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Notice sent out as floods hits Koh Kong


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The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology issued a notice warning that travellers should take caution while travelling through one of Koh Kong’s districts. The notice was sent out on the afternoon of 13 July by the Ministry to local news. The notice warned that people travelling through Preah Ang Keo village, Dong Peng commune, Sre Ambel district should avoid to take caution as the roads are inundated.


According to the notice, several days of continuous rainfall caused the village and rural roads flood. Koh Kong is one of the latest provinces to ban travel along its road due to flooding.


Preah Sihanouk and Kampong Speu have each banned travel along National Road 4 due to the floodwaters rushing onto the road. Preah Sihanouk, however, announced this morning that travel is now allowed in some areas of the road as flood water receded.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501112087/notice-sent-out-as-floods-hits-koh-kong/



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