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PM quashes rumours over sibling rivalry for country’s top job

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Prime Minister Hun Sen claims that lawmaker Hun Many has no ambition to take over the post of Prime Minister from his brother Lieutenant General Hun Manet, and that they have no dispute over the future leadership of the ruling party. The claim comes after some political analysts said that the sons of Mr Hun Sen, Hun Many and Lt Gen Hun Manet, are feuding over who will succeed their father as prime minister.


Exiled political analyst Kim Sok told The Cambodia Daily on Tuesday that the announcement of Lt Gen Hun Manet’s book could indicate that both Lt Gen Hun Manet and Hun Many are vying for the transfer of power from his father.


Sok added: “Such an open confrontation may show that Hun Many has not dropped his rivalry with Hun Manet for the position of Prime Minister, and this is a big obstacle for Mr Hun Sen because if they both continue to compete for the position, it will lead to a serious internal crisis for the Hun family.”


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501142571/pm-quashes-rumours-over-sibling-rivalry-for-countrys-top-job/



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