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My wife has had a strong headache for the past two days, Joint pain, nausea, fever off and on up to 102 degrees, or 39 c

Chills when the room is very warm. Getting her to go to the hospital will be almost literally kicking and screaming. She has had the flu before with night chills and pain in the joints. But more paranoid now with the rain and all. Does this sound like Dengue fever. She had it once before as a child, I thought this gave a natural defense against getting it again.

How long do I wait before dragging her against her will to the hospital? :o


That certainly sound like Dengue. I can describe my symptoms as starting with a headache, aching all over and finally settling in the joints then the fever, sweating one minute and freezing and shaking the next.

DON'T allow her to take any aspirin or anything else that will possibly thin the blood. Dehydration is also a big danger.

ADDED - Unfortunately you develop NO immunity after you have had it.


actually isn't it that if you get it a second time it can be much more dangerous?


Gary, you are contradicting what I have read before about Dengue, I'm sure I read that once you have contracted Dengue (that specific strain), you are then immune (for that particular strain), but there is 3 or 4 main strains, with various sub-strains? And that each time you get a new strain, the symptoms do seem to get worse.

I will have to search this again now, I'm confused.

Thought so, try this LINK

Gary, you are contradicting what I have read before about Dengue, I'm sure I read that once you have contracted Dengue (that specific strain), you are then immune (for that particular strain), but there is 3 or 4 main strains, with various sub-strains? And that each time you get a new strain, the symptoms do seem to get worse.

I will have to search this again now, I'm confused.

Thought so, try this LINK

I'm certainly not an expert and only repeated what my doctor told me. I asked him specifically if I could catch it again and he told me that you develop no immunity to Dengue. He said nothing about different strains and nothing about it being worse the next time.


I'm certainly not an expert and only repeated what my doctor told me. I asked him specifically if I could catch it again and he told me that you develop no immunity to Dengue. He said nothing about different strains and nothing about it being worse the next time.

What are the best ways of preventing Dengue ?

:o Wiley Coyote


It's a repellent called Deet. The only prevention is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes


Getting back to the original question; if your wife is still exhibiting the same symptons and you haven't already dragged her to the hospital, do so right away. I'm no expert, but from what I've read and heard about Dengue it can be fatal and if she has it she doesn't want to tough it out at home. If she decides to leave you for trying to save her life, then the relationship probably wasn't going to last.


Dengue hemorrhagic fever is the one that can be fatal.Most important thing is to relieve temperature and having PLENTY of fluids

swain, it also could be one of a few other diseases.See a doctor pronto.


Chiang Mai currently has an outbreak of Dengue, so I would definitely take your wife to the hospital right away.

Only today I visited a friend who is in hospital and being treated for dengue fever.

Prevention measures is to

1. Try to block mosquitoes from entering your house (seal off all passages)

2. Stop mosquitoes from breeding in the vicinity (if there is still water in the vicinity of where you live, I am told there is a certain type of powder you can drop in it to kill off the larvae)

3. Wear light-coloured, long sleeved clothing, and do not use strong deodorants, perfume etc. If you are outside where there are many mosquitoes, as was said above, use a repellent with DEET to avoid getting bitten.


This little bugger is the carrier of dengue.

The Thai word for dengue fever is khai[F] luead[F] awk[L] ไข้เลือดออก


All good advice above....... Swain, can you give us an update? Is all OK? :o

Swain, I know alot of us are stupid at times, but then again, at times like this we are there, if you need us just ask mate, I for one will drop everything to help if I can.

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