9,11,13,15 and 17 on the party list. We will bring in a budget and an office staff and an existing political machine that will generate not only $$$$$ but also votes!"

OP "Can't I and my friends be #'s 1-8?"

FTRT "NO. But you KNOW that we will carry more than 17 seats so you ALL will be elected! You will also get all the prestige of being highly ranked in the party list!. We will also reward your home constituencies in a BIG way .. which will give you even more prestige"

OP "Great! We have a deal!"

It is worth note that the "Other Party" does not even have to be in the North or the North East ... they just have to already exist .... and there are MANY "Other Parties" that exist right now.

So quit whining that some pretty vile people got busted for being what they are ... crooks. Instead .. look to the future!

Most of what you are claiming Thaksin did was already in the works ... he only got the credit for it in Isaan. He did manage to HUGELY increase personal debt and in the long run we will see more poor from Isaan crying to the government to undo the same things that Thaksin did!

I don't vote for anyone ..'pal' .. but the people in Isaan have the same rights to vote as before. There are 111 .. yes only 111 people they cannot vote for! Why can't they vote for them? Because those 111 were found guilty of being part of a political machine that subverted free and fair elections! So ... all those other behind the scenes TRT folks .. and the former MP's etc that were not barred (I would assume that you could count them in the 1000's) ARE eligible to run for elected office. They don't even have to start a new party! Just register with one of the MANY political parties already in existance and take it over.

The conversation would go like this

FormerTRT "we the former MP's and supportrs of TRT need to join your political party so we can run in the next elections"

Other Party "Oh, yeah? What is in it for me and my 7 friends?"

FTRT "We will carry your 8 guys as numbers 3,5,7,9,11,13,15 and 17 on the party list. We will bring in a budget and an office staff and an existing political machine that will generate not only $$$$$ but also votes!"

OP "Can't I and my friends be #'s 1-8?"

FTRT "NO. But you KNOW that we will carry more than 17 seats so you ALL will be elected! You will also get all the prestige of being highly ranked in the party list!. We will also reward your home constituencies in a BIG way .. which will give you even more prestige"

OP "Great! We have a deal!"

It is worth note that the "Other Party" does not even have to be in the North or the North East ... they just have to already exist .... and there are MANY "Other Parties" that exist right now.

So quit whining that some pretty vile people got busted for being what they are ... crooks. Instead .. look to the future!

Hmmm, it's the classic redirect, which you were crying foul of in other thread!!

Thaigene2 is wanting to know what party will help the poor people like Thaksin, while admitting distaste for Thaksin and probably the party in general.

You didn't even give a serious answer to the question.

Most of what you are claiming Thaksin did was already in the works ... he only got the credit for it in Isaan. He did manage to HUGELY increase personal debt and in the long run we will see more poor from Isaan crying to the government to undo the same things that Thaksin did!

I don't vote for anyone ..'pal' .. but the people in Isaan have the same rights to vote as before. There are 111 .. yes only 111 people they cannot vote for! Why can't they vote for them? Because those 111 were found guilty of being part of a political machine that subverted free and fair elections! So ... all those other behind the scenes TRT folks .. and the former MP's etc that were not barred (I would assume that you could count them in the 1000's) ARE eligible to run for elected office. They don't even have to start a new party! Just register with one of the MANY political parties already in existance and take it over.

The conversation would go like this

FormerTRT "we the former MP's and supportrs of TRT need to join your political party so we can run in the next elections"

Other Party "Oh, yeah? What is in it for me and my 7 friends?"

FTRT "We will carry your 8 guys as numbers 3,5,7,9,11,13,15 and 17 on the party list. We will bring in a budget and an office staff and an existing political machine that will generate not only $$$$$ but also votes!"

OP "Can't I and my friends be #'s 1-8?"

FTRT "NO. But you KNOW that we will carry more than 17 seats so you ALL will be elected! You will also get all the prestige of being highly ranked in the party list!. We will also reward your home constituencies in a BIG way .. which will give you even more prestige"

OP "Great! We have a deal!"

It is worth note that the "Other Party" does not even have to be in the North or the North East ... they just have to already exist .... and there are MANY "Other Parties" that exist right now.

So quit whining that some pretty vile people got busted for being what they are ... crooks. Instead .. look to the future!

Hmmm, it's the classic redirect, which you were crying foul of in other thread!!

Thaigene2 is wanting to know what party will help the poor people like Thaksin, while admitting distaste for Thaksin and probably the party in general.

You didn't even give a serious answer to the question.

No it is NOT a redirect. I answered directly. Thaigene's RANT (all caps) asked who they could vote for ... my answer was .. they can vote for most of TRT .. under a different party name AND in the upcoming elections. They do NOT get to vote for the 111 banned party executives. Unlike other people answering I even gave a VERY feasible scenario as to how that could happen with very little effort.

Yes I have a different view ... but as you seem to have a problem with your CAPS lock ..... :o why bother!

PERHAPS - so let me turn it down for you.

Most of us would agree that TRT and Thaksin used populism lime (hey - access to schools and health care for all) as a ticket to election.

No one did f+ck all for these peope before

what's your answer to that? If you lived in Isaan what be your view now that all that has disappeared before your eyes (as in your right to vote for someone who will continue these policies?). Who do you vote for pal...any ideas??

I understand your point . But what you can do about all this . It is out of our hands . So just a little, relax.

it was always out of "our hands" (unless you are a Thai cit.) But it is NOT out of the Thai people's hands at all!


We should all bow at jdinasia and his talent to give such great answers with very little effort.

You merely belittled the OP and gave some grandiose idea as to how they could vote for the TRT in a hypothetical situation which has not even happened yet. Perhaps it was kind of direct, but very general.

OP wants to know what existing party option there is, but I think OP fears there is none. Hence their discouragement.

We should all bow at jdinasia and his talent to give such great answers with very little effort.

You merely belittled the OP and gave some grandiose idea as to how they could vote for the TRT in a hypothetical situation which has not even happened yet. Perhaps it was kind of direct, but very general.

OP wants to know what existing party option there is, but I think OP fears there is none. Hence their discouragement.

TRT with that name is FINISHED for the next 6 months. (and with cause) There are MANY existing parties for whom to vote. What I gave was a simple, rational, legal way for TRT to be in the next elections.

Personally I am glad Thaksin and the execs are gone, that does not mean that I am happy about the current situation regarding political paries. I do wish there was time to set up a new party for them to run under using a chosen name .... )maybe TRTT --- Thai Rak Thai Taonan but I would rather see elections at the soonest possible date.

edit ... and no I did not belittle the OP nor did I give a grandiose idea ... it was practical and easily accomplished


Ok, fair enough. Either OP didn't want a real answer or was looking for alternatives to old TRT members as their leadership is gone and some of them will probably go to different, various parties as a few have already done. But either there are not good options or nobody has mentioned them yet.

Ok, fair enough. Either OP didn't want a real answer or was looking for alternatives to old TRT members as their leadership is gone and some of them will probably go to different, various parties as a few have already done. But either there are not good options or nobody has mentioned them yet.

But you were right about something ..... you SHOULD all :o bow to me for seeing such an easy legal and doable way for this to get done :D


If the Sept. 19th election (14-0) is seen by some as a cure for Thaksinism, this is a case where the cure is far worse than the disease.


Now where do get that figure from?

The way it worked in rural Thailand was the TRT representative or canvasser would come out to see the local moo bahn headman, offer more money to that person than the rival political party & the headman would instruct all eligable voters from that village which way to vote, with overseers at the polling station to ensure that this was carried out.

Now you may begin to understand why there was such an up-roar about poll booth positioning at the recent elections....

Do you call that voting by ones own free will?



Hey Anand and Chaun Leek Pai - nice guys but di F+CK ALL for poor people (remember the 70% mentioned aboive

1. Dr Atit of the Democrats introduced subsidised healthcare in the late 90s, I think it was about 75b for all treatments, but not all people were eligible, as the scheme was actually sustainable, and didn't involve setting up a scheme to allow the family of the health minister to sell substandard drugs to the hospitals at inflated prices with govt coffers picking up the tab

2. Name 1 thing that TRT did for education; I don't recall any major initiatives in this area; their foundation was 4 things (3 for upcountry): health care, TAMC (for BKK people to get the economy going while shifting all quality assets into TRT families), debt forgiveness for farmers (a std ploy as farmers for some reason keep growign things that don't make any money and getting into more debt) and 1 village 1m baht donation for a big party, er, 'local business'

3. Given debt levels upcountry (higher) and the influx of products from China that are undercutting the Thai farmers thanks to the one sided FTAs that TRT signed, you could say some farmers are worse off. The free trees, cows, buffalo etc - all bribes and yes, they help poor people with everyone from BKK paying for it. Rubber and commodity prices being high have nothing to do with TRT, just luck.

So I ask you...what do you think this guy did for the long term good of the rural poor other than bankrupt and corrupt a workable health care scheme?

Guess who I will vote for :-)

It's time to go quiet mate. Theyand their well-healed followers have won. Sad but true..that's the end of it. They won. Thaigene2 signs off here..

or perhaps not... as a half hour later...



Hey Anand and Chaun Leek Pai - nice guys but di F+CK ALL for poor people



other than bankrupt and corrupt a workable health care scheme?

Guess who I will vote for :-)

to anyone who has said that, and especially the Democrats I always ask this question...and still ask it....cos Ive not had even an attempt at an answer...

if the 30baht health care scheme will bankrupt the system (Im not arguing if it will or not...Im not smart enough to work that out...) BUT my question is...how do the democrats intend to manage a 0baht scheme (totally free)...since that is what they were counter-proposing after repeatedly telling us the 30baht scheme cannot work

other than bankrupt and corrupt a workable health care scheme?

Guess who I will vote for :-)

to anyone who has said that, and especially the Democrats I always ask this question...and still ask it....cos Ive not had even an attempt at an answer...

if the 30baht health care scheme will bankrupt the system (Im not arguing if it will or not...Im not smart enough to work that out...) BUT my question is...how do the democrats intend to manage a 0baht scheme (totally free)...since that is what they were counter-proposing after repeatedly telling us the 30baht scheme cannot work

The short answer is provide adequate funds for the scheme. I remember numerous reports (in the Thaksin era) of public hospitals and health care facilities having severe financial difficulties due to underfunding. This convinced me at the time that this was just a cynical populist vote-getter with no thought given to making the scheme viable. I hope the new plan is to provide adequate funding for a zero baht scheme. The downside is that such schemes can be a veritable black hole for money if it is abused (got a headache ? Go to the emergency room). Still it is a more worthy "mega project" than most of Thaksin's fantasies.


I too am glad Thaksin is gone.

I am happy to see the corrupt free,not power hungry, present government,making everything better for all.I am thrilled, when contemplating the benefits,of the well thought out policies and laws bestowed upon Thailand.I see only a shiny bright future,now that he is gone.

I too am glad Thaksin is gone.

I am happy to see the corrupt free,not power hungry, present government,making everything better for all.I am thrilled, when contemplating the benefits,of the well thought out policies and laws bestowed upon Thailand.I see only a shiny bright future,now that he is gone.

Could be worse. Afganistan or Zimbabwe, warlords, Ak-47's & fiefdoms!!! :o



Don't forget people get to vote for the constitution first.

There's an easy choice if you don't fancy the Democrats and Bangkok middle class back at the trough just yet.


New government can be formed by year-end, says PM

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont on Thursday voiced confidence in a possible move to bring forward the date of the general election November 25, enabling a new government to be formed by the end of this year.

Gen. Surayud said he believed the new government could be formed within 45 days of the election.

Should the election be set for November 25, he said, instead of late December, the new government could be established prior to the New Year holiday.

He said the move to bring forward the election by 20 days would not negatively affect the application procedures for establishing new political parties.

He had discussed the alternatives with the Election Commission and the Constitution Drafting Assembly and they shared a common view that there is ample time remaining to establish political parties.

The premier said he foresees the constitution draft being considered and approved by no later than July 6, after which a campaign to familiarise the public with the draft constitution, and study its merits, will take place.

Should the people validate the constitution by accepting it in the referendum, the general election

would be held as everyone expects, Gen. Surayud said.

Source: TNA - 21 June 2007

and chanchao ... I'd take the Demo's over Thaksin and TRT's wholesale rape of the country any day :o

would not negatively affect the application procedures for establishing new political parties.

agreed and your font colour is appropriate as it's a red herring .....

read it again , slowly .

would not negatively affect the application procedures for establishing new political parties.

agreed and your font colour is appropriate as it's a red herring .....

read it again , slowly .

lol ... done .. abd found this right below the red .....

He had discussed the alternatives with the Election Commission and the Constitution Drafting Assembly and they shared a common view that there is ample time remaining to establish political parties.
He had discussed the alternatives with the Election Commission and the Constitution Drafting Assembly and they shared a common view that there is ample time remaining to establish political parties.

gotta take your hat off to the fine men in office ,

given that we don't know the extent of that time, just that it's getting less daily ..................

He had discussed the alternatives with the Election Commission and the Constitution Drafting Assembly and they shared a common view that there is ample time remaining to establish political parties.

gotta take your hat off to the fine men in office ,

given that we don't know the extent of that time, just that it's getting less daily ..................

read it again ... slowly :o

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