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Tiger reintroduction remains Cambodia’s long-term conservation goal

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Tiger reintroduction in Cambodia remains a long-term conservation goal for the Royal Government, the Ministry of Environment (MoE), WWF-Cambodia and partners. It is important for Cambodia to reintroduce tigers in the forests they once inhabited in, which is the eastern plain landscape, said WWF-Cambodia in statement released today on the occasion of International Tiger Day (July 29).


The effort will involve recovering tiger’s prey base and creating favorable conditions for a reintroduction of the ‘big cat’ in the future, it added. In Cambodia, the last Tiger was photographed by camera trap in 2007 in Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary of Mondulkiri province, the same source pointed out, continuing that in 2016, wildlife scientists declared the big cat is functionally extinct in the Kingdom.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501122339/tiger-reintroduction-remains-cambodias-long-term-conservation-goal/



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