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Non Immigrant B Or Tourist Visa

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Currently I've been staying here on tourist visas and 30 day entry stamps. I do not work in Thailand. I have steady stream of cash flow that supports me each month.

That being said I"m interested in getting a long term Visa. I already know about the tourist visas.

My question is in regard to the Non Immigrant B Visas. I met a falang on my last border run that informed me that he has a Non Immigrant B Visa without a work permit. He does work a little for that company that wrote him a recommendation letter but mostly just has the Visa for convenience. He told me and it seems from a bit of my reading here that a work permit is not required to obtain a Non Immigrant B Visa. He also told me that he has never had any problems when he has to leave and come back across the borders. Is this true for most of you?

The reason I ask is that I have a friend who has offered me a job here in Thailand. could they just write me a letter of recommendation to help me get the Non Immigrant B Visa? Will they get in trouble down the line or will I if I never end up working for their company? I'm really curious about this issue. Feel free to PM or post here.

Anyway, In about one month I'm probably heading off to either Kuala Lumpur or Singapore. What are my chances and what do you recommend applying for at either one of these two consulates?

If you do recommend tourist visa for my case do either of these consulates offer double entry TVs? I'm from the US if that helps.

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