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So i'm not exactly pulling my hair out about this, to be honest I'm just painfully bored and this is a good way to eat up a few minutes. So opinions please.

I met a Thai girl in Chiang Mai some 6 months ago. We got on really well and all that, spent about 6 weeks together just messing around, pretty much. All through that time i was very doubtful about the whole thing, I was pretty sure she was just your typical gold digging Thai chick. But she never asked for any money - although she did once mention that her 'friend' was in prison and needed some money to get out, but that was only 2 days after we met, and she never actually asked me directly and only mentioned it very briefly once - she never asked for money and was in fact quite a generous person, she would buy me food in the mornings and let me stay in her apartment free of charge etc etc. But still I remained doubtful, she was surely just playing the long-term game.

After a few weeks her birthday rolls home and i decide to conduct an experiment (by now i'm getting hooked on this lady - at one point i decided i would go and chill in the south for a while but found myself missing her somewhat so i returned to the north within about 10 days). Surely today of all days would be the day i would give her some money, and if i don't surely now she'll realise i'm not going to give her anything and she'll tell me to go sling my hook (or words to that effect - maybe 'you go home now, back your room, no more many free boom boom you'). So i didn't give her anything. Infact, as it happens, on the night of her party i recieved some bad news and found myself alone drinking myself into oblivion (a situation i'm sure many TV'ers can sympathise with), i finally rocked up to her party at about 2am smashed. No presents, no cards, just me, completely smashed. So did she seem to mind? Not at all, she was annoyed, thats for sure, but she was only annoyed because i hadn't turned up. She didn't seem to care about the lack of gifts.

A few more weeks of chilling together passes by in a second and before i know it i'm on a plane to New Zealand, this time missing this chick with some intensity. But still, she's blatantly a gold digger, surely? I decided to give it a few weeks of ignoring her phone calls and then surely if she's a faker, she'll give up. She left loads of messages pleading with me to call her and eventually i caved in and rang, had a nice chat and she seemed very pleased to hear from me. Now as i'm sure is normal in long distance thingys the time between phone calls began to grow. I never rang her but she would ring me. It had been about 12 weeks and although she was still a daily fixture in my thought schedule she had been pushed back to the status of 'oh yeah, those were the days', and i was now pretty sure i had been forgotten about at her end and that would be the end of the matter.

Until just now, when i see a voicemail has been left on my phone.

Yeah, you guessed it, its TGF. Asking why i haven't rang and that she wants to talk to me and all this and all that. So to reach the conclusion of this rather long winded scene setting story, i would like to pose the question:

Is she for real?

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There are plenty of girls who like to enjoy a bit of casual until they find a sponsor, or at the same time as having more serious long-term bfs abroad. You didn't tell us about her background or job. A friend in prison sounds ominous though.

Enjoy it, maybe see her again, but from the info provided I wouldn't expect her to be gf material.


I think the real question is, are you for real? You've behaved like a right selfish prick. If you can't see that, shame on you.

(or words to that effect - maybe 'you go home now, back your room, no more many free boom boom you').

think this sums things up.

anyways if your so worried about (not) paying her money, and you havent, then why worry?

what are you worried about ?

I think the real question is, are you for real? You've behaved like a right selfish prick. If you can't see that, shame on you.

Yeah i can see that, poor form on my part i know, but my stance was distant to avoid getting caught out.

CarBkk - she worked as a waitress in a restaurant. She's now at some college learning to be a cook. If she just saw it as a bit of casual, why would she ring now, after all this time? She doesn't even know if i ever plan on returning. The friend in prison was a one-off i think. I don't know why she mentioned it to be honest, i asked her why he was in prison and she replied 'for beating up farangs'... I just replied 'errrm... ok'. But i met most of her friends and they were what i would describe as good people. Maybe i should just call her back, and hope to god she doesn't say she's pregnant :o

what are you worried about ?

I'm just trying to decide if this girl is worth 'serious' consideration. If she wasn't Thai, then yes definately. But she is, so...

So i'm not exactly pulling my hair out about this, to be honest I'm just painfully bored and this is a good way to eat up a few minutes. So opinions please.

I met a Thai girl in Chiang Mai some 6 months ago. We got on really well and all that, spent about 6 weeks together just messing around, pretty much. All through that time i was very doubtful about the whole thing, I was pretty sure she was just your typical gold digging Thai chick. But she never asked for any money - although she did once mention that her 'friend' was in prison and needed some money to get out, but that was only 2 days after we met, and she never actually asked me directly and only mentioned it very briefly once - she never asked for money and was in fact quite a generous person, she would buy me food in the mornings and let me stay in her apartment free of charge etc etc. But still I remained doubtful, she was surely just playing the long-term game.

After a few weeks her birthday rolls home and i decide to conduct an experiment (by now i'm getting hooked on this lady - at one point i decided i would go and chill in the south for a while but found myself missing her somewhat so i returned to the north within about 10 days). Surely today of all days would be the day i would give her some money, and if i don't surely now she'll realise i'm not going to give her anything and she'll tell me to go sling my hook (or words to that effect - maybe 'you go home now, back your room, no more many free boom boom you'). So i didn't give her anything. Infact, as it happens, on the night of her party i recieved some bad news and found myself alone drinking myself into oblivion (a situation i'm sure many TV'ers can sympathise with), i finally rocked up to her party at about 2am smashed. No presents, no cards, just me, completely smashed. So did she seem to mind? Not at all, she was annoyed, thats for sure, but she was only annoyed because i hadn't turned up. She didn't seem to care about the lack of gifts.

A few more weeks of chilling together passes by in a second and before i know it i'm on a plane to New Zealand, this time missing this chick with some intensity. But still, she's blatantly a gold digger, surely? I decided to give it a few weeks of ignoring her phone calls and then surely if she's a faker, she'll give up. She left loads of messages pleading with me to call her and eventually i caved in and rang, had a nice chat and she seemed very pleased to hear from me. Now as i'm sure is normal in long distance thingys the time between phone calls began to grow. I never rang her but she would ring me. It had been about 12 weeks and although she was still a daily fixture in my thought schedule she had been pushed back to the status of 'oh yeah, those were the days', and i was now pretty sure i had been forgotten about at her end and that would be the end of the matter.

Until just now, when i see a voicemail has been left on my phone.

Yeah, you guessed it, its TGF. Asking why i haven't rang and that she wants to talk to me and all this and all that. So to reach the conclusion of this rather long winded scene setting story, i would like to pose the question:

Is she for real?


You have not provided enough information about your lady for us anyone to make a half sensible comment. For example does she work! how does she support herself? does she rent or own her home.

In thailand you will be aware these are very important topics. She sounds as if she is 'provided' for already and is engaging in a little side bet to see if something better comes up. No need to press for money etc etc. I think a NZ passport would trump any cold northern offers on her table. Thais like card games- I wonder why.

Of course this could all be wrong, but you have started it going and got us thinking and talking.

But to help you come to a decision I have to agree with you and say you are in 'play' as it were and YOU are expected to deliver. You will be given some time to do this however. Its all too clever by half and to smooth. Do you know what she did and with whom last year ? ask her and do it now - the answer may be interesting - Not




I agree with the poster who said you were a "right prick."

She's acted like any other person would who was visited by a rich guy from a foreign country, who treated her like crap, but who might eventually think about being her long-term 'sponsor.' She's tried not to offend you even though you showed up late for her birthday party drunk. And she's continued to keep in touch. So .. she's an interested Thai woman.

Why should she take a vow of poverty just to date a foreigner? :o


Better not to ask about last year.

If you can both start with a clean slate - do it.

If you never offer any trust, you'll never learn if it's misplaced.

If that's too tall an order for you, drop her now and find someone you can trust.

I'm just trying to decide if this girl is worth 'serious' consideration. If she wasn't Thai, then yes definately. But she is, so...

I think you'd better clarify or rephrase that.

I also think given the information you've provided so far it's most likely that she's too good for you.


You should come back to Chiangmai. And not thinking to many about if she is for real or not .

We 'farang ' are very popular not only with bargirls ,which she is'nt ,so what are the worries about .

You should think about how your life would look like if you get serious with her .Or take her to New Sealand ,is not a bad place to stay either . I mean when having a girlfriend in the home country or elsewhere it is always shaky at the start , but allright I understand some doubts . Not necessarily means ths girl is like that ,if not it is something to be ashamed about after .A normal thailady does not think or understand why we look at things so complicated ,in my experience . Just having fun and maybe more , the tgf got some financial worries less ,not means she cannot take care of herself , believe me if she is decent it will upset her (different things come up staying with tgf ) . Who knows you will discover ,the choice is up to you . Give her a call and things go automatically .

I decided to give it a few weeks of ignoring her phone calls and then surely if she's a faker, she'll give up.

Playing mind games with a Thai woman...... LOL

You're going to get mauled.

I was pretty sure she was just your typical gold digging Thai chick.

I read until about there .... then tuned it out .... must be a lot of bored folks in farang land today

I decided to give it a few weeks of ignoring her phone calls and then surely if she's a faker, she'll give up.

Playing mind games with a Thai woman...... LOL

You're going to get mauled.

Inhaled, chewed upon & then disposed.




If this girl was someone i knew and she told me her story regarding you, then i would say this guy is a total prick.  Seems whatever, all you were interested in was you. If she did need a bit of assistance then you didnt think to enquire.

I think the real question is, are you for real? You've behaved like a right selfish prick. If you can't see that, shame on you.

:o That was just what I was thinking :D


post GW i believe that Guantanamo Bay will be privatised and made available solely to farang in Thailand with cash in hand.

Simply send suspect girlfriend there for 3 months of interrogation.

webcam is available to monitor the progress.

full reports , free of double-speak, fedexed to you on conclusion.


Considering the lack of respect you show her (and Thai women in general) I would advise her to look for someone more worthy. What's her email?


vic, thanks for that.

to the OP....I feel sorry for you...someone who has to go through life with such paranoia

...and to project your fear and insecurity as insult against thai women.....

.......blah...forget it you aint worth my time :o

Considering the lack of respect you show her (and Thai women in general) I would advise her to look for someone more worthy. What's her email?

I know what you are thinking about ...................... :o


Forget her, one day you might find yourself in the terrible position that you have to give her 10 baht, and then what, all your hopes and dreams down the drain :o


Sounds like a quality lady - as long as you keep your eyes open I think you should continue said relationship. However she might be better off since you've acted like a complete wank*r up to now.

Forget her, one day you might find yourself in the terrible position that you have to give her 10 baht, and then what, all your hopes and dreams down the drain :o


friend in jail.. interesting..

Friend in jail for rolling farangs. Hopefully he will get out in time to tune up the OP.

P.S. For Bendix: Did you know that I have a Thai ladyboy? Just wanted to check to make sure you knew.

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