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Proof Of Address

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If I want to buy a vehicle in LOS I need a proof of address from immi or my embassy. As I live in Isaan coming to BKK is a bit of a haul just to go to the embassy so is it just a case of buzzing up to Nong Khai office with my landlady and her stating that I live in her house or does she have to take rental agreements or suchlike?

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a letter confirming your address in Thailand issued by your local immigration office or your embassy/consulate is an absolute must (this letter is also required to obtain Thai driving license)! nothing less will do.

try to e-mail your embassy and ask if it can be done by mail.


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If I want to buy a vehicle in LOS I need a proof of address from immi or my embassy. As I live in Isaan coming to BKK is a bit of a haul just to go to the embassy so is it just a case of buzzing up to Nong Khai office with my landlady and her stating that I live in her house or does she have to take rental agreements or suchlike?

Spoil us. What is your nationality and location in Thailand. These thing help us to figure your situation a bit.

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As posted in other threads, remember that your Embassy

will charge some 1-2000B while immigration will do it

for a nominal fee.

Thaivisa veterans ........ true ??

When I first applied for my Thai drivers license I asked Immigration (the office where one goes for the 90 day reporting) about this and they said a police officier would need to come to my place in Sathon district to check whether I actually live there. Estimated time frame: 6 months

Upon confronted with this a long desperte howl from myself and my announcement that I better give it then a try at the German embassy which the officier confirmed would be undoubtedly the better solution.

So I went, filled in a form, paid the equivalent 25 Euros and had the piece of paper after about 15 minutes in my hands and 24 hours later was the proud owner of my first Thai drivers license. Well, the investment was worth it and actually who really gets a kick out off having someone in khaki knock at your door even if it is expectedly in friendly intention. :o

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As posted in other threads, remember that your Embassy

will charge some 1-2000B while immigration will do it

for a nominal fee.

Thaivisa veterans  ........  true ??

Before my recent abortive attempt at getting a Thai driving license, I did go to Phuket Immigration to get an "Address Certificate". This was, in fact, the bottom of a TM47 90-day report form. It had the usual big red stamp, my address, a "non-imm" stamp and a date stamp of my extension renewel date next year. But it did not have the "Please keep this paper with your passport" stamp. So I guess it will do as proof of address when I try again to get my license.

But the reason I am posting this is that I, too, thought this service was free. But after he had looked at all my papers and finished writing on the "Receipt of Notification" slip, he said something very quietly and I thought for a second that he had said "Tip, up to you" :D So I said "Pardon me, what did you say?". And he said quite clearly "Tip, up to you". I was gob-smacked! Here was a public official doing the job for which he was paid and asking me to give him a tip! Naturally, I did exactly as he asked :D .

So "yes" it is true that Immigration will do it for "free", but tea-money is expected. :D Hey! TIT! :D:wub::o

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The proof of residency cert, is free at immigration office in Nong Khai. No tip required. Hard to believe, but true!

I believe you, I believe you! I get the impression it's only in the bigger cities and tourist areas where asking for "tips", "tea money", "bribes" or whatever you want to call it, is rife. I do believe that in the sleepy towns up country, you get a better service. This may be because the officers have not (yet) got peed off with badly behaved farangs - because there aren't so many and/or they behave themselves better. Lets face it, look at any group of farangs outside Nana Plaza or Bangla Road at 2 am - if I was a Thai immigration officer I know how I'd treat the next farang wanting anything from me!! :o

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If I want to buy a vehicle in LOS I need a proof of address from immi or my embassy. As I live in Isaan coming to BKK is a bit of a haul just to go to the embassy so is it just a case of buzzing up to Nong Khai  office with my landlady and her stating that I live in her house or does she have to take rental agreements or suchlike?

Spoil us. What is your nationality and location in Thailand. These thing help us to figure your situation a bit.

I'm British in Mahaslakham province. :o

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I wonder that nobody spoke about the,for me,normal way of certifyng my address:the Tambien Ban,made by the local Amphur office;it wasn't easy,had to bring a lot of papers,had to pay tea money too,but I bought the car in my name,the insurance is in my name too,and next i'll change my International driver licence for a Thai one.In the long term I believe it's better!

Abdulrahman :o

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If Nong Khai is your local office, that is where you should be report every 90 days.

Has your landlady reported your presence as well?

No rental agreement is needed for that.

Once both of these have done, asking for a letter to confirm you address should be no problem.

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Interesting subject which again highlights the different rules at every immigration office.

My personal experience includes Mai Sai ( falang cannot have a Thai driving license) and Nan ( you don't need proof of address)

I suggest you avoid these two places and try your luck in Nong Khai.

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As you rent a property you will need the Tabian Baan of your landlord/lady and I also took a copy of the rental agreement to show them. You can get proof of address from your local immigration office and the Nong Khai office actually typed me a letter on the spot to give to the Driving Licence Centre stating my address.

Oddly enough, this wasn't enough for the people in the Driving Centre and they too wanted to see the landlady's Tabian Baan, even though the form just says proof of address from Immigration.

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I suspect that there are no rules at all and that all Immigration Officers are at liberty to invent what they like. When I went for the immigration 'proof of address' for my driving license I walked in to the Immigration Office asked for it and the guy just filled in a form, took 2 photocopies of 2 separate pages of my passport and that was it. I got the A4 sheet which the license authority want and the small slip. He slipped a piece of grubby paper over the counter with 200B written on it. I took the paper thanked him with a smile and left. Just another stupid farang. (I doubt he will remember me as I have 5 year license).

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