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Prescribing DR. needed…..CBD oil for fibromyalgia…..?


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Does anyone have knowledge of this issue. My partner has unexplainable pain in multiple parts of the body …

It’s been going on for years.  A diagnosis has been elusive.  As an almost last resort we thought we might give the CBD oil a trial for a month or so.

Can anyone recommend a Dr or a clinic we can go to…..with the location…?

Much appreciated…


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2 hours ago, Simple Jack said:

You can buy oil from online shops now.


If all other medications have failed. I'd give it a go. Really helps with my bad back.  And i'm no longer semi addicted to opiates. It's a wonder drug.

Good advice.

   If the doctor is only writing the script, then eliminate him and order it yourself.

   But if he is providing some other useful treatment then you might want to stay with him.

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I'd buy the official Thai govt. CBD if buying here....no QC control on these mystery brand tinctures...extraction is by chemical methods unless its "organic CBD cold-pressed"... *but is it really ?*


2 offshore brands I use :-

Access CBD (economy CBD Isolate) combined with CBD Bros blue or purple (Premium Full Spectrum CBD).


I finally decided not to start smoking again with CBD weed avail. now...just sticking to tinctures.

Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 8.27.02 AM.jpg

Edited by freedomnow
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/28/2022 at 8:01 PM, AsianAtHeart said:

Most doctors are unaware of the likely true cause of fibromyalgia.  They know some of the basics, but not the original cause, and end up trying to treat the symptoms.  However, the problem is of such a nature as makes even this quite difficult, as you must already know.


What you need to research is "mercury toxicity."  I'm sure you know that fibromyalgia affects the nervous system.  Google "University of Calgary mercury video" and watch the 5-minute youtube clip.  It shows exactly what mercury does to nerves.  Once you know the harmful effects of mercury, then consider possible sources of this toxin that your wife may have been exposed to.  There are many possibilities, ranging from medical treatments like vaccines and tooth fillings, to simple household items like fluorescent/CFL bulbs.  Certain foods are known to be high in mercury, such as fish and seafoods and corn syrup.  Next, once you understand the potential causes, you can look for possible cures.  Mercury stays in the body for a long time, being fat-soluble and attracted to fatty tissues, including nerves which are usually surrounded by the myelin sheath, a group of fatty cells.  It is estimated that, once in the body, it will take forty years or more for half of it to exit the body via natural processes.  The only known way to accelerate this process is via chelation treatments.  Look for a doctor who can do "chelation therapy."  Unfortunately, here in Thailand, these doctors are hard to find, and some that do this treatment are associated with body-enhancing surgeries (facials, gender reassignments, breast enhancements, etc.).  In America and elsewhere, chelations are usually performed by toxicologists, which can be located through the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) website.  They used to list about four toxicologists in Thailand, but they no longer have Thailand in their list.


Once you find a certified toxicologist, you can ask to have testing done to determine what the body's toxic burden is.  For mercury, a "quick" test can be done that takes only about six hours to get results called a "provocative urine test."  This involves taking a chelator, perhaps via IV, then collecting the urine a few hours later and analyzing it for the presence of mercury.  Another test that a skilled toxicologist may be able to read is that of a "hair mineral analysis" (HMA) test.  The doctor will need to be experienced to read this correctly because mercury does not show up in hair much (because it isn't hydrophilic), but it can affect the pattern of other minerals which do show up.  So even though the HMA lab report may not indicate elevated levels of mercury, seeing the other elements in the list can clue in the doctor who has experience reading the reports.  A more recent form of testing involves reading the skin at several points in the hand with a special laser that basically does a chromatographic scan to determine which minerals/elements are present.  This test is done with the help of a computer and sent over the internet to a supercomputer in Switzerland for analysis.  The doctor pays a fee to the Swiss company for each test run, but will charge the patient even more than this to cover those fees.  The advantage of this skin scan is that the results come back almost instantly, and I am told it is quite accurate. 


Sorry this was so long, but I really sympathize with those who have conditions like this which doctors seem unable to help.  Nor are my answers going to bring you an easy or quick cure--but I hope it will give you some peace in having a truer understanding of the situation.


Here's a link which you may find useful to back up some of what I've said...but you'll want to pursue the information trail much deeper than any single website will yield.



Greatly appreciated ….wonderful detailed reply.

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On 8/29/2022 at 8:28 AM, freedomnow said:

I'd buy the official Thai govt. CBD if buying here....no QC control on these mystery brand tinctures...extraction is by chemical methods unless its "organic CBD cold-pressed"... *but is it really ?*


2 offshore brands I use :-

Access CBD (economy CBD Isolate) combined with CBD Bros blue or purple (Premium Full Spectrum CBD).


I finally decided not to start smoking again with CBD weed avail. now...just sticking to tinctures.

Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 8.27.02 AM.jpg

Thanks greatly…..where do you buy the official government tincture….?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/29/2022 at 5:48 AM, freedomnow said:

Not as far as I'm aware - though these new coming soon V2 cannabis gazette rules may have implications for CBD as well as THC.


There CAN be problems shipping CBD to LoS and I think carry-on will be only legal exception soon enough.

Someone I know working in the Thai medical field was told no, you cannot buy from abroad and ship to LoS legally..though I thought that rule was coming in the new law amendments and it was a free-for-all just now.


Don't want competiition to home grown, do they ?

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On 8/28/2022 at 8:01 PM, AsianAtHeart said:

Most doctors are unaware of the likely true cause of fibromyalgia.  They know some of the basics, but not the original cause, and end up trying to treat the symptoms.  However, the problem is of such a nature as makes even this quite difficult, as you must already know.


What you need to research is "mercury toxicity."  I'm sure you know that fibromyalgia affects the nervous system.  Google "University of Calgary mercury video" and watch the 5-minute youtube clip.  It shows exactly what mercury does to nerves.  Once you know the harmful effects of mercury, then consider possible sources of this toxin that your wife may have been exposed to.  There are many possibilities, ranging from medical treatments like vaccines and tooth fillings, to simple household items like fluorescent/CFL bulbs.  Certain foods are known to be high in mercury, such as fish and seafoods and corn syrup.  Next, once you understand the potential causes, you can look for possible cures.  Mercury stays in the body for a long time, being fat-soluble and attracted to fatty tissues, including nerves which are usually surrounded by the myelin sheath, a group of fatty cells.  It is estimated that, once in the body, it will take forty years or more for half of it to exit the body via natural processes.  The only known way to accelerate this process is via chelation treatments.  Look for a doctor who can do "chelation therapy."  Unfortunately, here in Thailand, these doctors are hard to find, and some that do this treatment are associated with body-enhancing surgeries (facials, gender reassignments, breast enhancements, etc.).  In America and elsewhere, chelations are usually performed by toxicologists, which can be located through the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) website.  They used to list about four toxicologists in Thailand, but they no longer have Thailand in their list.


Once you find a certified toxicologist, you can ask to have testing done to determine what the body's toxic burden is.  For mercury, a "quick" test can be done that takes only about six hours to get results called a "provocative urine test."  This involves taking a chelator, perhaps via IV, then collecting the urine a few hours later and analyzing it for the presence of mercury.  Another test that a skilled toxicologist may be able to read is that of a "hair mineral analysis" (HMA) test.  The doctor will need to be experienced to read this correctly because mercury does not show up in hair much (because it isn't hydrophilic), but it can affect the pattern of other minerals which do show up.  So even though the HMA lab report may not indicate elevated levels of mercury, seeing the other elements in the list can clue in the doctor who has experience reading the reports.  A more recent form of testing involves reading the skin at several points in the hand with a special laser that basically does a chromatographic scan to determine which minerals/elements are present.  This test is done with the help of a computer and sent over the internet to a supercomputer in Switzerland for analysis.  The doctor pays a fee to the Swiss company for each test run, but will charge the patient even more than this to cover those fees.  The advantage of this skin scan is that the results come back almost instantly, and I am told it is quite accurate. 


Sorry this was so long, but I really sympathize with those who have conditions like this which doctors seem unable to help.  Nor are my answers going to bring you an easy or quick cure--but I hope it will give you some peace in having a truer understanding of the situation.


Here's a link which you may find useful to back up some of what I've said...but you'll want to pursue the information trail much deeper than any single website will yield.



Dont usually get people replying with such in depth knowledge-well done????

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